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A Republican voice in the Jewish community, a voice for American Jews in the GOP.

Beigetreten Mai 2009


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    My resolution serves as a reminder that investment in Iran will face huge legal and financial risks. Businesses should not put themselves in that compromising position, and our European partners should not give in to Iran's high-stakes nuclear blackmail.

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  2. vor 17 Stunden

    Statement- Iran Deal Withdrawal One-Year Anniversary: How Did Left-Wing Jewish Groups Get Their Predictions So Wrong?

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  3. vor 17 Stunden

    Statement: RJC Commends Fulfillment of the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995

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    vor 21 Stunden
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    We normally don't consider treating an ally like its actually an ally as "conceding" things. Usually one concedes things to an enemy. So now we know how Bill Burns feels about Israel.

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  5. vor 20 Stunden

    Happy Independence Day, Israel!

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    Under Obama’s disastrous deal, Iran received sanctions relief & a free pass to destabilize the Middle East. A year ago today, tore it up. Now, Iran is in a deep recession, its currency has hit record lows & its government is under pressure like never before.

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    No more waivers! Having now opened a Chief of Mission Residence in Jerusalem, the Administration has fully achieved the mandate of the Jerusalem Embassy Act. Eternal thanks to and for their courage and leadership.

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  8. vor 21 Stunden

    Islamic Jihad says there will be war with Israel this summer because that's what they want to happen. Yet, if it happens, the political Left and the media will still blame Israel...

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    vor 22 Stunden

    We had the opportunity to visit with Rabbi Yonah Fuld and Miriam Fuld, widow of Ari Fuld, who was murdered in a horrific terror attack a few years ago. Our heart breaks for them and their family and the unspeakable pain they live with everyday. Thank you for intro.

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    vor 23 Stunden

    As she knows, there IS NO MUSLIM BAN. Prez OBAMA listed 7 countries (5 Muslm-majority + Venez & NK) that couldn't ensure security in the visa process & banned those nationals from US. Vast majority of Muslims are unaffected. And again, it was OBAMA, not Prez Trump.

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    Also anyone not of a deeply diseased mind should be grateful that ppl like continue to defend our community despite constantly being attacked for it. We’re lucky to have allies. I’m sorry we don’t always do an appropriate job of showing it.

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    Late night hosts are deeply invested in protecting Congress’s most prominent antisemite, and their normalization of Jew-hatred in this climate should be noted and not forgotten

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  13. hat retweetet
    8. Mai

    Thank you for coming to Efrat on this very special day. Thank you for all support with administration. We really appreciate it. Keep up the good work

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  14. hat retweetet
    8. Mai

    Incredibly honored to join with the Mayor of Efrat and the delegation in laying a wreath to remember those who lost their lives in battle and by terror. May their memories be for a blessing, always.

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  15. hat retweetet
    7. Mai

    US military deployment a response to Iran moving ballistic missiles by boat: report

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  16. hat retweetet
    6. Mai

    Since Hamas talking points are being circulated in our political discourse, let’s get some things straight: - Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005. - Hamas uses Gaza to launch rockets on Israeli civilians. 700 this weekend. - Palestinians are held hostage by Hamas, not Israel.

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  17. hat retweetet
    7. Mai

    According to a -affiliated news agency, a “leak” from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad indicates the deaths were the result of a premature rocket detonation.

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  18. hat retweetet
    7. Mai

    Being in Israel during Yom Hazikaron - Israel’s day to honor its fallen soldiers is always powerful and poignant. Overlooking the Old City as the sirens go off to honor the fallen.

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  19. 7. Mai

    "Progressives demonize and delegitimize the Jewish state and demand that it adopt policies that would kill lots of Israelis, and lots of Jews."

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  20. 7. Mai

    Poorest Americans Are Benefiting Most From Strong Economy

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