NSW Humanist Society 1 ‘Public Information Forum’ 0

A ‘Final statement by John August, President Humanist Society of NSW, regarding Humanist House and the PIF’ has been published on Indymedia, dated January 8, 2010. It concerns the relationship between the Society and the ‘PIF’, or ‘Public Information Forum’, a small group which has been associated with the Society for the last decade or so, and which has been the subject of some controversy given its fascist political complexion.

In brief, the Society has announced that it will no longer be making its premises in Chippendale available to the innocuous-sounding PIF. (An aside: according to Martin Walker in his The National Front (1977), citing Rodney Legg, ‘NF Directorate meetings were always held in a public house booked in the name of the Anglo-Asian Friendship Society’ — arf arf.) This decision was made at some unspecified but recent point by an Executive appointed at a Special General Meeting late last year. Otherwise, August’s statement provides his account of events within the Society over the last few months, culminating in the SGM. Of note is the fact that a large number of Sydney-based racists and fascists have joined the Society, and a proportion of these elected to the Society’s Committee. The Executive is currently organising an AGM at which a new Committee will be elected; the composition of this Committee will reflect the relative strength of the racist and fascist contingent.

Finally, on a spotterly note: “While other hirers of [Humanist House] have a public identity and often a webpage (one example is the “Spartacist” group, a previous tenant, which have a regular publication, website and entry on Wikipedia), there is no similar such information available on PIF”.

See also : Fascist infiltration of the ‘Humanist Society of New South Wales’ (Inc.) (November 25, 2009) | Klub Naziya / Klub Nation / Public Information Forum / Jason Rafty… (November 15, 2009) | Neo-Nazis in Sydney // Neo-Nazis in Phoenix (November 10, 2009) | Klub Naziya in Chippendale (November 7, 2009) | Neo-Nazism ~versus~ humanism (November 4, 2009) | Is neo-Nazism humanist? (October 14, 2009).

Let me give you a word of the philosophy of reform. The whole history of the progress of human liberty shows that all concessions yet made to her august claims have been born of earnest struggle. The conflict has been exciting, agitating, all-absorbing, and for the time being, putting all other tumults to silence. It must do this or it does nothing. If there is no struggle there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation are men who want crops without plowing up the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters.

This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress. In the light of these ideas, Negroes will be hunted at the North and held and flogged at the South so long as they submit to those devilish outrages and make no resistance, either moral or physical. Men may not get all they pay for in this world, but they must certainly pay for all they get. If we ever get free from the oppressions and wrongs heaped upon us, we must pay for their removal. We must do this by labor, by suffering, by sacrifice, and if needs be, by our lives and the lives of others.

~ Frederick Douglass, “If There Is No Struggle, There Is No Progress”, August, 1857.

Fascist infiltration of the ‘Humanist Society of New South Wales’ (Inc.)

Source : Fightdemback!


Recent events in the Sydney suburb of Chippendale have sparked public protest and widespread expressions of concern from local residents; the issues raised by these events have received coverage in independent media (2SER, Indymedia and elsewhere) as well as in the pages of The Sydney Morning Herald.

Thus far, there have been two public protests — on October 2 and November 6 — and in addition criticism from locals regarding the distribution of ‘racist’ propaganda in the area. Much of this concern has centred upon the use of Humanist House (10 Shepherd St, Chippendale) by one fascist group in particular: ‘Klub Naziya’.

Sadly, the presence of members of ‘Klub Naziya’ at the House appears to have emboldened local racists, and according to one local blogger “neo-Nazis seem to be taking a shine to our area” (Steve Noble, ‘Life in Chippendale’, November 10, 2009).

This text has been produced by the anti-racist network ‘Fightdemback!’ in order to address these concerns, and to provide greater insight into the means by which members of Sydney’s far right have been able to utilise Humanist House and the NSW Humanist Society in order to pursue their political agenda.

The ‘Humanist Society of New South Wales’ (Inc.) & Klub Naziya

Established in 1960, the ‘Humanist Society of New South Wales’ (Inc.) is a secular organisation dedicated to the promotion of humanism. In keeping with this aim, the Society declares that its members “believe that reason and scientific enquiry provide the only real path” to solving social problems.

