Don’t mention the Batmobile

Posted on June 22, 2010


When Angry Anderson sang ‘Bound for Glory’ from a Batmobile before the 1991 Grand Final, 3% of the nation raised their arms, sang along and shed a tear of toothless pride. The rest of us, along with some international guests, went “WTF?” (which is surprising because the phrase hadn’t reached the vernacular by then). Anyway, to promote Carlton Draught’s continuing sponsorship of the AFL in its sesquicentennial, we made this.

Originally, Angry said no because he was sick of people making fun of him about it. And then we used cutting edge negotiation tactics like saying “oh, ga’an” and “we’ll give you a slab”. And he said YES! Angry, you’re a champ and a good sport. Now, let’s never talk of this again.

Posted in: TV