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Netwars and Activists Power on the Internet
Since the so-called Republican victory in the last U.S. election, the political Left has been sent reeling. In many places including the major media, we have been told that this victory spells a new revolution, a revolution for the Right. Regardless of th e truth of this, many have felt that their activist work has been for nought and that it has been largely ineffectual. Interestingly a Rand corporation researcher, David Ronfeldt, argues that contrary to the impotence felt by many social activists, they h ave become an important and powerful force fueled by the advent of the information revolution. Through computer and communication networks, especially via the world-wide Internet, grassroots campaigns have flourished, and the most importantly, government elites have taken notice.
“Are you Stuck on “Manarchy”?” Poor Communication Can’t Smash Patriarchy
The following is a response from an anarcha-feminist to the documents about "manarchy" that have been circulating in the past year or two, particularly the "Are You a Manarchist? Questionnaire".
Anarchist vs. Marxist-Leninist Thought on the Organization of Society
Historically, there have been three major forms of socialism -- Libertarian Socialism (Anarchism), Authoritarian Socialism (Marxist Communism), and Democratic Socialism (electoral social democracy). The non-Anarchist Left has echoed the bourgeoisie’s portrayal of Anarchism as an ideology of chaos and lunacy. But Anarchism, and especially Anarchist-Communism, has nothing in common with this image. It is false and made up by it's ideological opponents, the Marxist-Leninists.
An Anarchist FAQ – C.12 Doesn’t Hong Kong show the potentials...
Given the general lack of laissez-faire capitalism in the world, examples to show its benefits are few and far between. Rather than admit that the ideal is simply impossible, conservative and right-"libertarian" ideologues scour the world and history for examples. Rarely do they let facts get in the way of their searching -- until the example expresses some negative features such as economic crisis (repression of working class people or rising inequality and poverty are of little consequence). Once that happens, then all the statist features of those economies previously ignored or downplayed will be stressed in order to protect the ideal from reality.
Direct Action: 14 ways to improve your job
Workers run the world. Everything would stop without our labour. Withdrawing our labour is our weapon, and the right to run things is our demand.
Infoshop Publications
Do you know a poverty pimp?
The winter holidays sometimes seem more like a time of greed for many charity and social programs than a
time to redouble efforts to aid the poor.
I believe that the poet is necessarily an anarchist, and that he must oppose all organized conceptions of the State, not only those which we inherit from the past, but equally those which are imposed on people in the name of the future.
~ Herbert Read, "Poetry and Anarchism" (1938)