New York City Antifa


Antifascist research and action in the five boroughs.

New York City
Beigetreten März 2014


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    1. Apr.

    Let's welcome Matthew Robert Warner to !! Thanks to the IE Discord leaks, we identified Matt as the Chief of Staff of Identity Evropa. Matt is from Virginia & lives in the DC area. He went by "Matthias" in Discord.

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  2. vor 5 Stunden

    It is no wonder why the police collude with/join/support/minimize the threat from the Far Right

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  3. 1. Juni

    As an international house of pancakes, it would be expressly opposed to nationalists.

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  4. 31. Mai

    Steve Bannon used a forged letter to lease a monastery in Italy so he could turn it into a “gladiator school” and churn out “cultural warriors.” Now he’s crying because the forgery was discovered. CW: Steve Bannon’s face

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  5. hat retweetet
    31. Mai

    PAUL NEHLEN: there should be more mass murders of Jews, here's how to inspire synagogue attacks LAURA INGRAHAM: prominent conservative voices like Paul Nehlen being censored FOX NEWS: "it is obscene to suggest that Laura Ingraham was defending Paul Nehlen's despicable actions"

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  6. 30. Mai

    never say nyc antifa doesn't bring that wholesome content

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  7. 30. Mai
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  8. 30. Mai

    brought to you by the same people who want to cut food assistance to poor people.

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  9. hat retweetet
    30. Mai

    Check out this article from for an in-depth piece which expands upon a story we published last week about someone in who was savagely attacked by a Goodwill employee while taking down neo-Nazi stickers.

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  10. 30. Mai

    you achieve the fifth degree in the proud boys when you cry in public because someone pointed out your bullshit and swear you'll never publicly link yourself to group ever again

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  11. hat retweetet
    30. Mai

    . has created a platform for Nazis and extremists. is out with a horrifying list of 60 accounts of prominent and well-known white nationalists on Twitter, many of whom have large followings

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  12. 30. Mai

    mood: trolololol

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  13. 30. Mai
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  14. 30. Mai
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  15. hat retweetet
    29. Mai

    Recommended piece from our comrades . Info on some familiar faces.

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  16. 29. Mai
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  17. 29. Mai

    "Seventy-five years after liberating Europe from Nazi Germany occupation, 'the United States is again delivering a form of freedom to the European continent, said Rick Perry, the US energy secretary." Apparently everything has to be fucking stupid.

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  18. 29. Mai

    White supremacy, white nationalism, bigotry, fascism, blah blah blah. It doesn’t belong anywhere. Except maybe the bottom of the sea.

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  19. hat retweetet
    28. Mai

    You hate to see it

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  20. hat retweetet
    28. Mai

    Meet American Identity Movement and Young Americans for Liberty Member Richard "Ricky" Golgart" CW: We will be censoring racist, homophobic, ableist, and anti-Semitic slurs in this thread, but the screenshots in the article are uncensored.

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  21. 29. Mai

    The best story about Quillete is when their authors complained on Twitter that no one wanted to date them after finding out they wrote for Quillete.

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