Join / Donate

Become a supporter
Become a member
Affiliated organisations

Become a supporter

To add your support to the founding statement of Hands Off the People of Iran campaign, please send us an email or a letter with all your details: name, address, email addres, phone number, organisation (if applicable) and details of any office you hold, or two or three keywords the public might associate with you.

By submitting your name and a brief description you agree to these details appearing on the Hopi supporters’ page. You will receive an acknowledgement in due course and will be added to our mailing list. Your email address will remain confidential to HOPI.

Become a member

Only Hopi members can vote at Hopi meetings and conferences. All Hopi members can attend the meetings of the executive as observers.

If you would like to become a member of Hopi, please send us an email  with all your details: name, address, email address, phone number, organisation (if applicable) and details of any office you hold, or two or three keywords the public might associate with you.

Please send us £10/£5 (unwaged) by by any of the methods below.

Affiliating your organisation with HOPI

We encourage organisations to affiliate to Hopi. Download and print out the affiliation form here.

– local organisation £25

– small national/regional organisation £50

– large national/regional organisation £100

Please tell us all necessary details about your organisation and pay by any of the methods below.

Donations / payments

If you can, please contribute financially to HOPI, by either

– clicking the Paypal button below

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