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Great Aussie Patriot resigns as head of extremist group after being teased online

Right wing extremist Shermon Burgess, the self-described "Great Aussie Patriot" has resigned his post as head of the United Patriots Front after being mocked by a fellow member of the group online.
Burgess has long been the face of the UPF, which is involved with the "Reclaim Australia" movement; most recently members of the UPF spoke at poorly-attended rally in Bendigo protesting against the proposed construction of a mosque in the town.
In his terse video resignation, an ashen-faced Burgess takes a parting shot at a man he identifies as Mick Beech, who apparently made a video of his own deriding Burgess that was then shared by other members of the group.
"I won't be doing it anymore," Burgess, bedecked in an Aussie flag baseball cap says.
"Sure, I'll still support the movement, but I won't be making videos and I've taken down my page 'The Great Aussie Patriot.'
"Now it's not because of media, it's not because of death threats from Islam, even though I've received many of those.
"It's because of dumb f--k patriots out there."

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He then goes on to complain that Beech – who "goes to Patriot rallies but is really a lefty" – mocked him via video.
"I got accused of being a woman-basher by this f—kwit," a clearly emotional Burgess says.
"Yet here are supposed Patriots sharing this video and laughing about. Now, I'm gonna talk to you about what I've f--king sacrificed for you people and this movement," he says, before going on to detail a litany of hardships he has been forced to endure due to his xenophobic views.
"When your own f--king people start turning against you and having a laugh, and spreading left wing s--t, after all the sacrifices you made for them, that’s where I draw the f--king line and I’m done," says Burgess, clearly upset.
"I’m f--king done."
Burgess names Blair Cotrell, whom he describes as a "natural leader" who's "got what it takes" as the new leader of the UPF.
Source: Facebook
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