
"Textbooks are becoming obsolete" says Bill Gates

Textbooks obsolete

A quick response to an item I just saw in the 2019 annual letter from Bill and Melinda Gates.

Our passive society

People watching TV

A short history of how our society became so rife with collective passiveness.

Unrest in Panama

Born into a rich family in Panama, Juan Carlos Varela is an entrepreneur who is fiercely in favour of the free market. He led his conservative Panamenista Party into the elections in 2009, but was then bought off by his rival Ricardo Martinelli, who offered him the vice-presidency if he stopped running against him. In 2014 he won the presidential election, coming in on promises to develop the economic infrastructure of Panama and to proceed with urban renovation in the free trade zone city of Colon.

WCH E5: Workmates - organising with agency workers on London Underground

London Underground track workers

An interview with Andy Littlechild, a rail track charge hand and rail workers' union official, about Workmates: a fighting organisation of permanent and agency contract workers on London Underground in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

Carillion’s Failure and the Private Finance Initiative


The collapse of Carillion is another symptom of capitalism’s general crisis of profitability. We are told the PFI and debacle of Carillion are not the way capitalism is supposed to work. Unfortunately this is the way capitalism is supposed to work, and the way it worked under state control also. The system is supposed to transfer wealth created by the working class to those who own capital and this is precisely what has been happening with Carillion, with PFI in general and with privatisation.

The Coining of "Privatisation" and Germany's National Socialist Party- Germa Bel

A history of the term privatisation and its relationship to Nazi economic policy.

Hospital workers continue striking for fairer pay

St Bart's hospital staff continue to fight for fairer pay

Workers at St Barts hospital trust in London are set to continue one of the largest ever hospital strikes in the UK.

St Bart's Hospital strike continues

Yarls Wood to St Bart's - Stop Serco

More than 700 cleaners, porters, and security staff at Barts NHS Trust in London are nearing the end of a 7 day strike for a pay increase of 30p per hour, for shorter hours, and against management bullying.

Against the law: labour protests in China's rustbelt and sunbelt

Chinese workers protest

A detailed study by Ching Kwan Lee of China's transition from a more state capitalist model to a more free market system from the 1990s to the early 2000s, the effect on the working class and how workers responded to the changes.

Music education makes for a poor commodity

The privatization of music education has turned it into a commodity, and with students becoming increasingly addicted to instant stimulation and gratification, a pretty bad one