The Society’s motto is ‘Rational Humaneness’.

In addition to its other activities, the Society owns and manages a building in Chippendale, dubbed ‘Humanist House’, which it uses to host meetings. These meetings are organised both by the Society and other groups, who hire the hall from the Society for that purpose.

One of the groups which has been meeting at Humanist House is known as ‘Klub Naziya’. According to Society spokesperson David Duffy, ‘Klub Naziya’ has been meeting at the House for the last eight years (‘Jeering crowd blocks meeting of extreme right’, Leesha McKenny, The Sydney Morning Herald, November 15, 2009). In October and November 2009, however, meetings of ‘Klub Naziya’ have been accompanied by public protest.

Public opposition to ‘Klub Naziya’ centres upon claims by critics that the group promotes racist and fascist viewpoints. If correct, the continued presence of ‘Klub Naziya’ at Humanist House would appear to undermine claims by the Society to be dedicated to encouraging “respect for the universal human rights of men and women free from discrimination on the basis of race, class, disability, gender, age, nationality or sexual orientation”.

Fightdemback! shares the concerns raised by local residents with regards ‘Klub Naziya’, and further understands ‘Klub Naziya’ to be an expression of a broader project of fascist infiltration of the Society. This attempt to infiltrate and subvert the Society has reached the stage where, following the Society’s AGM of August, 2009, known fascists and fascist sympathisers now sit upon its Committee of Management. These include Ken Cratchley, David McBryde, Mark Pavic and Andrew Wilson.

Who and what is ‘Klub Naziya’?

In essence, ‘Klub Naziya’ — sometimes also referred to as ‘Klub Nation’ — is a regular gathering of members of Sydney’s far right. According to David Duffy — who is the person responsible for arranging the hiring of Humanist House — the group associated with ‘KN’ has been meeting at the House for the last eight years; that is, since 2001.

Among the more prominent members of KN are Jason Rafty and David Palmer.

David Palmer is a well-known, indeed infamous, figure on the Australian far right. According to Jeremy Jones of the ‘Executive Council of Australian Jewry’ (‘Report on Antisemitism in Australia, October 1, 2007–September 30, 2008’ [PDF]): “David Palmer of Sydney, has claimed to be the leader of many organisations and movements over the past twenty years. The groups he has claimed to represent include the Ku Klux Klan, White Pride Coalition, the National Socialist Defence of Australia Party, Asgard and the Australian Nazi Party. He has been responsible for leafleting campaigns, hate mail and many media stories on the groups he has claimed to lead. He is always willing to appear in the media as Australia’s self-proclaimed Fuehrer.”

More recently, Palmer was featured — along with David Innes of ‘Stormfront’ and John Drew of the ‘Australia First Party’ (AF) — in the pages of Zoo magazine as being one of ‘The Most Dangerous Men in Australia’ (August 6, 2007).

Rafty is a more obscure figure but, like Palmer, he was also at one point a member of Stormfront (the world’s most popular white supremacist website). His account on Stormfront has been purged, but in 2007, Rafty claimed “Klub Nation is the only continuous meeting place for white Nationalists in Sydney since 2003… sponsored by the PIF Inc (Public Information Forum)… in essence [it] is a networking and social point for Nationalists…”.

As a venue for social networking among the far right, KN has served as a meeting point for members of the ‘White Pride Coalition of Australia’ (WPCA): a coalition of the Australian Nationalists Movement (ANM), World Church of the Creator (WCOTC), Imperial Klans of Australia (IKA), New Zealand National Front (NZNF) and National Socialist Party of Australia (NSPA). Visitors to the WPCA site — which has been preserved by the National Library of Australia — are greeted with the following message: “Welcome, My White Comrades, to the White Pride Coalition Australia. Heil Hitler! Hail Woden! Sieg Heil! Stay White Comrades 88″.

Fascist infiltration of the ‘Humanist Society of New South Wales’ (Inc.)

