
Our publications China: From Permanent Revolution to Counter-Revolution Marxism and Anarchism History of the Bolshevik Party: Bolshevism - The Road to Revolution The Classics of Marxism: Volume Two Russia: From Revolution to Counter-Revolution Reason in Revolt: Marxist Philosophy and Modern Science

An overview of all our publications to date that can be freely read online. All of these works can be purchased in paper copy from Wellred Books and most are also available as an ebook (to read on tablet or e-reader).

Title Created Date Author
[Book] The Ideas of Karl Marx 02 April 2018 Alan Woods
[Book] Russia: From Revolution to Counter-Revolution 10 October 2017 Ted Grant
[Book] History of the Bolshevik Party: Bolshevism - The Road to Revolution 03 March 2017 Alan Woods
[Book] Ted Grant - The permanent revolutionary 20 July 2016 Alan Woods
[Book] China: From Permanent Revolution to Counter-Revolution 21 January 2016 John Peter Roberts
[Book] The Classics of Marxism: Volume Two 10 December 2015 (Various authors)
[Book] What is Marxism? 16 July 2015 (Various authors)
[Book] Marxism and Anarchism 06 April 2015 (Various authors)
[Book] The Classics of Marxism: Volume One 30 October 2013 (Various authors)
[Book] Germany: from Revolution to Counter-Revolution 21 July 2013 Rob Sewell
[Book] Ted Grant Writings: Volume Two 20 July 2012 Ted Grant
[Book] Ted Grant Writings: Volume One 21 July 2010 Ted Grant
[Book] Reformism or revolution. Marxism and socialism of the 21st Century (Reply to Heinz Dieterich) 26 August 2008 Alan Woods
[Book] Lenin, Trotsky and the Theory of the Permanent Revolution 21 December 2007 John Peter Roberts
[Book] History of British Trotskyism 09 July 2006 Ted Grant
[Book] The Venezuelan Revolution - a Marxist perspective 19 October 2005 Alan Woods
[Book] In the Cause of Labour - A History of British Trade Unionism 10 November 2003 Rob Sewell
Lenin and Trotsky - What they really stood for 12 July 1999 Alan Woods and Ted Grant
[Book] Reason in Revolt: Marxist Philosophy and Modern Science 01 May 1995 Alan Woods and Ted Grant
[Book] History of the Russian Revolution to Brest-Litovsk 07 February 1918 Leon Trotsky