Subsidised training and finding the right pathway 2019-10-15T14:29:22+00:00

Subsidised Training and finding the right Pathway in Sustainability

Employment and training options in today’s world are changing rapidly. Whether you’ve just left school, your personal circumstances or priorities have changed or you need to re-enter the workforce after a period of time away it’s hard to know what direction to take, what might be a good fit for you and once you have determined your employment goal how to plot a path to it.

The adoption of environmental sustainability practices and principles in society and industry is creating a range of new opportunities. At CERES we can help you explore the employment and training options and opportunities in the areas of Horticulture, Permaculture and Environmental Education through:

  • One-on-one supported Pathways Planning* to explore and identify your goals and the stepping stones to achieve these (eligibility for free planning sessions)*
  • A range of subsidised** industry taster courses
  • Opportunities to gain work experience through our volunteer programs
  • Disability Program for Adults working with our Farm and Food programs
  • Workshop and Courses in Sustainability

Our aim is not just to provide information on current industry trends and options in employment and training pathways but to inspire, build confidence and provide opportunities for participants to network and gain connections.

Each participant’s goal and outcomes differ. Reported outcomes for past program participants include gaining renewed confidence, taking up volunteer roles in their communities, enrolling in further study at TAFE, creating businesses, undertaking apprenticeships, gaining internships and employment.

*Our Pathways Planning program is primarily aimed at those who reside in Darebin, Moreland and Yarra and face challenges.
**ACFE eligibility criteria applies

Take a look at what some of our past program participants have to say:

“This course has opened up a whole future for me and the course of my life. J has pointed me in the right direction. I’m very grateful”. ZR, enrolled in Diploma of Horticulture.

I gained “confidence to further my career path and skill development”. BC, enrolled in Cert III Horticulture.

I gained “new ways of thinking … and I have already gained employment in the field … as a direct results of this course and the contacts I’ve made”. RH, gained work in a Nursery and Community Garden.

I “loved every second” and “gained direction in career, further studies, what I want to do, peace of mind”. AC, Enrolled in Cert III Horticulture.

“Being welcomed into CERES through these programs has felt like a new beginning: not only has it introduced me to a range of career pathways, new friendships and connections, but it most importantly has given me a renewed sense of hope and a sense of belonging, which I’m forever grateful for”. RC, Enrolled in Cert IV Horticulture.

The course “exceeded my expectations” and I gained “knowledge and so many new skills”. “I am thoroughly enjoying my Cert IV Horticulture. The short course at CERES was so helpful in crystallising my interest in horticulture and re-introducing me to study after a break of 3 years”. MK.

I gained “Confidence, life skills, community, inspiration, and networking.  It was even better than expected. It was encouraging and gave me confidence after not studying for a while.  I learnt skills that I can use in everyday life as well as in my career.  I’m excited that through the class I now have a network. Thank you for this opportunity to grow and become more confident”. AR, enrolled in Cert III Horticulture.

“I learnt so much and I also found out I knew a lot too!”, I liked “the possibilities presented” “so many options!” “A very positive and affirming course which reiterated and solidified my knowledge and provided so many networking opportunities and new connections”. “Great for the soul and spirit”. SB, gained employment in a school garden and is developing her own gardening services business.

Stories from Participants……

Pre-accredited Training 

CERES is an approved Learn Local Organisation (LLO) registered with the Adult Community and Further Education (ACFE) Board. ACFE funds places on approved pre-accredited courses for those who meet eligibility criteria. These short courses run over 8 to 14 sessions and are designed to provide industry tasters and stepping stones into further training and/or employment.

Pathways Planning

The Inner North Community Foundation have funded CERES in 2018-2019 to offer individual career pathways support in Horticulture, Permaculture and Environmental Education for local people who:

… are currently underemployed or unemployed

… have experienced barriers to participating in training, gaining work experience or securing employment

…. Would benefit from individualised support in exploring training and employment options and opportunities

Preference is given to those residing in Moreland, Yarra and Darebin LGAs but others may participate.

If you want to explore your eligibility for this program or book an interview time please contact Karen Mengell, VET Co-ordinator & Pathways Planning Officer via or 9389 0127

PLEASE NOTE that if you do not hold permanent residency in Australia we are unable to offer you subsidised training.

Other Courses

CERES offers a wide range of fee-for-service short courses and workshops that can also provide the inspiration for future training or employment pathways or broaden your skill base. For further information go to:

CERES can also design non-accredited horticulture and hospitality training for schools or other groups. Perhaps your school would like to create a kitchen garden or indigenous oasis on your site? Perhaps you have a group of clients who would benefit from a Hospitality Taster course? We are happy to meet with you and design a program that meets your needs.

Day Service Program for Adults with a Disability

Monday to Thursday each week between 9:30am and 3pm, our group of young adults with intellectual and/or physical disabilities attend the CERES Day Service program. Days of attendance are specific to each participant.

Set on the CERES Farm, the focus is a hands-on real work approach where participants can meaningfully engage in the complex and integrated relationship between food production and consumption whilst developing strong interpersonal relationships with each other, with CERES trainers and staff, community members and members of the general public.