Since the beginning of 2009, if not before, a large number of members of Sydney’s far right, numbering between 30 and 40, have been recruited in an apparent attempt to infiltrate the Society. In political science, this tactic is often referred to to as ‘entryism’. Currently, the fascist grouping within the Society is estimated to comprise approximately 1/4 to 1/5 of its entire membership.

Among those who have joined the Society in this period and who, following the Society’s Annual General Meeting in August, have been elected on to its Management Committee, are the following:

Ken Cratchley

Ken Cratchley is known for both his membership of and espousal of the views of the ‘Christian Separatist Church Society’ (PO Box 385, Gymea, NSW 2227) and his maintenance of a neo-Nazi music distribution service known as ‘Scythian Services’. Like Palmer and Rafty, Cratchley is also a member of Stormfront (joining it in November 2002), where he posts using the handle ‘Pastor Bullets’ (one of his email addresses is [email protected]).

The ‘Christian Separatist Church Society’ is a religious group that holds as a central tenet the belief that its members must all be Caucasian because they are uniquely blessed by God and must separate themselves from all non Caucasian persons. According to the Stephen Roth Institute’s Report on Antisemitism and Racism for Australia 2001/2, ‘The website of the Christian Separatist Church Society (CSCS) is militantly antisemitic, going so far as to ridicule overt anti-Jewish propagandists such as Frank Dowsett for being too moderate, and asserting that “British-Israeli is most often only a surname for Masonic mongrel-lover”‘.

In January 2007, ‘Pastor’ Ken Cratchley was interviewed about his Church by Australian neo-Nazi Carl D. Thompson for the radio show he produces on behalf of the US-based ‘National Socialist Movement’ (‘Muslims Recruiting Suicide Bombers to Attack’, Australia Calling, January 22, 2007: “…an interview with Pastor Bullets of Stormfront”).

Scythian Services, like other sites hosted by GeoCities, is no longer available online: its address was http://www.geocities.com/nazipunk1488 (it is, however, available for viewing on archive.org). Its contents, along with those of sites belonging to National Action, Blood & Honour Australia, The Adelaide Institute, White Pride Coalition Australia and the World Church of the Creator (WCOTC) Australia (among others), are examined by Gareth Norris, Robyn Lincoln and Paul Wilson in their research paper ‘Contemporary comment: An examination of Australian internet hate sites’ (Bond University, 2005) [PDF.

NB. A “Syd Cratchley” stood for AF in Ward B, Sutherland Shire (NSW) Council election in 2004. He is described by AF as follows: “Mr. Syd Cratchley is a professional-clerical worker. He has lived in ‘The Shire’ for his forty years. Mr. Cratchley is a target-shooter and has spoken up for firearm owners’ rights. He has had a life-long interest in Australian history and has taken the defence of this ethos to be of over-riding importance. Our candidate has a Christian commitment and finds in the multiculturalists’ defence of other incompatible religions in Australia, a chaos factor in Australian society. This is his first candidacy for public office.”

David McBryde

David McBryde is closely associated with Dr James Saleam, AF and in particular the Sydney Forum, the annual gathering in Sydney of the far right. McBryde established the Sydney Forum website, and is otherwise pre-occupied with the ideas of the German-American philosopher Leo Strauss, whose work assumes a controversial place within the development of contemporary neo-conservative thought. Since its inception in 2001, the Sydney Forum itself has played host to a range of racist and fascist speakers.

Mark Pavic

Mark Pavic, whom Dr James Saleam of AF describes as a “neo-Nazi”, came to notoriety in 1985, when he was convicted of his mother’s murder. (Saleam also claims Pavic was once a close associate of David Palmer.) According to sources within the Society, Pavic, along with Cratchley, plays the leading role within the fascist group.

