Terror over that error

TONY ABBOTT: I think many, many millions of Australians would feel betrayed by our national broadcaster right now, and I think that the ABC does have to have a long, hard look at itself, and to answer a question which I have posed before: 'Whose side are you on? Whose side are you on here?'

— Sky News, 23rd June, 2015

Hello, I'm Paul Barry, welcome to Media Watch.

And what a difference a week makes.

After praising the ABC to the skies for The Killing Season the Prime Minister was back in attack mode last week - and clearly much more comfortable - suggesting that Q&A was a lefty lynch mob and Aunty was giving comfort to terrorists.

TONY ABBOTT: ... what our national broadcaster has done is give a platform to a convicted criminal and terrorist sympathiser ...

TONY ABBOTT: Fair enough, we all believe in free speech but in the end we have to make judgments and I think that the ABC made a very, very serious misjudgment last night.

— Sky News, 23rd June, 2015

That salvo from the PM was accompanied by a barrage of condemnation from all the usual suspects, led by the shockjocks at Sydney's Radio 2GB who all lined up for a kicking.

RAY HADLEY: I'm gonna condemn the ABC today ...

— 2GB, The Ray Hadley Morning Show, 23rd June, 2015

STEVE PRICE: The ABC's been heading for this point for a long time ...

— 2GB, Nights with Steve Price, 23rd June, 2015

ALAN JONES: When are heads gonna start rolling and whose heads will they be?

— 2GB, The Alan Jones Breakfast Show, 23rd June, 2015

A similar broadside came from the ABC's tireless critics at News Corp, whose big-city tabloids in Brisbane, Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney all screamed in unison that the ABC were terrorists or on the terrorists' side:


— The Courier-Mail, 24th June, 2015


— The Advertiser, 24th June, 2015


— Herald Sun, 24th June, 2015


— Daily Telegraph, 24th June, 2015

News Corp's The Australian also gave the row front-page treatment and accused the ABC of arranging an ambush.

And Rupert Murdoch's army of columnists and editorial writers by and large then fell in behind to complete the attack.

Colluding with the enemy

— Daily Telegraph, 24th June, 2015

Mallah fires hate bullets

— Herald Sun, 24th June, 2015


— Daily Telegraph, 24th June, 2015

Q&A: Zaky Mallah's aim would have been clear to ABC

— The Australian, 23rd June, 2015

So what was the cause of all this outrage?

Well, it was the appearance on Q&A of a convicted criminal and hothead Muslim thug called Zaky Mallah

Whom the ABC allowed into a studio debate last Monday about the new anti-terror laws to ask this question.

ZAKY MALLAH: As the first man in Australia to be charged with terrorism under the harsh Liberal Howard Government in 2003, I was subject to solitary confinement, a 22-hour lockdown, dressed in most times in an orange overall and treated like a convicted terrorist while under the presumption of innocence. I had done and said some stupid things, including threatening to kidnap and kill, but in 2005 I was acquitted of those terrorism charges. Question to the panel, what would have happened if my case had been decided by the Minister himself and not the courts?

— ABC TV, Q&A, 22nd June, 2015

That if you like was the ABC's Crime # 1

But the real hue and cry was almost certainly caused by the exchanges that followed.

The first of which began with Steve Ciobo, parliamentary secretary to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, telling Mallah that he would gladly strip him of his citizenship if he could.

STEVE CIOBO: But I'm happy to look you straight in the eye and say that I'd be pleased to be part of a government that would say that you're out of the country, as far as I'm concerned.

ZAKY MALLAH: Rubbish. Rubbish.

STEVE CIOBO: I'm telling you I would sleep very soundly at night with that point of view.

ZAKY MALLAH: As an Australian, I would be happy to see you out of this country.

— ABC TV, Q&A, 22nd June, 2015

But it was the next exchange that was third and worst. As the debate on the new terror laws wound up, Q&A's host Tony Jones invited Mallah-who went to Syria in 2012 to support the Free Syrian Army-to sum up what he'd heard about the government's plans.

TONY JONES: If you are quick about it, go ahead.

ZAKY MALLAH: Yeah. Yeah, sure. The Liberals now have just justified to many Australian Muslims in the community tonight to leave and go to Syria and join ISIL because of Ministers like him.

— ABC TV, Q&A, 22nd June, 2015

Despite that comment being instantly slapped down by Tony Jones,

The Minister for Communications, Malcolm Turnbull, quickly got on the blower to the ABC's managing director Mark Scott,

And to Chairman Jim Spigelman

And to host Tony Jones, to express his displeasure

And by nine am on Tuesday the ABC had run up the white flag, by announcing that Q&A would be subject to an external review to seek out bias, and by admitting:

... the Q&A program made an error in judgement in allowing Zaky Mallah to join the audience and ask a question.

