Ami du Radical

War, Trade, Law: The Next Stage of Fascism is Beginning

Ami du Radical returns with some real words of warning and a sobering analysis on the current context; from trade war to actual war. June of 2018 marks the 18th month of both the Trump...

We Finally Know What “Free Speech” Means

The latest from Ami du Radical argues that the far-Right was never interested in free speech, but used it as a rallying cry successfully to advance an agenda that stands opposed to human freedom. "Free...

Class War in the Classroom: Defend Your Campus from Fascism

For the time being, the street presence of the neo-fascist movement has been decimated. What remains of the horde that invaded the Berkeley campus in April of 2017 has burnt itself out through a...

The Undying State: An Anarchist Examination of 2018

Errico Malatesta wrote that an organ of the State, deprived of its original function, will either wither and die or, when possible, construct a new function for itself. "A police force where there are...

After Gainesville, There Are No Excuses Left

Richard Spencer's appearance in Gainesville, Florida was the crystallization of recent trends in the neo-fascist movement. During the lead-up to his speech at the University of Florida, antifascists across the country witnessed a series...

On Cryptofascism: The Fracturing of the Alt-Right & the GOP

"In Roy Moore, we can see a reflection of Bannon's own political ideology. Bannon believes that there is a cultural war between those of the Christian faith, and the combined forces of progressivism and...

Antifa Rising: The Aftermath of Charlottesville

Since the events of Unite the Right, the nation has been forced to consciously reckon with the threat of widespread fascism and white nationalism. Through a gruesome 48-hour period, the public bore witness to...

Path of Least Resistance: The Liberal Bloc and the Myth of the “Alt-Left”

Over the past six months, the facade of the American Empire has frayed significantly. The mythology of this nation, purported to be a grand temple of personal liberty, even-handed government, and financial opportunity, has...

A Spectacle of Violence: Trump, Fascism, & the Media

It appears the mainstream media has finally picked up on the antifascist movement in America, and their reaction has been just as uninformed and sensationalistic as one would expect. To make matters worse, their...

The Dawn of 21st Century American Paramilitarism

'"All I have to do is snap my fingers," he allegedly warned one protester, "and the cops will arrest you." The officers thanked the militia for their assistance afterward."We are on the cusp of...