By Steve Sailer on 06/03/2019
This table is from Radford U.’s database on serial killers. The 2010s were only halfway done when this was compiled. Plus, who knows how long it takes to notice all the serial killers? But it fits in with my general impression, and that of Bill James: Serial killers as a cultural phenomenon were a Sixties thing. From The Guardian: The best database of serial killers was developed by Mike Aamodt,...
By James Fulford on 06/02/2019

On Friday a black man named DeWayne Craddock, an engineer employed by the city of Virginia Beach, shot 16 people in the local government building, killing 12, 9 of whom were white. He had reportedly earlier submitted his resignation. This is yet another example of the phenomenon that calls “Disgruntled Minority Massacre.” It’s not caused by racism, but by anti-racism—with more than a little help from the complicit Main Stream Media, which probably explains its increasingly frenzied drive to suppress facts like Craddock’s race.

City officials are claiming they didn’t fire Craddock and have no idea why he did this. A New York Times report says different, that he’d started acting violent, and was on the verge of losing his job:

It remains to be seen what the suspect was after. City officials declined to discuss a possible motive for the attack, but they did say there was no immediate indication that the gunman had targeted anyone. The police chief, James A. Cervera, quelled rumors on Saturday that the suspect had recently been fired, and declined to say whether there had been friction between him and other employees.

But a person close to Virginia Beach’s city government, who was not authorized to speak publicly, said that the suspect had no history of behavioral problems until recently, when he had begun acting strangely and getting into physical “scuffles” with other city workers.

The person said that tensions had escalated in the past week, adding that the man had gotten into a violent altercation on city grounds and was told that disciplinary action would be taken.

Suspect in Virginia Beach Shooting Was a Longtime City Employee, by Serge F. Kovaleski, June 1, 2019

This story, like all other New York Times stories, does not mention Craddock’s race.

A second story, describes Craddock as "an engineer" and "a 40-year-old former soldier," goes on to say "Much about Mr. Craddock, an engineer who had worked on projects like sewer pipelines and pump station replacements, remained unclear." [Virginia Beach Gunman Said He Was Quitting, Then Went on a Shooting Rampage, By Glenn Thrush and Alan Blinder, June 2, 2019 html]

You're telling me! The Paper Of Record doesn't even know what color he was, and apparently can’t find a photograph.

The NYT’s motto: “All The News That’s Fit To Print.”

By Steve Sailer on 06/02/2019
Here’s video of a shooting at an April birthday party in Montgomery, Alabama. [Language: NSFW]. I can’t count how many gunshots there were, but let’s just say: a lot. But nobody was killed and only one person was wounded. Note to the public: If you are going to risk your life to video a gunfight, turn your phone over sideways so you can film it in landscape mode. From a 5 sentence story at WSFA: ...
By Steve Sailer on 06/02/2019
From the Washington Times: African migrants discover U.S. immigration loopholesFirst all-African large group nabbed at border By Stephen Dinan – The Washington Times – Friday, May 31, 2019 Border authorities nabbed a group of 116 illegal immigrants from Africa this week, saying it’s the first time they’ve found Africans taking advantage of the large-group tactic Central American migrants have lea...
By Reader on 06/02/2019
From: An Experienced Reader [Email him] The June 1, 2019  ABC News With Muir featured expanded description of the Virginia  Beach mass murder.  The coverage of DeWayne Craddock showed not a photo of him, but a silhouette. The color of the silhouette was not black but white. Audiences might well conclude that the shooter was white. Since a picture of Craddock had been widely available for nearly 24 ...
By James Fulford on 06/02/2019
A thread from lawyer Ron Coleman, viewable on Twitter, or via ThreadReaderApp in one place. I've quoted it below, but let me remind you that we have our own legal fight against similar forces, and a Legal Defense Fund here. How can victims of deplatforming fight back?It's complicated. Gavin McInnes was deplatformed largely, if not entirely, as a result of the efforts of an extremist left wing hat...
By James Fulford on 06/02/2019
The NYT reports that Virginia Beach officials are still doing the thing of not saying black gunman DeWayne Craddock's name, and the NYT is still doing the thing of not saying his race, or printing his picture. Gunman in Virginia Beach Shooting Planned to Quit City Job, Officials Say, by Alan Blinder, June 2, 2019 VIRGINIA BEACH - The Virginia Beach city employee who killed 12 p[]eople Friday after...
By James Fulford on 06/02/2019
The President of Mexico sent Donald Trump a letter. As Brenda notes below, this includes the words "The Statue of Liberty is not an empty symbol." We've been debunking this for years, with a whole archive of "Statue Of Liberty, Not Statue Of Immigration" posts. We've been debunking this for years, me since 2001, Peter Brimelow since 1992. His Time To Rethink Immigration, a 1992 National Review cove...
By Brenda Walker on 06/01/2019
It’s been a fine few days for piercing criticisms of Mexico from Tucker Carlson. On Wednesday, after listing many Mexican acts of political and cultural sabotage against America, he summed up, “The point is, that’s what it looks like when a hostile foreign power interferes in your democracy. They don’t buy Facebook ads that nobody sees, why would they? They try to change the demographics of your co...
By James Fulford on 06/01/2019
A story from the Virginia Beach Pilot shows that 9 out of 12 of black gunman Dewayne Craddock's victims were white. (That's the deceased victims, four survivors were wounded, I haven't seen their names.) See These Are The 12 Victims Of The Virginia Beach Mass Shooting. Here Are Their Stories, Staff report, June 1, 2019. It's not unusual in these Disgruntled Minority Massacre cases f...


