Get your very own beautiful, easy-to-use, free, blog!

PRODOS invites supporters of Capitalist Ideals to get blogging now!

PRODOS invites supporters of Capitalist Ideals to get blogging now!

THINKER TO THINKER™ provides beautiful, easy-to-use, free blogs for supporters of Capitalist Ideals.

It’s run by PRODOS (pictured above) as a non-profit service.

  • So, what’s the catch?

You’re right, there’s a catch. There’s always a catch, isn’t there?

To be eligible for a THINKER TO THINKER blog you need to agree with The Bernstein Declaration. This is the official position statement of the Celebrate Capitalism campaign.

To create your THINKER TO THINKER™ blog click here now

  • Does my blog have to be about Capitalism or politics or philosophy?

Your blog can be about anything at all!

It can be about cooking, about toys, about travel, about science, about vacations, about movies, about model airplanes.

It can be about liberty, rights, the media, monitoring the left, challenging the greens, legal issues, gun laws, the war against terror, business ideas, history.

Your blog doesn’t even need to have a defined theme. It can be a personal journal that covers all sorts of topics and ideas. Anything.

You can use it for activism, for entertainment, as a way of sharpening your writing skills, improving your thinking skills, communicating with people, publicising interesting or important events, writing poetry.

Just as long as you personally support Capitalism, free trade, individual rights, creative thinking  i.e. all the basic principles of the Celebrate Capitalism™ campaign – we invite you to get blogging now!

To create your THINKER TO THINKER™ blog click here now

  • I hate Capitalism. Can I still have a free blog?

No. Bugger off.

To bugger off now please click here.

  • Are there any topics or blog themes which are not allowed?

There are.

No promoting of any sort of nihilism such as: anti-capitalism, anti-science, anti-technology, anti-private-property, anti-individual-rights, etc.

No advocacy of any ideology or religion that promotes the use or legitimacy of violence towards those who disagree or even mock its beliefs or followers, towards apostates, or in the cause of converting non-believers.

No advocacy of Athropogenic Climate Change/Global Warming.

No promotion or advocacy of conspiracy theories such as “Truther” stuff, UFO’s, etc.

No racism, racialism, or anti-Semitism.

To create your THINKER TO THINKER™ blog click here now

  • I am an Objectivist. Is this an Objectivist project?
  • I am not an Objectivist. Is this an Objectivist project?
  • My personal philosophy/ideology is [ …………. ]. Is that okay?

Prodos is an Objectivist, but thinker to thinker is not an Objectivist project.

As long as you personally support The Bernstein Declaration and the Celebrate Capitalism™ campaign you are eligible for a free thinker to thinker blog.

As long as we have enough space on our server you can have a blog.

To create your THINKER TO THINKER™ blog click here now

  • If I do support The Bernstein Declaration and the Celebrate Capitalism™ campaign does that mean I am guaranteed a free blog? i.e. like as an inalienable right.

I know you would never ever ask a question like this 🙂

But I just wanted to mention that the number of THINKER TO THINKER blogs available will mainly be limited by the space available on our server.

Other than, we’d love to have you on board.

To create your THINKER TO THINKER™ blog click here now

  • Will there be advertisements on my blog site?

Maybe. The right hand column of each page may have two or three small advertisements under the heading “Sponsored links”.

If so, they will be discreet text-only ads. There will be no pop-ups. There will be no animated banners.

All advertisements will point to either iLOVEprodos.COM or We Love Capitalism merchandise, and will be for merchandise, products, and services that have been personally approved by PRODOS.

Or, the advertisements will point to a non-profit PRODOS project promoting creativity, rights, capitalism, etc.

To create your THINKER TO THINKER™ blog click here now

  • I’m very interested and I’m pretty sure I’m eligible. Also, I am confident I could run a very good blog. But I’ve never done it before. Can you help?

Sure! With pleasure! 🙂

When your blog is first set up you are ALSO automatically added to the THINKER TO THINKER bulletin list.

That means you can ask for the assistance of other blog owners using this list. And it means you’ll be notified about “latest tips”.

You’ll also receive occasional notices about what other THINKER TO THINKER blog owners are up to – which may be prove helpful.

Check the HOW TO page or email PRODOS any time for assistance.

To create your THINKER TO THINKER™ blog click here now

  • How will my blog be named? What do I call my blog?

What do you WANT to name it?

There are two “naming” decisions you’ll need to make when you apply for your thinker to thinker blog:

1. The name of the blog

2. The URL or web address of the blog

Example …

Name of blog site: The History of Animation Blog
URL of blog site:

Example …

Name of blog site: The History of Animation Blog
URL of blog site:

Example …

Name of blog site: Martin’s Motorcycle Blog
URL of blog site:

Example …

Name of blog site: I, Poet
URL of blog site:

Example …

Name of blog site: Bruce Wayne’s Blog
URL of blog site:

Some Advice:

It’s best to AVOID short, abbreviated web addresses.

Using whole words or expressions makes your blog’s web address (URL) much easier to remember and grabs the interest of the visitor immediately. It’s engaging.

For instance …

… is much better than …

… is much better than …

But, it’s up to you. It’s your blog.

To create your THINKER TO THINKER™ blog click here now

  • Can I move my old blog to my brand new THINKER TO THINKER blog? i.e. Can I move all the articles and comments across to my new THINKER TO THINKER blog?

Sorry, at the moment, no.

But we’re working on it. Send me a note if you want to do that.

To create your THINKER TO THINKER™ blog click here now

  • Are these blogs called “thinker to thinker” because, as The Bernstein Declaration says, “Capitalism is the system of the mind” and the idea is to appeal to and support those who believe in rational thinking, debate, seeking truth, and civilised discourse (versus what PRODOS calls the “thugs, bores, and buffoons” of the anti-capitalist movement who resort to screaming, mockery, intimidation, mob rule, and violence)?
  • And … is one of the ideas behind PRODOS’s fabulous new blog service to empower/equip those who support Capitalism, individual rights, reason, creative thinking?
  • And … is this all tied in to the Celebrate Capitalism™ campaign’s “We Invite the World!” project which seeks to open up vigorous debate, discourse, around the world because PRODOS is dedicated to a policy of “engagement” – not only with the anti-capitalists but also within the pro-capitalism movement?


To create your THINKER TO THINKER™ blog click here now

  • Oh! One last question! Do you have a catchy song about blogs that I could sing-a-long to and that might help to gently ease me into the idea of having my very own beautiful, easy-to-use thinker to thinker  blog?

Goodness! Yes, of course!  What a question!

Click here for a sing-a-long! (Oops, link will be back soon.)

To create your THINKER TO THINKER™ blog click here now