— Richard Findlayson, Director ABC Television, 23rd June, 2015

Having apologised so promptly, the ABC was soon being attacked from the other flank.

First by former Media Watch producer David Salter who was worried about:

DAVID SALTER: ... the speed of the ABC's apology. I mean the show went off air at about 10.35 and Finlayson, head of, the Director of ABC Television had distributed to the media a written statement of an apology before nine o'clock the next morning. So there were some pretty heavy forces at work behind the scenes there.

— ABC, RN Breakfast, 24th June, 2015

Next, by the ABC's former head of News and Current Affairs Peter Manning, who wrote in Crikeythat Aunty's bosses needed to toughen up.

"I think senior ABC management needs to get their act together to defend freedom of speech, and the Q&A program, and not buckle at the first whimper from the federal government ..."

— Crikey, 24th June, 2015

***Editor's note: The above quote from Peter Manning was published in Crikey but Mr Manning was not the author of article. It was written by Crikey reporter Myriam Robin.

So what was it that the ABC felt it could not defend?

It was that Mallah had been allowed to come on live-rather than record his question-so ... what he said or perhaps did could not be controlled.

And given his background we agree that was a mistake.

But we also believe that in a program about terror it was reasonable to have him on. And in calmer times most in the Australian media have shared that view.

Mallah's made at least two dozen appearances on radio and TV in the last three years

With six on the ABC.

Six on SBS.

Three on Channel Seven

Four on Channel Ten.

Two on 2GB, which so roundly condemned Q&A.

Two on 3AW.

And one each on 2UE and Perth's 6PR.

Mallah has also featured in News Corp's papers, including an exclusive in The Australian in September 2012, which showed him in Syria holding an AK47 but judged him to be reformed:

Rebel urges Muslims to wage a jihad of peace

At 29, Mr Mallah says he is a different man from the 20-year-old who made a jihad-style video after being refused a passport to travel to Lebanon.

— The Australian, 20th June, 2012

According to that Australian story, Mallah was by 2012 anti violence ... pro freedom ... And a devout supporter of Australian democracy.

Yet The Australian has been helping to lead the charge against Q&A.

More recently, Mallah has condemned the Sydney siege in this posting on YouTube:

ZAKY MALLAH: This attack is no doubt an act of horror, it's an act of terror and it's not justified by any stretch of the imagination.

— You Tube, 15th December, 2014

And two months earlier, on Channel Ten's The Project, Mallah was condemning Islamic State as idiots and wankers and warning Australian teenagers not to go to the Middle East to fight for them.

ZAKY MALLAH: And for those who are considering to join ISIS, I hope ASIO is onto you, I hope your passport is refused, and I hope you are arrested and locked up until you wake up to yourself and realise the harm that you're doing to the community and greater Australia.

— Channel Ten, The Project, 22nd October, 2014

But ... let's also be clear that Mallah is no clean skin.

He was convicted in 2005 of threatening to kill ASIO officers, and by his own admission he is a sympathiser of Jabhat al-Nusra, a Syrian terrorist group linked to Al Qaeda:

ZAKY MALLAH: Why is Jabhat al-Nusra a terrorist organisation? They're not a terrorist organisation. They are in Syria to help the revolutionists against a dictator.

— You Tube, 25th March, 2015

The ABC told us that Q&A were not aware of that YouTube video. Nor did they know Mallah has expressed repulsive views about women.

In 2006 Mallah spoke up for the infamous Skaf brothers after they were convicted of rape, because they quote 'hadn't killed their victims as US soldiers in Iraq had done'.

And in January this year he tweeted that two News Corp columnists were quote whores who needed to be gangbanged.

Which some defenders of the ABC believe should have ruled him out:

Mallah should have been a no-go zone after he tweeted threats of sexual violence against columnists Miranda Devine and Rita Panahi a few months past ...

— ABC Online, The Drum, 25th June, 2015

Had Q&A been holding a debate about rape we would agree with that view.

But it was not

It was about terror and stripping people like Mallah of their citizenship.

Sure it could have been done better. And here's how.

Five years ago another terrorist sympathiser and convicted criminal was given a platform by Q&A to confront a much more famous Liberal politician.

DAVID HICKS: Hi, I'm David Hicks. When you were Prime Minister, you left me in Guantanamo Bay for five and a half years. During that time I was detained without charge for a long time; I was denied a fair trial; I was tortured. Do you believe that I was treated humanely and that the military commission was a fair system? Thank you.

— ABC TV, Q&A, 25th October, 2010

That question was recorded so what Hicks said could be controlled.

