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Improving Ads Manager and Business Manager

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As digital advertising becomes more complex, we want to make our tools easier to use to help businesses of all sizes succeed. That's why today, we're sharing plans to update our core business tools, Ads Manager and Business Manager. Throughout the year, we'll be making updates to help businesses quickly create, manage and analyze ad campaigns.

A simpler Ads Manager

Today, we're beginning to roll out a new Ads Manager interface with more simplified navigation features, a cleaner design and a new campaign management experience. You'll notice a new navigation bar, providing more space to manage ads and highlight tools that offer more insight into ad performance and reporting.

Ads Manager Screenshots

We're also updating the campaign creation experience with a copy and paste functionality that will offer more flexibility when building ads. And we're adding an auto-naming feature that will make it faster for businesses to customize their campaign, ad set and ad names. We also plan to roll out more intuitive ad-level creative and placement editing tools. These updates to Ads Manager are expected to be available to all advertisers by next year.

Improving Business Manager

Later this year, we'll update Business Manager to make it faster and easier for agencies to activate their clients' campaigns on Facebook. These changes will include a seamless process for agencies to onboard new clients, offering a better way for agencies to manage clients’ historical reporting and an easier way to assign and organize assets to people within your Business Manager account.

Add a New Partner dialog box

All of these features were designed not only to improve the look and feel of our ads tools, but also to help advertisers work more efficiently. You can learn more about the design considerations that went into improving the advertiser experience here.

Visit the Help Center for more information about these improvements.

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