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Singer Sir Elton John says the cutting of gay sex scenes in Russian screenings of Rocketman are "a sad reflection of the divided world we still live in and how it can still be so cruelly unaccepting of the love between two people".


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  1. The Mix, episode 19

    Afghanistan's first metal band; the filmmaker behind clips for Bjork and FKA twigs lights up the Opera House; a Melbourne production of David Bowie’s final work; and RN's Benjamin Law and Beverley Wang discuss social media as a positive force for cultural change...and shoeys.

  2. 1900 eclipse on film

    A solar eclipse filmed in 1900 by Nevil Maskelyne, while on an expedition for the British Astronomical Association to North Carolina.

  3. One Plus One: Casey Legler

    As a teenager, Casey Legler was one of the fastest swimmers in the world. She was also an alcoholic. After overcoming trauma caused by competing at the Olympics, Casey became the first woman to be signed as a male fashion model.

  4. A bald eagle flew above a photographer's head for the perfect photo op

    Photographer, Steve Biro feels 'overwhelmed' by response to a photograph he took of a bald eagle at the Canadian Raptor conservancy

  5. Mel B complains about concert sound

    The Spice Girls' Mel B says hopefully the vocals and sound will improve at the Cardiff concert, suggesting it wasn't up to scratch in Dublin.

  6. The Mix: Episode 18

    Eloise Fuss reports from the 2019 Venice Biennale; a bus tour of bizarre public art; Indigenous artists tackle climate change; we discuss new Aussie film Acute Misfortune and coming attractions to the Sydney Film Festival.

  7. A trailer for TASH which will premiere at the Sydney Film Festival in June

    Short film TASH, illustrated and told by family violence survivor Natasha Anderson from Melbourne. The film has been selected for the 2019 Sydney Film Festival.

  8. Barrie Cassidy discusses reports David Speers will replace him as Insiders host

    Outgoing Insiders host Barrie Cassidy says he's pleased Sky News journalist David Speers is set to be the program's next host.

  9. Which Witch hit the Servo Food Truck Bar

    Fame has not interested this band across their three decades as much as encouraging women to play music, dance and have fun.

  10. Michael Rice performs 'Bigger than Us"

    Rice left Israel clutching a wooden spoon after this year's Eurovision song contest.

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