Jewish Labour Bund

Five Years in the Warsaw Ghetto - Bernard Goldstein

Jewish fighters captured in the aftermath of the Warsaw ghetto uprising, 1943.

Memoirs of life in the Warsaw ghetto from Bernard Goldstein, leader of the Jewish Labour Bund, recounting his underground activities in Nazi-occupied Warsaw such as how he (and the rest of his group) smuggled food, clothing and, eventually, arms into the Jewish ghetto in preparation for one of the most significant anti-Nazi uprisings during World War Two.

The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - Marek Edelman

Jewish fighters captured during the Warsaw ghetto uprising, 1943.

First-hand account of the 1943 Warsaw ghetto uprising, and the increasingly inhumane living conditions imposed on the ghetto by the Nazis in the years leading up to it, told by Marek Edelman, member of the socialist Jewish Labour Bund and co-founder of the Polish anti-Nazi resistance group, the Jewish Combat Organization (ŻOB).

Galeria: Rady Delegatów Robotniczych w Polsce


Rady Delegatów Robotniczych zaczęły powstawać w Polsce w 1918 r. Niektóre zostały szybko zneutralizowane przez nurty reformistyczne, inne utworzyły swoją własną milicję, Czerwoną Gwardię i otwarcie kwestionowały tworzące się państwo polskie. W ich strukturach działały przeróżne radykalne nurty polityczne, walczące o wpływy między sobą. Wśród nich była Socjaldemokracja Królestwa Polskiego i Litwy (SDKPiL), Polska Partia Socjalistyczna (PPS), PPS-Lewica, Komunistyczna Partia Robotnicza Polski (KPRP), czy Bund. Poniższa galeria to zbiór ulotek, odezw i zdjęć z tego okresu.

'To the proletariat of Poland!' – joint proclamation of the SDKPiL, PPS-Left and the Bund from August 1914


On the eve of the First World War, the Social Democracy of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania, the Polish Socialist Party – Left, and the Bund produced the following statement upholding internationalist principles. Written very much in the language of the period, the proclamation opposed the war on all sides, advocated independent revolutionary action of the proletariat, and stood in solidarity with the movements in Russia and the rest of Europe.

The case of the General Union of the Jewish Workers of Russia, Poland and Lithuania

A left communist look at the Jewish Labour Bund.