John Pilger인증된 계정


It is not enough for journalists to see themselves as mere messengers without understanding the hidden agendas of the message and the myths that surround it

London & Sydney
가입일: 2012년 10월


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  1. 5월 31일

    The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture says of Julian : “In 20 years of work with victims of war and political persecution I have never seen democratic states ganging up to deliberately isolate, demonise and abuse a single individual. with so little regard for the law.”

  2. 5월 30일

    I was in court today for Julian 's latest extradition hearing; but Julian himself was absent. He was in the Belmarsh prison hospital. His supporters at the court should now be joined by journalists across the world. My own union, the , must be at the hearing in June.

  3. 5월 27일

    The Vichy journalists of the MSM have finally taken fright that the monstrous US charges against Julian are now a threat to them. Yet the cowards at the NYT, the Guardian etc continue to smear this heroic man who shamed them by refusing to join their gatekeepers' club.

  4. 5월 24일

    The fascist nature of the charges against Julian is demonstrated by those that relate to documents about Guantanamo Bay and "CIA detainee interrogation videos" -- torture videos. If the courts in Britain do not stop this grotesque charade, justice will lose all meaning.

  5. 5월 23일

    The war on Julian is now a war on all. Eighteen absurd charges including espionage send a burning message to every journalist, every publisher. The target today is . Tomorrow it will be you on the New York Times, you on the BBC. Modern fascism is breaking cover.

  6. 5월 20일

    The filthy war on Julian and Chelsea Manning, whose heresy is to have revealed the crimes of great power, intensifies. Craven Sweden plays to its theatre of darkness while Assange the prisoner is denied even his glasses. Read this fine piece ....

  7. 5월 18일

    I visited Julian in prison. He has been ill, but his courage is astonishing. He is locked up for up to 23 hours. Let no one doubt he is a political prisoner, fraudulent events in Sweden included. His crime is truthful journalism. Shame on those who feign otherwise.

  8. 5월 14일

    The ex head of the Swedish Bar Association condemns Assange's treatment as "deplorable". Texts by the women involved were suppressed, After the alleged offence, Anna Arden texted her delight at being with Assange and "the world's coolest people". She later said, "I was not raped"

  9. 5월 13일

    Sweden suppresses vital evidence in the Assange case. Damning texts from the women include: "I did not want to put any charges against JA," and "it was the police who fabricated the charges”. Once extradited, Assange faces a secret trial, with no jury. This is an epic injustice.

  10. 5월 13일

    The Swedish case against Julian Assange stinks and has always stunk. One of the women involved said the police "railroaded" her. As in Pompeo's Washington, the aim is to "get" Assange regardless of facts: for the crime of embarrassing corrupt power. :

  11. 5월 6일

    The persecution of Julian Assange and the US assault on Venezuela are two urgent issues. In this interview on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, I refute the disinformation campaigns against both. Here's the audio link.

  12. 5월 3일

    Whatever abuse of justice British magistrates hand down to Julian Assange, remember his words: “I do not wish to surrender myself for extradition for doing journalism which has protected many, many people”. Now we must protect him with massive support. Please think about it.

  13. 5월 1일

    Mark Weisbrot's and Jeffrey Sachs's shocking report that the US embargo on Venezuela has killed 40,000 people has almost no media pick up. No surprise; but consider the suffering, and the prospect of a Pinochet-style coup, the next time the Guardian solicits donations.

  14. 4월 28일

    While the "left" in the US embraces the Democratic Party, a prime source of imperialist violence, and Jeremy Corbyn remains effectively silent, in France an extraordinary movement grows, and grows.

  15. 4월 18일

    The Extinction Rebellion consuming London streets is an inspiration. This is real politics. Imagine the same rebellion in support of Julian Assange. Now is the time to show the thugs who rule and arrest and their tame Vichy journalists that "ye are many, they are few".

  16. 4월 15일
  17. 4월 14일

    Peter Greste, imprisoned by Egypt and now UNESCO chair of journalism at Queensland University and ubiquitous "press freedom advocate", writes that Julian Assange is not a journalist and is unworthy of our support. His students must challenge him. He is a disgrace.

  18. 4월 13일
  19. 4월 12일

    This is a superb statement by Christine Assange, mother of Julian. She tweeted: “Shame on you Lenín Moreno ! May the Ecuadorean people seek vengeance upon you, you you dirty, deceitful traitor! May the face of my suffering son haunt your sleepless nights ... " Amen to that!

  20. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    4월 11일

    This man is a son, a father, a brother. He has won dozens of journalism awards. He's been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize every year since 2010. Powerful actors, including CIA, are engaged in a sophisticated effort to dehumanise, delegitimize and imprison him.


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