Support Prison Rebels

As anarchists and autonomous anti-capitalists, we seek the destruction of the carceral State and the abolition of the systems of incarceration and policing. Towards that end, many individuals, organizations, and various formations put energy, time, and resources into supporting both prisoner revolt and organizing, and political prisoners of a variety of social movements.

Other groups flood facilities with revolutionary literature and reading materials, forming bonds with prisoners questioning the systems of control and domination all around them.

In order to provide a list of resources for these ongoing and developing struggles, we’ve launched this page, with links to groups organizing on the inside, political prisoners and how to support them, organizations on the outside mobilizing, multimedia resources, and much more.

Support Political Prisoners

Phone-Zap Campaigns

Support Prison Organizing

Support Organizations

How To Guides

Publications and News Websites

  • SF Bay View: Black Liberation newspaper from the bay area with a strong focus on political prisoners and front line journalism by inmates.
  • Prison Legal News: Monthly publication that provides news and analysis of court rulings and legal information for prisoners.
  • Amani Swari: Reports and stories on prisoner resistance.
  • Unstoppable: Anti-prison publication centered on trans and femme incarcerated bodies.
  • Fire Ant: Publication of long term anarchist prisoner writings.
  • Solid Black First: Online newsletter covering the #PrisonStrike in 2018.


  • Kite Line: Weekly broadcast that covers news of prison revolt, struggles, and the realities of daily life of the incarcerated.
  • Rust Belt Abolitionist Radio: Monthly podcast that discusses with organizers, theorists, and authors, the roots of the carceral settler State.
  • Twin Cities IWOC: Podcast that discusses prison conditions in and around the Twin Cities area.
  • Final Straw: Often features interviews with prison organizers and political prisoners.


Days of Action

  • December 31 – January 1st Day of Noise Demos Outside of Prisons, Jails, and Detention Facilities
  • June 11th Day of Solidarity with Long Term Anarchist Prisoners
  • June 28th Day of Solidarity with Eric King
  • July 25th Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners