Author: Bill Flavell

How to spot invented gods

As far as I can see, every one of the thousands of gods humans have worshiped have one thing in common—they all initially revealed themselves to just one person. And scripture, if it was written, was written in that person’s local language. For gods who earnestly wish every single human to be aware of them, that must be the worst possible way to become known. The initial problem is for the f...

How religions die

The genes that are dominant in any population, are those that are most successfully passed from one generation to the next. Eventually, the most successful genes will be found in almost every member of a population. The same is true of religions. Changing environmental pressures can disadvantage previously successful genes, reducing their transmission to the next generation thus causing them to be...

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I used to be an atheist…

I bet every atheist has heard Christians claiming that they used to be an atheist. When I hear that, I always ask them why they were an atheist and invariably discover that they were not really atheists at all—they were lazy Christians. Instead of praying/going to church they preferred drinking/sex/drugs/gambling or other self-indulgent pursuits. Then I ask why they changed their minds and they al...

Akwa Ibom Government files its defense

It is a truism that the wheels of Justice grind exceeding slow. This is certainly the case in Nigeria where our affiliate, The Atheist Society of Nigeria (ASN), is suing the governor of Akwa Ibom state, Emmanuel Udom. The background The governor, an outspoken Christian, has played a leading role in promoting and supporting the building of an 8,500 seat ultra-modern worship center. We believe the s...

What was God’s most important job?

If Christianity is true, do you know what God’s most important job was? It wasn’t the creation of the universe or the creation of logic or the laws of physics. It wasn’t the creation of Earth or even the creation of humans. There was something FAR more important than all these things. Once God had created sentient beings his most important job was to save them from unnecessary su...

Why atheism needs no apologists

If God was real, we wouldn’t need apologists to explain why it is so difficult to find God or why a loving God planned so much pain and suffering for us. We wouldn’t need apologists to explain why different people see God so differently and scripture would not need hermeneutics to make sense. If God was real, it would be SO OBVIOUS that biologists would need apologists to explain why a...

Repealing blasphemy laws in Greece

AAI affiliate, The Atheist Union of Greece, has been campaigning for some years to have the country’s blasphemy laws repealed. Now the government is proposing changes to the Greek Penal Code and has set up a public consultation process. Articles 198 and 199 of the Penal Code form the basis of Greek blasphemy laws and it looks as though the government favors abolishing them. Public consultati...

Six reasons God would prefer to be dead

Let’s do a thought experiment. Imagine you are God—imagine you are the Hebrew god known as Elohim, Yahweh, Allah or just plain God. In an effort to make you the one “true” god and therefore, maximally great, your creators made you super-intelligent, omniscient, omnipotent, eternal and unchanging. They had to make you eternal—they didn’t want other religions claiming their god created you. An...

Meetups in Uganda

Uganda is a devoutly religious country located in East Africa with 99.8% of the population professing religious affiliation. The two biggest religions are Christianity (84.5%) followed by Islam (13.7%). Only 0.2% of the population identify as non-religious. Christians divide nearly equally into Catholics and Anglicans but with a growing Pentecostal presence—reaching over 11% of all Christians by 2...

How to prove creationism is true

If the Biblical creation story was true, the evidence for it would be all around us and overwhelming. It would the easiest thing to prove. If creationism is true, the Earth and everything upon it would be less than 10,000 years old. We would see all species appearing in the fossil record at the same time and all in much the same form as we see them today. The most distant stars would be no more th...

The truth about atheists

Before you know any atheists, you might believe the stories you hear about them. You might believe they are immoral, amoral or just evil. You might believe they are lost and aimless or they are drab, cheerless people who have no hope, no love and no happiness in their lives. But once you have met them, and you can hardly avoid meeting them if you spend time on social media, you’ll find the r...

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