Gilles Dauvé

Dauvé versus Marx

Juvenile convicts at work in the fields, 1905.

In critiquing Silvia Federici's Caliban and the Witch Gilles Dauvé highlights limitations in his own conception of the creation of the proletariat internationally, and his understanding of Marx’s work on slavery. These limitations are not unique to Dauvé, but as someone libcom cites as an influence, especially due to his insistence on the proletariat as a negative rather than positive category, and who has been influential on the communisation tendency generally, we should expect better.

The role of the left in the rise of far-right populism

If Trump exemplifies the use of scapegoats by the far right for the destruction of the country by the pursuit of privilege, then Hilary Clinton exemplifies the use of scapegoats by what passes for the left for the selling out of principle on much the same grounds, a habit with many similar examples in more radical spheres.

John Gray - Introduction to The Question of the State

Anonymously published introduction on the now-defunct John Gray website, this is written as an introduction to La Guerre Sociale's 'The Question of the State', discussing the history of the article and its relation to the Faurisson affair where some French ultra-left groups including La Guerre Sociale supported Robert Faurisson's negationism (holocaust revisionism).

Get rid of work - Gilles Dauvé

A slightly modified chapter 3 of the book From Crisis to Communization, published in 2017 by Editions Entremonde.

En este mundo, pero no de este mundo – Gilles Dauvé

Artículo de Gilles Duavé en el que retoma los aspectos básicos de la revolución comunista en la perspectiva de la realidad presente: la del fin de los llamados "socialismos reales" como la debacle ambiental y su contestación ecológica, entre otros.

Quando as insurreições morrem – Gilles Dauvé

Influente texto sobre a história das revoluções e contrarrevoluções que aconteceram na primeira metade do século XX, especialmente o período de 1917 até 1937, abrangendo as insurreições do trabalhadores na Itália, na Alemanha, na Rússia e na Espanha, a relação entre a derrota dessas insurreições e o crescimento da social-democracia, da democracia, do fascismo e do nazismo e a maneira como o Estado se converte em democracia e ditadura conforme as necessidades do capital.

Everything must go!: The abolition of value - Bruno Astarian and Gilles Dauvé

This book is about a revolution (i.e. a historical break, not gradual peaceful evolution) that creates communism – not its preconditions.

Capitalism and communism - Gilles Dauvé

Communism in action: striking Renault workers in 1968

Excellent text from Gilles Dauvé outlining the development of capitalism, and communism as the real movement in everyday life which tends towards the abolition of wage labour.

The Question of the State – La Guerre Sociale

This article from La Guerre Sociale No.2, March '78, was based on one written by Dauvé, who did not wish to become directly involved with LGS, but offered two texts for possible inclusion and said they could do as they wished with the texts. It was rewritten without Dauvé's participation – "completed, drastically cut and profoundly corrected and revised" according to LGS, but they also stated about 70% of the result was from Dauvé's original article. Dauvé declined to be cited on the article and also reportedly stated that his views about the state were better expressed in an introduction he wrote to a collection of articles from the '30s left communist journal 'Bilan'.

Brouillards de guerre - Gilles Dauvé

June 2016 article by G.D. on IS, Syria, war, the state and rhetoric, first published on the DDT21 blog.