Homeless 'safe space' evicted as anti-Islam protestors take to Martin Place

Sydney's 24-hour 'safe space' for rough sleepers in Martin Place was dismantled and cleared by Sydney City Council workers and police this morning, leaving hundreds of homeless without services that had been provided since Christmas eve.

In its place, Martin Place gave way to about 200 anti-Islam protestors who paid homage to Donald Trump's presidency and his policies on immigration. Reports suggested  that the homeless were cleared to make way for today's rally for "safety concerns".

As the rally dispersed, the homeless stated that they were determined to 'reclaim' their space and re-establish services to the needy, despite this morning's actions by the Council.

Organizers are calling for immediate donations of food, cooking facilities and other goods.

Go to: https://www.facebook.com/Sydney247StreetKitchenSafeSpace/?pnref=story

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