[See : The Liberal Party’s ‘Nutzi Connection’ Revealed As The British-Israel World Federation $500,000 Takeover Plot Takes New Directions, ‘Inside The Kangaroo Reich’ (no date) http://home.alphalink.com.au/~radnat/kangarooreich/partten.html. Saleam writes: “[John] Boyle has travelled to meetings (Humanist House ‘Open Forum’ and the ‘Conservative Speakers’ Club’) with neo-[N]azi Mark Pavic, a man who served a prison sentence over the killing of his mother and the disposal of her body in Lake Burley Griffin, way back in 1985. Mr. Pavic has used Mr. Boyle’s office address as his residential address for various ‘legal’ purposes; and he keeps the whereabouts of his lodgings secret because of a ‘fear’ his sister will one day ‘pop him off’ for killing their mother. Mr. Pavic, whilst being an intimate of the Palmer group, also served as a secretary for the left-wing organization, ‘Politics In The Pub’…]

Andrew Wilson

In the years 2004–2005, Andrew Wilson was a member of, and the Sydney organiser for, the ‘Patriotic Youth League’, a botched attempt by AF to establish a youth wing. Like Palmer, Rafty and Cratchley, Wilson was also at one point a member of the Stormfront forum. The PYL lead a relatively brief existence, conducted campaigns against the presence of foreign students on University campuses and trade union support for foreign workers, and underwent a significant crisis when its Sydney branch was also discovered to be functioning as the contact point for the US-based neo-Nazi group ‘Volksfront’.


In response to the above, the Humanist Society has organised a ‘Special General Meeting’ to take place on Sunday, November 29. The SGM is intended to examine the infiltration of the Society by local fascists and their supporters, and to devise means of combating their influence. According to the Society’s President, John August, “at the recent AGM in August 2009, “Klub Nation” [a/k/a Klub Naziya] showed its hand. After the elections were over, we realised that PIF [a/k/a Klub Naziya] participants and their supporters dominated the management committee.”

Those who share Fightdemback!’s concern over the presence of neo-Nazis in Chippendale, their infiltration of the Society, and dominant position on its management committee, are invited to attend and to observe the SGM in order to ensure that the issue is properly dealt with. We understand that local and national media may also be present in order to provide coverage, and that Humanist associations elsewhere in Australia and indeed the world will be watching events as they unfold quite closely.

Finally, given the Society’s inadvertent introduction of ‘Klub Naziya’ into Chippendale, local residents are especially welcome, and to support those elements within the Society, such as its President, who remain committed to its original vision as a vehicle for the promotion of humanism and, as a consequence, against the propagation of irrational prejudice.

Phone your mom, you’re human
Don’t play dumb, you’re human
I know that you’re anxious
You want more than this

Clean your mess, you’re human
Get undressed, you’re human
I know you’re embarrassed
Pale and hairless

Step right up folks and join the fun
See the amazing ape with his opposable thumb
You’ll be shocked, amazed, even horrified
That so much could be so compromised

Little monkeys making money
Naked monkeys looking funny
Mighty males are strong and free
Female monkeys, not so lucky
Rocking monkeys, funky monkeys
Monkeys sticking other monkeys
Monkeys wrong or monkeys right
Mostly flexing monkey might

Now you’ve lost your Eden
There is no returning
It stares up and out at you
It’s not for you

I don’t care, I’m human
I’m too scared, I’m human
I know you want peace of mind
To be with your kind

You won’t believe your eyes
A cranium of unparalleled size
Immaculate if ill conceived
A sight not to be believed

Little monkeys making money…

I like other humans
They’re so very human
I know that it’s obvious
We’re all just like this
Only human

Klub Naziya / Klub Nation / Public Information Forum / Jason Rafty…

Jeering crowd blocks meeting of extreme right
Leesha McKenny
The Sydney Morning Herald
November 15, 2009

AN EXTREME right-wing group sparked anti-fascist protests after it was revealed it had been holding meetings in a Humanist Society hall in inner Sydney.

The Public Information Forum – also known as Klub Nation or Klub Naziya – was prevented from meeting on November 6 after about 50 protesters gathered at the Shepherd Street address in Chippendale.

Police were called to an earlier demonstration in October when protesters yelling “Nazis out” attempted to disrupt the meeting by banging on doors and windows.

“If they get the message that they are not welcome in Chippendale and move somewhere else we will follow them,” an online post from one protester read.

