#DropJ20 Podcast Update

#DropJ20 Podcast Update #5: The Path Ahead in 2018

After 6 weeks of sitting in court, side by side with our comrades, the jury finally reached a verdict in the first case of J20 protesters: a full acquittal on all 42 counts! Words cannot...

#DropJ20 Podcast Update #4: The First Trial Ends

Photo from Mic.comAs the first of many J20 conspiracy case trials draws to a close, we have a lot to catch you up on. Sorry for the delay with this update... it turns out that fighting state repression is exhausting.First, a sliver of good...

#DropJ20 Podcast Update #3: Police Take the Stand

"This means that a good chunk of the so-called evidence from that planning meeting that the prosecution is relying on only entered the trial because of Project Veritas."In this update from the first J20...

#DropJ20 Podcast Update #2: The State Stumbles

Photo from @DLamotJenkinsThe first of the J20 conspiracy trials resumed on Monday, November 27th. The prosecution continued its presentation of witnesses and evidence, including testimony from employees and managers of businesses in the downtown Washington, DC area...

#DropJ20 Podcast Update #1: The Trial Begins

"Kerkhoff admitted that the state does not have any evidence to prove that any of these 6 defendants are themselves guilty of any acts of property destruction. Even so, Kerkhoff has pursued these politically...