
Escape from Horror

Escape from Horror
2 years ago

Escape from Horror

“The horror! The horror!” Kurtz dies, uttering his last words in the presence of Marlow, the main character of Joseph Conrad’s novel Heart of Darkness. Why does Kurtz feel compelled …
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Not an Era for Apologetics: On Charles Murray
2 years ago

Not an Era for Apologetics: On Charles Murray

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The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who remain neutral in times of moral crisis. Dante Alighieri

The PC pundits of academia’s sacred neutrality have got it wrong …
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Dare to Doubt
2 years ago

Dare to Doubt

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In view of the current madness of the world, I have been pondering what has happened to thinking, which seems replaced by screaming, or worse. Affirmations we must endorse are …
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If this is feminism…
2 years ago

If this is feminism…

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The dust-up on social media over Rebecca Tuvel’s article, “In Defense of Transracialism” published in Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, has given a new meaning to the public/private split …
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Lenin Navigating in Unchartered Territories
2 years ago

Lenin Navigating in Unchartered Territories

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Those who follow obscure spiritual-cosmological speculations have for sure heard of one of the most popular topics in this domain: when three planets (usually the Earth, its moon and the …
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