The group was banned from using the hall by the Humanist Society once before because of alleged racist associations.

David Duffy, the Humanist Society member responsible for bookings at the hall, said the group of about 30 young men had been meeting peacefully there for about eight years. He conceded the group was “right of centre” but said he did not believe it was a neo-Nazi group.

“The sort of people who attend [Mr Rafty’s] meetings would be considered conspiracy theorists to a certain extent,” he said.

“They run a series of discussion groups on political and geopolitical themes. It’s invitation-only. It’s not a thing where they advertise publicly. They don’t do any interface with the community in any way.”

An anonymous letterbox drop of the area calling on residents to “do something about” Australia’s high level of immigration coincided with last week’s protest.

Darrin Hodges from the Australian Protectionist Party said his group stopped using the hall after hearing meetings there were “getting out of hand and rowdy”.

Mr Hodges denied any knowledge of the leaflet drop in the area, but said: “[It] sounds like there’s some funny things going on around town.”

Humanist Society president John August said it had planned a review of its hall hiring policy, but would allow the group to continue meeting at the hall until a decision was made.

“I do not wish to defend any right-wing groups, but equally there is an issue of free speech and free expression,” he said. “How you reconcile those two goals is a complicated issue.”

Mr August said he was disappointed some of the protesters were prepared to resort to violence.

“I have been involved with discussions with Redfern police over this. They are very concerned. We are as much the victims in this situation as anyone,” Mr August said.

See also : Neo-Nazis in Sydney // Neo-Nazis in Phoenix (November 10, 2009) | Klub Naziya in Chippendale (November 7, 2009) | Neo-Nazism ~versus~ humanism (November 4, 2009) | Is neo-Nazism humanist? (October 14, 2009).


In April 1972, sixteen sticks of gelignite exploded in the Communist Party’s Brisbane office, lifting the floor of the building almost six centimetres off the ground. Later the same evening, three rifle shots ricocheted through the Maoist East Wind bookshop…

The next month, the terror campaign returned to Melbourne with an attempt to set the Third World bookshop alight. A week later, the East Wind bookshop in Little Londsdale Street received a fire-bomb through the front door, while Molotov cocktails hit the Radical Action Movement’s headquarters in Palmerston Street, Carlton, the China Friendship Society, and the Source bookshop in Collins Street…

Many naturally suspected the NSPA of involvement in the bookshop attacks, since the Nazis had previously clashed with the Left. In January 1971, the NSPA announced a fascist rally to be held on Melbourne’s Yarra Bank. The Left and the Jewish community organised a counter-rally. When the Nazis did not appear, thousands streamed up to their headquarters in North Carlton. The party’s leader Cass Young later complained:

“All this time we could hear a noise such as that at a football ground, getting louder. Looking outside, I saw that a huge crowd was coming down the street towards our headquarters.

Within minutes there were several thousand people, mostly reds and those of the chosen race, milling around outside. We closed all the doors and windows and I posted sentries at the back and on the roof. We hoisted the mighty flag of our race — the swastika — and the Eureka flag at the top front window. The crowd outside began throwing anything it could get its hands on: eggs, tomatoes, rocks and tins. Soon all the windows had been smashed by flying missiles.”

In June 1972, the NSPA tried to hold its annual conference. The fascists kept the location secret. Protesters instead marched to a triple-fronted brick veneer in St. Albans, which served both as Young’s house and the new [neo-]Nazi HQ. To resounding chants of ‘Death to the Nazis’, they tore the building apart. Surveying the wreckage of his property, Young lost some of his enthusiasm for overt displays of Nazism, and the NSPA collapsed in a bout of internecine warfare, a process nicely captured in the title of David Harcourt’s study of Australian Nazism: Everyone Wants to Be Fuehrer. ~ Jeff Sparrow and Jill Sparrow, Radical Melbourne 2 : The Enemy Within, The Vulgar Press, 2004, pp.148–150.


This post might be difficult territory for some. It is a minor labyrinth of detail. Even those amongst us with no particular interest in political ‘detective work’ and an esoteric discussion about a lot of funny persons from the political twilight, might spare a moment for reflection. Why?

