CERES Global 2019-02-19T09:44:54+00:00
Global HeaderGlobal Main Header

 invite you to travel on unique participatory, cross cultural, educational and skill sharing programs. Each year we visit, learn from and work with our international partner organisations doing exceptional work in sustainability, the environment, community development, social equity and education. The trips are open to people of any age or background wanting to travel with meaning and purpose and willing to open their hearts and minds to another culture and way of life. Read more…

Newsletter Sign-up

CERES Global is the international outreach program of the not-for-profit CERES Community Environment Park. We are a Social enterprise with a passion for designing and facilitating group journeys into new cultural settings with the intent of creating a space of mutual learning and the exchange of ideas. Each year we organise trips to over 9 destinations and we welcome anyone to join us.

All trips run at cost price. Fees include meals, accommodation, transport, community contributions, facilitator support, carbon offsets, pre trip preparations and administration. It does not include flights, visas and items of a personal nature.

For further details:
(03) 9389 0183

CERES Global travel to various communities, and in doing so identify partners and community groups with which we hope to develop a connection. Returning annually, sharing our stories and experiences, we are able to develop rapport and understanding, and build long term meaningful friendships. With these friendships and ongoing connection, we find we are able to have a greater impact, contributing to a more cohesive global community, and address social and environmental challenges from a position of equality.
After a number of visits to a particular community, it is often the case that through community dialogue and engagement, an opportunity to work together on a project or activity is identified. CERES Global recognise that the activity must be community driven, seeking to work alongside the community, intending to overcome a social or environmental challenge. Based on the requirements of a particular project, CERES Global will recruit participants with a relevant skill set to the project, and in certain circumstances seek funding to meet the costs of undertaking the project. Often it is the CERES Global participants who will lead the way in establishing and playing an ongoing role in completing projects with the community.

Contact us:


(03) 93890183

CERES Global News

1907, 2018

A Review of the Impacts, Causes, and Mitigation Efforts Towards Plastic Waste in Indonesian Coastal Environments

July 19th, 2018|Categories: CERES Global, Indonesia, Plastic Free July|Tags: , , , , , |

This Report was written by Nikita Cronyn from La Trobe University who joined us on our Indonesia trip in April 2018 looking at the impacts of plastic waste. This report is based on her findings from that [...]

1807, 2018

From Bali to Lombok & Gili Trawangan – The Plastic Waste Reality: Part 3

July 18th, 2018|Categories: CERES Global, Indonesia|Tags: , , , , , , |

This blog was written by Emily Ressia,  a recent participant on our Indonesia Living Oceans Trip.  Gili Sulat and Sugian Village The final leg of our trip was spent on a tiny island off [...]

2405, 2018

From Bali to Lombok & Gili Trawangan – The Plastic Waste Reality: Part 1

May 24th, 2018|Categories: CERES Global, Indonesia, Plastic Free July|Tags: , , , , , , |

This blog was written by Emily Ressia,  a recent participant on our Indonesia Living Oceans Trip.  No matter where you look, there is plastic waste. Whether it’s lying on the ground, out in the [...]