Say no to Trump, Brighton 12th July
Brighton Antifascists berkongsi acara mereka.
7 min

You all know what time of the week it is, right? Humpday means #CANtifa! Head on down to the Cowley at 7:30pm for £2 tinnies and good times!

Rab, 30 Jan dan 13 lagi
Cowley ClubBrighton, United Kingdom

More far-right violence in #Manchester...

Leeds Anti-Fascist Network


It has come to our attention that on Saturday 26th January 2019, SUTR Manchester held a... stall in Manchester City Centre to engage the public with their message of anti-racism and anti-fascism and also to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day.

Their stall was viciously attacked by far-right protesters donning yellow vests – this group were lead away from their own protest to SUTR’s stall by scumbag James Goddard, the self-proclaimed leader of the ‘UK Yellow Vest Movement’. Goddard recently filmed himself abusing a female MP whilst following her into her office and has also attacked left-wing journalist Owen Jones. On arrival, the group upturned the stall whilst chanting their support for Tommy Robinson.

The far-right UK-based incarnation of the Yellow Vests are doing a great job of showing themselves up for who they really are – a movement of far-right thugs who communicate only in a language of hate and violence.

Today as we commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day, we are reminded of the murderous and genocidal nature of fascism. Attacks such as this are proof that anti-Semitism and racism are still alive and well in our society. As the far-right grows across the world, it is more pertinent than ever that we learn lessons from our past and give it no room to breathe. When we say ‘never again’, we must mean every word of it.

We stand in solidarity with all those affected by far-right attacks and intimidation. We condemn any racist or anti-Semitic attack and will forever strive to stamp out fascism in our communities.

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