Essentially, it has become obvious that the ‘Humanist Society of New South Wales Inc.’ (and any other somewhat decrepit organisation with considerable assets for that matter) is now on the receiving end of electronic and paper cheers, jeers and smears, excitements and incitements, and at long last – confrontation.

Protestors rally against ultra-right group in Chippendale
Shant Fabricatorian
alternative media group
November 12, 2009

“Klub Naziya is understood to have met in the area on a monthly basis for the past few months.”

Klub Naziya has been meeting since 2003. Its principal organisers have included a range of figures on Sydney’s far right: David Palmer, Simon Laine and — currently — Jason Rafty. In addition to his role in KN, Rafty addressed the ‘Humanist Society of New South Wales Inc.’ on the subject of ‘Russia Resurgent’ on October 1, 2008.

Rafty, like Palmer was (and as Dr James Saleam is currently) a member of Stormfront, an online forum for aggrieved Whites of various sorts, established by convicted terrorist Don Black. Rafty’s account has recently been expunged. However, traces of his postings may still be found. Thus, on the matter of ‘KN’, ‘JBR’ (Rafty) writes:


06-06-2007, 09:24 PM
Klub Nation is the only continuous meeting place for white Nationalists in Sydney since 2003. [W]e invite those interested in attending our meetings to reply with your expression of interest by private message. We currently have a central branch and a Hills District branch with a Greater Western branch to be initiated soon.

Klub Nation is sponsored by the PIF Inc ([P]ublic [I]nformation [F]orum) and in essence is a networking and social point for Nationalists. [W]e present a range of guest and in house speakers covering the full gamut of political-economy, and other subjects of relevance to the Nationalist milieu.

The conveners of Klub Nation seek to cast an image as a survivor’s Klub.

Urban survival against the predations of the NWO–Globalist over class is less about arms caches, compounds and tin food stock, but rather having the knowledge, network and social capital to assail and prevail over everything this insidious over class throws at us. NWO tyranny and enslavement is predicated on the atomization of Anglo-Celtic people. Any brotherhood or Klan based unity is like a silver bullet[.]

Klub Nation promotes the “viable Nationalist”: – one who isn’t crest fallen, physiologically addled, impecunious or effeminate. Remaining viable is the linchpin to survival. Like hell, we’re going to become the white trash of South East Asia.

So come along to the next meeting for a bit of good cheer and company of fellow Nationalists.

Klub Nation provides generous food and beverages. It is general etiquette and protocol that entry requires a donation



06-10-2007, 06:58 PM
Sydney has become a foreboding and alienating place where the best of our mettle and wherewithal are put to the test.

[W]e live by the mantra “Deal with reality or reality will deal with you”. [N]arcotics and consumerism will only numb you so far.

Klub Nation is a sanctuary from the hellacious environ we call Sydney today.

This coming Friday June 15th we have a presentation entitled:- “A guide to white survival in Oriental Sydney”[.]


And here Dr James Saleam (“Saleam [Saa-leem],” I say, “isn’t a very European-sounding name.” “It’s pronounced Saleam [Sail-’em],” he says, correcting me. “Saleam.”) sticks his oar in:

Continue reading

Klub Naziya in Chippendale


Word on the street is that approximately 100 people attended a demonstration outside Humanist House in the Sydney suburb of Chippendale yesterday evening, to protest the NSW Humanist Society’s decision to hire out its meeting rooms to members of ‘Klub Naziya’, a loosely-organised monthly fellowship of angry Aryans. The Society is ostensibly committed to what it terms ‘humanist’ values; values which, in practice, embrace providing a forum for neo-Nazis.

Unlike last month, the members of KN apparently failed to appear yesterday, which suggests one of two things. Either the Society has withdrawn its invitation to this particular group of fascists to make use of Humanist property, or other arrangements have been made to ensure that the Master Race is able to meet in peace and quiet, well away from the filthy Jews intent on disturbing their contribution to the promotion of humanism in Sydney. Note that no official communication has been forthcoming from the NSW Humanist Society vis-a-vis its provision of facilities to neo-Nazis, so it’s impossible to state with any certainty the future of Klub Naziya at Humanist House. What does seem certain is that the NSW Humanist Society is happy to allow its reputation to be dragged through the mud by a handful of people too ‘extreme’ even for Dr James Saleam.