But another difference was in the comeback from John Howard who made an eloquent pitch for Australian values

JOHN HOWARD: Well, I'd make a couple of responses to David Hicks. The first is that isn't it a great country that allows this kind of exchange to occur and this is not the sort of exchange that would occur in other countries and in dictatorships and it ought to make all of us - whatever our views are about my Government's policies concerning Mr Hicks - it ought to make all of us very proud that we live in a country that allows that sort of exchange ...

— ABC TV, Q&A, 25th October, 2010

Five years later the Prime minister has seized on Q&A's error of judgement to restart a campaign about the ABC being out of control.

And he's told his party room that Q&A is a lefty lynch mob.

But if anyone is acting like a lynch mob it's certain sections of the government and News Corp, whose tabloids on Thursday came baying for blood again.





— Daily Telegraph, 25th June, 2015

Once again, New Corp's big name columnists also joined the hunt, with Andrew Bolt leading the pack:


A FURIOUS Prime Minister Tony Abbott this week challenged the ABC: "Whose side are you on?" And I challenge Abbott: We've known for years what side it's on. Now, what will you do about it?

— Herald Sun, 25th June, 2015

Within hours the Prime Minister had responded to that question.

Seizing upon the fact that Q&A had been repeated on Wednesday morning in its entirety and not taken down from the ABC's website Mr Abbott told a press conference on Thursday that he found the decision 'utterly incomprehensible':

TONY ABBOTT: Frankly, heads should roll over this. Heads should roll over this ...

— Sky News, 25th June, 2015

And over at News Corp they'd already decided whose head that should be, with The Australian's Bill Leak producing this appallingly tasteless cartoon.


— The Australian, 24th June, 2015

In his column Andrew Bolt had claimed that the ABC now posed a threat to democracy.

But one could argue that the real threat would come from shutting down debate.

And after days of silence the ABC's Managing Director Mark Scott stood up in Melbourne last Thursday to make that point.

MARK SCOTT: At times, free speech principles means giving platforms to those with whom we fundamentally disagree.

It was the crux of the Charlie Hebdo argument last year and of course, the source of the maxim that was used to describe Voltaire's beliefs: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

— Mark Scott, Managing Director, ABC, 25th June, 2015

Scott also provided a direct reply to the Prime Minister and others who had asked: whose side are you on.

Said Scott:

MARK SCOTT: The ABC is clearly Australian, it's on the side of Australia. The A in ABC is for Australian. And the part we play, what we do for the side, is a vital one, central to our culture and our democracy - that of being an independent public broadcaster ...

A state broadcaster is the communications arm of the Government.. Its role is to communicate the messages of the Government-and certainly not to do anything that would undermine any Government message. Surely no-one seriously wants the ABC to be a state broadcaster.

— Mark Scott, Managing Director, ABC, 25th June, 2015

But the ABC's plea for independence and open debate fell on deaf ears.

Next morning, on Channel Nine's Today, Christopher Pyne was protesting:

CHRISTOPHER PYNE: Mark Scott is trying to change the debate to something that it isn't. He's trying to pretend that the Government is trying to close free speech at the ABC.

— Channel Nine, Today, 26th June, 2015

And Malcolm Turnbull, who's been highlighting the physical dangers of allowing a hotheaded terrorist sympathiser into a TV studio was only a little more conciliatory.

MALCOLM TURNBULL: Mark Scott is entitled to assert the independence of the ABC. He's entitled to stand up for free speech and I think we should all speak up for Free Speech regularly but I think that he, what he perhaps could have spent some more time on in his speech was actually reflecting on what was clearly a, this is not something to brush off as an error of judgement.

— Sky News, 28th June, 2015

Well, the critics at News Corp certainly won't let that happen.

There was another barrage over the weekend and this morning condemning the ABC, and even before Scott had finished talking, columnist Miranda Devine was telling Sky's Paul Murray:

MIRANDA DEVINE: ... I think that what the Government should be doing, is none of this ranting, empty talk from Malcolm Turnbull and even the Prime Minister about heads should roll and all the rest of it. What should happen is that if Mark Scott wants the ABC to be a public broadcaster, let it be funded by the public by donations. It does not, this day and age, taxpayer money should not be paid to a company that ends up being a competitor to commercial companies that are doing it tough.

PAUL MURRAY: Well, correct, absolutely. Absolutely right.

— Sky News, 25th June, 2015

So is that the end of it all? Certainly not.

The ABC board now needs to find a new Managing Director to replace Mark Scott whose contract expires next July.

And as it goes looking it will face pressure about ABC bias, the ABC's budget and even the future of taxpayer-funded public broadcasting.

It seems the culture war is on again.

And you can read more about the ABC's battle with its critics on our Facebook page ... or on our website, where you also can get a transcript and download the program.

You can also catch up with us on iview and contact me or Media Watch on Twitter.

But for now until next week that's all from us. Goodbye.