By James Fulford on 06/02/2019

On Friday a black man named DeWayne Craddock, an engineer employed by the city of Virginia Beach, shot 16 people in the local government building, killing 12, 9 of whom were white. He had reportedly earlier submitted his resignation. This is yet another example of the phenomenon that calls “Disgruntled Minority Massacre.” It’s not caused by racism, but by anti-racism—with more than a little help from the complicit Main Stream Media, which probably explains its increasingly frenzied drive to suppress facts like Craddock’s race.

City officials are claiming they didn’t fire Craddock and have no idea why he did this. A New York Times report says different, that he’d started acting violent, and was on the verge of losing his job:

It remains to be seen what the suspect was after. City officials declined to discuss a possible motive for the attack, but they did say there was no immediate indication that the gunman had targeted anyone. The police chief, James A. Cervera, quelled rumors on Saturday that the suspect had recently been fired, and declined to say whether there had been friction between him and other employees.

But a person close to Virginia Beach’s city government, who was not authorized to speak publicly, said that the suspect had no history of behavioral problems until recently, when he had begun acting strangely and getting into physical “scuffles” with other city workers.

The person said that tensions had escalated in the past week, adding that the man had gotten into a violent altercation on city grounds and was told that disciplinary action would be taken.

Suspect in Virginia Beach Shooting Was a Longtime City Employee, by Serge F. Kovaleski, June 1, 2019

This story, like all other New York Times stories, does not mention Craddock’s race.

A second story, describes Craddock as "an engineer" and "a 40-year-old former soldier," goes on to say "Much about Mr. Craddock, an engineer who had worked on projects like sewer pipelines and pump station replacements, remained unclear." [Virginia Beach Gunman Said He Was Quitting, Then Went on a Shooting Rampage, By Glenn Thrush and Alan Blinder, June 2, 2019 html]

You're telling me! The Paper Of Record doesn't even know what color he was, and apparently can’t find a photograph.

The NYT’s motto: “All The News That’s Fit To Print.”

By Lance Welton on 06/01/2019


The Republic of Ireland has just made it easier to get divorced in a May 23 referendum supported by an amazing (given how Ireland was as recently as the 1960s) 82% of voters [Ireland Votes Overwhelmingly to Ease Divorce Restrictions, by Ed O’Loughlin, New York Times, May 26, 2019]. Until now, Irish people wishing to get divorced had had to endure a cooling off period of four years from the date of applying for a divorce to it actually being granted. [Ireland’s Anti-Christian Revolution, Piers Shepherd, Chronicles, February 7, 2019] The plebiscite has cut this to just two years. We know this means more children raised by single mothers. Unfortunately, the evidence is that this has consequences for the children—and for countries.

