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Police and Thieves: Insurgency, Control, Crime

"Disorder and crime are usually inextricably linked, in a kind of developmental sequence..." - George L. Kelling and James Q. Wilson, Broken Windows "The policeman...

Call to Action June 15th: Call for Frontline Solidarity with Unist’ot’en/Wet’suwet’en

Call for solidarity with the Unist'ot'en in mid-June as the government decides on whether to send in more forces to unceded territory. The Unist’ot’en are...

Olympia, WA: Report from Anarchist Garden Harvest and Seed Exchange

Report from Olympia regarding a continued community resilience initiative centered around seed and garden harvest exchange. Catastrophic climate change is here and we must...

Raw Deal: Why Statecraft Won’t Solve the Climate Crisis

In this episode, we speak with a member of the Black Rose Anarchist Federation, about the increasing threat of climate change, growing State repression...

Pebble Mine & The Battle for Bristol Bay

Report from subMedia.Tv reports on the struggle against Pebble Mine in so-called Bristol Bay. Trump officials are rushing to ram through permits for the proposed...

Montreal Counter-Info #8

New issue of Montreal Counter-Info, a print publication featuring stories, action reports, and articles from the website. For distribution at schools, workplaces, coffee shops,...

Update on Eric’s Attack and Situation

Update on anarchist prisoner Eric King who has recently faced various attacks at the hands of the guards and fascist prisoners. We have word for...

Announcing the 2019 Toronto Anarchist Bookfair!

The Toronto Anarchist Bookfair is returning in so-called Ontario and will take place on September 28th! We are excited to announce the return of the...

Another Hit Against Free Radio in Mexico

Report from Ke Huelga Radio on recent attacks by the State in the press that the station's signal is a threat to air traffic....

Growing Surge Joining May 31 Global Action Against the Militarization of...

The below article by Ñaní Pinto from Avispa Midia, translated by Scott Campbell, looks at the upcoming Global Action in response to the Mexican...

Rebel Prisoner Birthdays for June

Inspired by the spirit of the Political Prisoners Birthday crew, here’s a short listing of some rebel prisoners who have upcoming birthdays in June.For...

Why Milkshaking the Far-Right is Going Viral

On both sides of the pond, far-Right political figures have been getting milkshakes thrown at them, and they are very upset. Here's a look...

Introducing: Prison Break from the Certain Days Collective

We are pleased to introduce the brand new column Prison Break, which is a project of the Certain Days Collective, a long running group...

Phone Zap: For Bronx 120 & Comrades at USP Hazelton

Join with New York IWOC for a phone zap campaign for the Bronx 120 and comrades at USP Hazelton. Call on Thursday, May 30th,...

Campus Organizers Push for More Faculty and Fewer Police

Organizing Work talks with members of South Sound General Education Union of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) about their recent organizing campaigns. This...

Pack the Court!: Drop the Charges Against Dr. Scott Warren

Call to show solidarity with Dr. Scott Warren of No More Deaths as the State attempts to criminalize him for engaging in humanitarian work...

Yellow Finch Tree Sitters Hold Strong as Police and Pipeline Company...

Today police aided by Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) employees attempted to evict the Yellow Finch tree sit but were not successful. What follows is...

TIA #75: Native People Are Using Tiny Homes to Fight a...

Welcome, to This Is America, May 27th, 2019.In this episode, we speak with Kanahus Manuel of the Secwepemc First Nation who is a life...

Denman Island: Anti-Police Graffiti Appears on Island

The following report and photo was anonymously submitted to It's Going Down. May 2019, Sla-Dai-Aich (aka Inner Island, aka Denman Island), unceded Pentlatch and...

BQIC on Building Black Queer and Trans Liberation in Ohio

We’ve almost reached LGBT Pride Month, which is becoming clearer each day as more rainbow-themed dudads begin to pop up in stores. But while...

Mexico: Communique from CIPOG-EZ After Two More Members Are Assassinated

Communiqué from the Popular Indigenous Council of Guerrero-Emiliano Zapata (CIPOG-EZ) on the recent murder of its members, Bartolo Hilario Morales and Isaías Xanteco Ahuejote. May...
On both sides of the pond, far-Right political figures have been getting milkshakes thrown at them, and they are very upset. Here's a look at just what is going on for those that are unaware of the newest viral sensation. by BlackcatSociet1"you can't really credibly claim a mandate from "the...
We are pleased to introduce the brand new column Prison Break, which is a project of the Certain Days Collective, a long running group of prison abolitionists who for years while working closely with political prisoners, have produced a yearly calendar which benefits various prisoner support organizations. In the...
Report from Olympia regarding a continued community resilience initiative centered around seed and garden harvest exchange. Catastrophic climate change is here and we must prepare. As Historic flooding inundates the Midwest and a historic torrent of tornadoes pummels the rust belt, its only a matter of time before food...
Report from subMedia.Tv reports on the struggle against Pebble Mine in so-called Bristol Bay. Trump officials are rushing to ram through permits for the proposed Pebble Mine before the end of Trump’s first term as president. The mine would be the largest gold mine in the world and the largest...
"Disorder and crime are usually inextricably linked, in a kind of developmental sequence..." - George L. Kelling and James Q. Wilson, Broken Windows "The policeman isn't there to create disorder; the policeman is there to preserve disorder." - Richard DaleyIt may seem like a strange thing to say in today's...
An analysis from the Olympia Solidarity Network about the meaning of a recent eviction in the Downtown area of the city. In early May, over a third of tenants of the Angelus Apartments in downtown Olympia were issued 20-day tenancy termination notices. New co-owner of the property, investor and apparent...