Fair pricing

Workplace Premium has everything you need for less than you think. Just getting started? Try our Standard plan - it's free.

Communication features
Live video streaming
Voice and video calls (desktop and mobile)
Workplace and Work Chat apps (iOS / Android)
Productivity features
File, photo and video storage
Team and project groups
Integration with file storage providers
Desktop Notifier for Windows
Secure collaboration between companies
Directory of pre-built integration
Enterprise features
Administrative controls to manage your community
Monitoring tools to manage your community
APIs for custom integrations and bots
Single sign-on (SSO), Active Directory support
Integration with G Suite, Okta, Windows Azure AD and more
Admin support
1:1 email support for administrators


Per active user, per month
Over 5,000 users? Get in touch
Communication features
Live video streaming
Voice and video calls (desktop and mobile)
Workplace and Work Chat apps (iOS / Android)
Productivity features
File, photo and video storage
Team and project groups
Integration with file storage providers
Desktop Notifier for Windows
Secure collaboration between companies
Directory of pre-built integration
Enterprise features
Administrative controls to manage your community
Monitoring tools to manage your community
APIs for custom integrations and bots
Single sign-on (SSO), Active Directory support
Integration with G Suite, Okta, Windows Azure AD and more
Admin support
1:1 email support for administrators




Get Workplace for Free



Per active user, per month
Try Free for 90 Days
Over 5,000 users? Get in touch
Communication features
Live video streaming
Voice and video calls (desktop and mobile)
Workplace and Work Chat apps (iOS / Android)
Productivity features
File, photo and video storage
Team and project groups
Integration with file storage providers
Desktop Notifier for Windows
Secure collaboration between companies
Directory of pre-built integration
Enterprise features
Administrative controls to manage your community
Monitoring tools to manage your community
APIs for custom integrations and bots
Single sign-on (SSO), Active Directory support
Integration with G Suite, Okta, Windows Azure AD and more
Admin support
1:1 email support for administrators
  Get Workplace for FreeTry Free for 90 Days

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Supporting work with a purpose

Workplace Premium is free for registered nonprofits and staff of educational institutions.

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