In the USA, of course, divorce is already far easier and this is reflected in the composition of US households.  In 1950, 93% of American children lived with both of their parents, parents who had signaled their commitment to each other through marriage. This created obvious stability for American kids: mother looked after the home, father was the main breadwinner and they were very unlikely to find some strange adult imposing themselves on their lives. By 2016, life was very different for a large minority of American children. Only 69% of them lived in two-parent households; 23% of them were being raised by single mothers [The Majority of Children Live With Two Parents, Census Bureau Reports, United States Census Bureau, November 17, 2019]; only 62% living with both biological parents. [More Than 60% of U.S. Kids Live with Two Biological Parents, by Nicholas Zill, IFS, February 2, 2015]

By Washington Watcher on 05/31/2019


President Trump suddenly announced on Thursday a serious proposal to curb illegal immigration: impose tariffs on Mexico to convince our southern neighbor to solve the problem. Maybe this welcome miracle happened because Javanka has left town.  Because the week’s earlier Trump trope, outflank the Democrats on the Left on black crime, is seriously Javanka-style stupid.

Trump plans to impose a 5 percent tariff on all Mexican goods starting June 10. [Statement from the President Regarding Emergency Measures to Address the Border Crisis, May 30, 2019]The tariffs will continue to rise to 25 percent by the end of the year and will only come down if Mexico shows progress in halting illegal immigration. Trump says the plan would also pressure Mexico to stop the flow of drugs and possibly attract manufacturers back to America.

He Tweeted:

This is a strong and sensible move by the president. It was naturally met with outrage from Mexico, the U.S. Main Stream Media, and, needless to say, by some Republicans. [Trump says U.S. to impose 5 percent tariff on all Mexican goods, by Alex Johnson, NBC News, May 30, 2019]

Journalists interrogated White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney over the proposal and insisted Americans would pay the cost of these tariffs. Mulvaney reminded the press that illegal immigration costs more than a temporary rise in some consumer goods.

By James Kirkpatrick on 05/30/2019

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Chancellor Sebastian Kurz’s government, a coalition between Kurz’s Austrian People’s Party and the National Conservative Freedom Party, collapsed after nationalists rebelled against Europe’s “youngest leader”. [Austrian chancellor Kurz outsted after nationalists turn on him, by Boris Groendahl, Bloomberg, May 27, 2019] Of course, Kurz started it by overreacting to a Leftist media hit job on his coalition partners. Now Kurz may find himself out of power for the foreseeable future—or possibly strengthened, depending on how   Austrian elections in September turn out. Either way, European and American patriots should learn the moral: any coalition with the “center-” a.k.a. Respectable Right will likely end in betrayal. 

The crisis began with a sophisticated sting operation: Freedom Party leader Hans Christian-Strache’s secretly-filmed honeypot meeting (in 2017!) with the supposed “niece of a Russian oligarch.” They discussed obtaining control of a major newspaper and getting “access” to public contracts. [Austria Vice-Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache resigns over video scandal involving Russian fixer, Agence France-Presse, South China Morning Post, May 18, 2019] Strache, thinking he was in private, spoke stupidly, but it’s important to note he didn’t actually do anything. He claims it was just a political hit job and also used illegal methods. But he fell on his sword anyway.

It’s unclear who was behind the video. And Main Stream Media journalists/ activists, rejoicing at Strache’s downfall, will probably never investigate. [Austria scandal: Mystery of the honey-trap video, by Bethany Bell, BBC, May 24, 2019]. Theories range from rival Austrian parties to Russian oligarchs themselves, though the man whose name was used, Igor Makarov, says he wants to find out who was behind the “unauthorized use of my name”. [Russian Oligarch Denies Links to Video That Brought Down Austria’s Government, The Moscow Times, May 20, 2019] One former German spy claims it was the Mossad, acting to take out a nationalist party that had supposedly fueled anti-Semitism. The former spy was then himself accused of anti-Semitism. [German Ex-Spy Chief: Mossad Behind Video Leak That Led to Austria Gov’t Collapse, Sputnik, May 28, 2019]

By Patrick J. Buchanan on 05/30/2019


What is it about special counsel Robert Mueller that he cannot say clearly and concisely what he means?

His nine-minute summary of the findings of his office, after two years of investigation, was a mess. It guarantees that the internecine warfare that has poisoned our politics continues into 2020.

If it was the intention of the Russian hackers and trolls of 2016 to sow discord within their great power rival, they have succeeded beyond their dreams.

Consider. Of the charge of conspiracy to collude with the Russians to hack the emails of the DNC and Hillary Clinton's campaign, Mueller said, "there was insufficient evidence to charge a larger conspiracy."

This suggests that there was at least some evidence to conclude that Donald Trump's campaign did conspire with Vladimir Putin's Kremlin to fix the 2016 election, just not enough evidence to sustain a charge of treason.

Didn't they use to call this McCarthyism?