British-Israel Case To End In Final Defeat Of The Palmer Clique: What Will The Usual Suspects Do Now? Klub Naziya? Klub Nation?
May 18, 2005

…What now for [Daevid] Palmer? The game goes on. In January this year, the neo-nazis organised a piss-up club under alternate names: Klub Naziya or Klub Nation. It had been meeting on a fortnightly basis and now about monthly. The first meeting on January 7 saw a major split. The people best known as ‘White Pride Coalition of Australia’ walked out. They have since denounced the heavy alcohol consumption at the meetings and foreshadowed the idea that this might lead to criminal offences. They were undoubtedly right. Given that Palmer has been talking of killing and terror for years, it seems certain someone is to be revved up to do a crime. We are still witnessing the usual pattern of neo-nazi provocation in action.

It is the opinion of the nationalists that neo-nazism must be harried out of existence. It provides the potential for provocative-violence, the entrapment of some sincere youth, a conduit to collect intelligence on the wider patriotic movement, a pool for the harassment of nationalists and other patriots and a yardstick for media anti-patriotic propaganda.

Palmer’s clique is wounded and bleeding badly but it is still in play and has reformed around a new front-man, Mr. J. Rafty. Meetings are taking place between private dwellings in Ultimo and Glebe, but membership (sic) is now a handful. Yet, there is also the strange case of the fake ‘British Israel World Federation Australia Limited’ (BIWFAL), a body set up thanks to the neo-nazis’ lawyer, Mr. John Boyle, such that a claim for monies from the Nicholls Estate could be made[.] Mr. Boyle has in recent times actually claimed to have ‘converted’ to the British Israel faith; however, his loyalty is focused on the fake entity and not the legitimate body. The connection between Mr. Boyle and the so-called ‘conservative’ faction of the New South Wales Liberal Party is well known. Will the Liberals st[i]ll have use for the neo-nazi shadow operation?

Nothing about the neo-nazis is ever certain. Vigilance must be sustained as the ultimate round is soon to begin.


See also : Neo-Nazism ~versus~ humanism (November 4, 2009) | Is neo-Nazism humanist? (October 14, 2009).

Neo-Nazism ~versus~ humanism



Whose cuisine will reign supreme in Chippendale?

A fascist group that has been meeting at the NSW Humanist House was itself met with protest last month. This month, the group — known as either ‘Klub National’ or ‘Klub Naziya’ — will again face public protest.

“Today, the Humanist Society of New South Wales is part of the International Humanist and Ethical Union that has formal consultative status with the United Nations”; “Based in London, IHEU is an international NGO with Special Consultative Status with the UN (New York, Geneva, Vienna), General Consultative Status at UNICEF (New York) and the Council of Europe (Strasbourg), and maintains operational relations with UNESCO (Paris). IHEU has observer status at the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights.”


There will be another community rally at 7pm on Friday 6 November, at Humanist House – 10 Shepherd St, Chippendale.

This is the next scheduled KN gathering. The Humanist Society are being very cagey about whether or not they’re going to continue to support neo-nazis, and KN may or may not chose to meet where they know they will face collective opposition.

If they turn up we will be there to tell them they are not welcome. If they don’t, we’ll have a street party to celebrate.

See also : Fear and loathing in Chippendale, Razors Edge (2SER), October 24, 2009 | Is neo-Nazism humanist? (October 14, 2009).


Exclusive footage of the the Humanist Society of New South Wales (part of the International Humanist and Ethical Union that has formal consultative status with the United Nations) amateur musical theatre troupe and its 2009 co-production — with the talented members of Klub Naziya — of The Producers.

Sadly, audience response thus far has been mixed (to say the least).

WARNING! Spoilsports!

Three elderly men recount their experiences of the Nazi genocide declare themselves to be bitter enemies of humanism.

Or something.