The SUWA Show - Squatters and Unwaged Workers Airwaves

Friday 5:30pm to 6:30pm
The Squatters and Unwaged Workers support and promote those resisting social order and trying to create an alternative to it. Interviews with local and interstate unwaged and unemployed activists, squatters and plugs of local and interstate actions, protests, conferences, meetings and film screenings.

SUWA crew


Latest episode

31 May


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About The SUWA Show - Squatters and Unwaged Workers Airwaves

The SUWA Program, Squatters and Unwaged Workers Airwaves is a weekely program about unemployed workers organising, centrelink news and squatting rights.

If you want information about how to squat or want to be linked in with other unemployed workers organising to protect and defend their rights, call 3cr. 

1st Friday of the month: What The Basque? 

Produced at Radio Hala Bedi, What The Basque? bring you news and interviews about the Basque Country and the powerful and innovative social movements that rule the streets. In every edition of the show the section ¨rub the skin¨ profiles a movement or institution to find out what it does and how it works. The successes and mistakes made in Basque country can be a model for the world. In ¨nor nori news¨ listen to the latest news from the front lines and, finally, why not learn some Euskera (basque) with the hala bedi method.

Contact the show on

Links: What the Basque? podcasts through Hala Bedi.

2nd Friday of the month:  Unemployed Workers Fight Back  

Australian Unemployed Workers Union

"Unemployed Workers Fight Back" is the Australian Unemployed Workers' Union program on 3CR Community Radio.
Our social security system is being purposefully defunded, privatised and dismantled; the poor and vulnerable are being criminalised and trampled upon.The Australian Unemployed Workers' Union is focused on helping unemployed and under-employed workers deal effectively with their job agencies, empowering them to fight back for their rights. Our 3CR program "Unemployed Workers Fight Back" has the latest news and views on Australia's employment crisis and in depth interviews with key figures and change agents in the welfare sector.

3rd Friday of the month:  Doing It Ourselves

We're keen to engage the broader community to talk about the harmful systems in society, encourage resistance against them, and inspire people to take part in empowering alternatives … because they do exist!  

Presenters:  Anisa Rogers, Jim Kremar, Luke Neeson, Mark Allen, Suse Scholem and Theo Kitchener.


4th Friday of the Month:  Floating Anarchy.

It's a ZOG eat dog world and YOU need to know who's who and what's what. The far right, state repression, $2 shops where things cost more than $2 – anarchist sex symbols Cam and Andy bring sense to a world gone mad. So strap on your tinfoil helmets and listen up – or else...


Fight Dem Back
Gather Around Me

5th Friday of the Month:  Melbourne #Narrm IWW Radio Show

Melbourne members of the Industrial Workers of the World aka the Wobblies "wobble the airwaves" every fifth Friday of the month. News and views from the wage-slavery queues with some music, poetry, readings and occasional jokes.

AEIOU - Agitation * Education * Innoculation * Organisation * Union.

Visit Melbourne #Narrm IWW Radio Show for more information.

Other SUWA Links:
Melbourne Squatters Guide
Squatspace (art collective, Broadway, Sydney) – 
How to make trouble and influence people 
Remembering the Pyrmont squats (blog post by 80s Pyrmont squatter) 
In Memory of Victoria St 