
Being Human Matters

Being Human Matters
4 years ago

Being Human Matters

By  •  Debates

Today the classical idea that people merit solicitude simply in virtue of being human – or, more succinctly, that bare humanity is morally important – is on the defensive. It …
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Deadly Hesitation
4 years ago

Deadly Hesitation

Imagine you are walking through the woods with a hunting rifle and come upon a clearing where two terrorists with large swords are about to cut the heads off ten …
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Veganism Without Animal Rights
4 years ago

Veganism Without Animal Rights

This article was co-authored with Anna Charlton.

We are going to defend what may appear to be a controversial position: that our moral rejection of meat, dairy, eggs, and all …
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What Are We Talking About When We Talk About Zombies?
4 years ago

What Are We Talking About When We Talk About Zombies?

Legions of cultural critics are focusing the beam of Marxist-inflected critical theory on the mass-cultural phenomenon of zombies. And what a phenomenon they have become. Zombies—the rambling, post-apocalyptic, multitudinous variety, …
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