Happy golden retriever family and their pile of puppies

Dog Break.

Got some sweet wholesome loving dog content for your internet experience. Read the rest

Googly-eye disguised Great Dane wrestles human for this here treat

Those googly eye glasses sure do the trick. Read the rest

Relaxing Frenchie face-mushing meditation

So soft. So relaxing. Read the rest

This dog has to get his jump *just* right before leaping up on that couch

'Hold on. Gotta warm up first.' Read the rest

Dog is good boi living the good life

What a dog, living a good life. Read the rest

Puppy tries to convince cat to play

'Come on, angry claw puppy! Play with me!' Read the rest

Having a bad day?

This will probably cheer you up.

Dog pretty sure it's a human

Dogs are the best people. Read the rest

Woman with no change uses dog to open door to pay toilet

"I had no money for the toilet when (Lola) ran underneath and we realised it opened on her way back out," said the woman who originally posted the video from Ayr, Scotland.

(Newsflare) Read the rest

This is the reconstructed face of a pet dog that lived 4,500 years ago

Archaeologists uncovered the skeleton of this neolithic dog more than a century ago in a 5,000 year old tomb on on the island of Mainland, Orkney, Scotland. Now, forensic scientists and artists have reconstructed the animal's face. According to Historic Environment Scotland researcher Steve Farrar, this dog and 23 others found in the "Cuween Hill (tomb) suggest that dogs had a particularly special significance for the farmers... Maybe dogs were their symbol or totem, perhaps they thought of themselves as the 'dog people.'" From The Scotsman:

As HES observes, the fact that the Orkney residents placed canine remains alongside those of humans could also speak to their belief in an afterlife for both parties.

The latest work was originally created in clay using traditional methods, with a 3D print of the Cuween Hill skull as the base to build the anatomy on to.

It was then cast in silicone and finished with the fur coat resembling a European grey wolf, as advised by experts...

(Forensic artist Amy) Thornton, who trained in facial reconstruction methods at the University of Dundee, said: “This reconstruction has been a particularly interesting project to be involved in, as it marks the first time I’ve employed forensic methods that would usually be used for a human facial reconstruction and applied these to an animal skull.

“This brought its own set of challenges, as there is much less existing data relating to average tissue depths in canine skulls compared to humans.”

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Akita puppy swimming through the air

Whoosh whoosh whoosh go the tiny fuzzy paws. Read the rest

When a dog has a happy dream, you know it.

Wholesome content to brighten up your internet right here. Read the rest

Weiner Dog enjoys riding around in his li'l Weiner-Mobile

Oh, he loves to be an Oscar Mayer weiner. Read the rest

Dog thinks he's a bunny and also wants lettuce, now cat wants some too

“My pupper thinks he’s a bunny,” says hauntedmarshmallow. Read the rest

Who let the dogs out? (unmute this pupper)

Woof, woof, woof. Read the rest

A fun quickie on how wolves evolved into Chihuahuas (and other doggos)

How did humans' "oldest rivals," the grey wolves (canis lupus), become our slobbering, shoe-chewing, bone-fetching, protective best friends? TED-Ed brings us this brief history that shows how wolves evolved into French Bulldogs, German Shepherds, Shiba Inus, Toy Poodles, and the rest of the canine lot. Read the rest

Watch these dogs with floofy fluff-butts bravely tunnel in snow

This very good doggo is either hunting something special, or clearing a path for his human, or who knows? Either way, the dog is obviously a submarine. Read the rest

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