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Index to Creationist Claims,  edited by Mark Isaak,    Copyright © 2004
Previous Claim: CD203   |   List of Claims   |   Next Claim: CD211

Claim CD210:

There is nowhere near enough sediment deposited at the mouth of the Colorado River to account for ten million years worth of erosion.


  1. The Colorado River delta itself is quite extensive. It covers 3,325 square miles (Sykes 1937) and is up to 3.5 miles deep (Jennings and Thompson 1986), containing over 10,000 cubic miles of the Colorado River's sediments from the last two to three million years. The sediments that were deposited by the river more than two to three million years ago have been shifted northwestward by movement along the San Andreas and related faults (Winker and Kidwell 1986). Sediments have also accumulated elsewhere. Some were deposited in flood plains between the delta and the Grand Canyon.

  2. Wind is a major erosional force in parts of the Colorado River basin. Some sediments from Colorado and Wyoming were blown as far as the Atlantic Ocean.

  3. Much of the strata exposed in the Grand Canyon are limestone and dolomite. These rocks eventually simply would have dissolved.


Littleton, Keith, 1998 (11 May). Re: Colorado Delta Missing? Message ID <6j865m$5q0$>,


  1. Jennings, S. and G. R. Thompson, 1986. Diagensis of Plio-Pleistocene sediments of the Colorado River Delta, southern California. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 56(1): 89-98.
  2. Sykes, G., 1937. The Colorado River Delta. American Geographical Society Special Publication 19, New York: American Geographical Society.
  3. Winker, C. D. and S. M. Kidwell, 1986. Paleocurrent evidence for lateral displacement of the Pliocene Colorado River Delta by the San Andreas fault system, southeastern California. Geology 14(9): 788-791.

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created 2003-6-1, modified 2004-4-16