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If you think you're missing data in Facebook Analytics, review this troubleshooting guide.

Check the following areas in Facebook Analytics to make sure you can see the information you care about:

  • Log events and parameters correctly: If your events and/or parameters are not logging correctly, you may not see all of the information you should. You can check if your events are logging correctly in Event Debugging.
  • Log events for all of your channels: Make sure you're not logging events for one channel (example: Android) and forgetting to log the same event for a different channel (example: iOS). You can check your events and filter by OS in Event Debugging, or review them in Events.
  • Create filters that match data from your product: For example, if you only sell products that are between $100 to $1000, and you create a filter to view people who have spent less than $100, you won't see any results.
  • Ensure the audience that matches your criteria is large enough: We may not be able to display information when your audiences size is too small. This may mean that you will need to grow your audience before you can view all of your charts, or that you need to adjust your time frame or filters. Learn more about why you may be seeing error messages, such as "Not Enough Data" or "Unknown" in your charts.
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We support Event Debugging for pixel and app event sources, including the JS SDK.

Event Debugging helps you check if your events and their parameters are logging correctly.

You can see the last 20 events logged within 24 hours in Activity > Event Debugging. Use Event Debugging to check that events are logging correctly, combining the following filters:

  • By an event to make debugging easier.
  • By device OSes to check how events are firing on iOS or Android, and so on.
  • By app version to see if the issue is specific to a recent release.

Here's an example of Event Debugging.

You set up a custom event, but you're not able to see any information about it in Facebook Analytics, or maybe you aren't seeing the event fire as much as you thought it should. You can use Event Debugging to analyze the values associated with that event as you do tests. You look at Device OS to make sure the event is logging across different operating systems and find it's not firing for Android. Now you can take a look at your Android app specifically and locate the issue.

Note: It may take up to 30 seconds for recently logged events to appear.

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We support event debugging for pixel and app event sources, including the JS SDK. You will only see Event Debugging if you view a pixel or app event source in Facebook Analytics (

You can confirm that events are logging correctly in Activity > Event Debugging in Facebook Analytics. In Event Debugging, you can see the last 20 events logged within 24 hours.

To check event logging in Facebook Analytics:

  1. Select Activity from the menu on the left, then select Event Debugging.
  2. Trigger an event, or use the drop-down menus at the top right to filter events and specific contexts.

    For Messenger bots, send or receive a message to your Messenger bot.

You should be able to determine if events are logging correctly and sending the appropriate information from this view.

If the event you recently triggered, or the event you'd like to select from the drop-down menu, isn't listed, check your channel's event implementation.

Note: It may take up to 30 seconds for a recently logged event to appear in Event Debugging.

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Error Messages

If you're seeing error messages in your Facebook Analytics charts, it may be related to any of the following reasons:

Error MessagePossible Reasons

All Other

The filter that you're viewing, or the audience that you're viewing for a given time period, may not be large enough.

Try adjusting the conditions of your filter to increase the number of people represented in your filtered view. You can also try increasing the time interval you're viewing.


You may see Unknown when:

  • The information may not have been verified, like when people are not logged into Facebook.
  • There are not enough people to anonymize and aggregate their information.
  • People chose not to disclose some information, like gender.
  • People select a gender option that is not yet supported by Facebook Analytics.
Try increasing the time interval you're viewing or making your filter less granular to decrease the number of Unknown results.

No Data Is Available

Your events may not be logging correctly. Learn more about checking if your events are logging correctly.

Other Values

You may see Other Values to let you know we've grouped together results that we don't recognize, or results with insufficient numbers to display.

For example, you may see this when you break down a chart by browser. People may have triggered events in browsers we don't yet support, or people may not have triggered enough events in a given browser or group of browsers to show results in your charts.

Application request limit reached

If you see the "Application request limit reached" error message, it may be due to a momentarily high request volume.

Recommendation: Wait (ideally at least 24 hours) and try again later when access is unblocked.

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If you see an error message in Facebook Analytics that says you need admin access, you may not have access to view revenue-related analytics. The following standard events display revenue-related analytics:

  • Add to Cart
  • Add to Wishlist
  • Initiated Checkout
  • Spent Credits
  • Purchase
  • Purchase Canceled

To resolve this error, contact an administrator for the event source or event source groups you'd like to view and request admin access. Share the following help article with them if they need a reminder about how to give you access: Give Facebook Analytics Users Access to View Revenue-Related Analytics.

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Differences between Facebook Analytics and Other Products

Facebook Analytics enables you to learn about the types of people using your product, how they got there and what actions they are taking. Facebook Ads Manager is designed to help you create, manage and measure your Facebook ads.

Both tools log and report events differently, like install events, for example.

Learn more about Facebook Ads Manager.

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Facebook Analytics enables you to better understand the people who use your product or engage with your business. To see the actions people take, we recommend that you refer to your pixel's dashboard in Facebook Events Manager.

Facebook Analytics may show a different number of events compared to the Facebook pixel in Events Manager for any of the following reasons:

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Facebook Analytics may show a different number of active users compared to your Custom Audience for any of the following reasons:

  • Active users includes users who interact with your event source, even if they may not be Facebook users.
  • A Custom Audience of your users includes only Facebook users.
  • A Custom Audience doesn't include people who may have disabled ad tracking.

As a result, you may also see a different number of users in a filter created on Facebook Analytics when compared to a corresponding Custom Audience.

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