& the World of Murray Whelan

Articles and Speeches

An Invitation to Scotch College

Sun 10 Sep 2006

First published inĀ The Age OpinionĀ on September 6, 2004 Recently some observations I made at Scotch College in 2001 started spreading spontaneously around the country like some sort of email samizdat. Approving letters began to arrive from complete strangers. Journalists contacted me seeking verification. The town tabloid ran a story. The Sydney press followed. Rants against …read more »

On being translated

Thu 30 Dec 2004

This article first appeared in Australian Author, December 2004. Republished in The Age, 24 December 2004. The republic of letters has always been an international community. And for the majority of us, those not fortunate enough to be fluently multilingual, access to that community comes by way of translation. It is through an interpreter that …read more »