World News


  1. Fancy another life?

    Our personal data isn't stable — is being bought, sold and shared in ways most of us have no idea about.

  2. Riding solo

    As Sydney joins the list of cities across the globe embracing driverless trains, are governments adequately prepared?

  3. Trump's challengers

    Those vying to be the Democrats' 2020 Presidential candidate represent the most diverse field in American history — who are they?

  4. Refugees 'were a danger'

    A retired US immigration judge says two Rwandan men resettled in Australia posed a threat to the safety and security of the US.

  5. Israel to return to the polls

    Mr Netanyahu's failure to form a governing coalition means Israel's parliament has been dissolved, just weeks after being sworn in.

  6. Refugee self-harm 'crisis'

    More than 20 refugees living on Manus Island have attempted self-harm or suicide since the Federal Election, according advocates.

  7. Peter O'Neill resigns

    Peter O'Neill entered the prime minister's office surrounded in controversy and this morning he exited the same way.

  8. Scandals collide

    Sordid details of alleged sexual misconduct by prominent male figures within the industry have shocked K-Pop fans worldwide.

  9. Lasers target military

    Australian military officials believe the laser attacks on the navy helicopters came from fishing boats.

  10. 'No-one can protect us'

    Myanmar launches a new campaign of violence nearly two years after the alleged genocide against Rohingya minorities.

  11. The centre has lost Europe

    A record number of voters showed up for the European Parliament elections, but they weren't there to support centrist parties.

  12. Modi and Australia

    There is more to the Australian-Indian relationship than cricket, curry and the Commonwealth.

  13. Everest climber identified

    Australian Gilian Lee is recovering in a Kathmandu hospital after falling unconscious and being rescued on Mount Everest.

  14. Undercover in the NRA

    It all began with a phone call from an old friend. Little did Rodger Muller know that it would change his life for three years.

  1. Waste to be returned

    Malaysia will send back some 3,000 tonnes of non-recyclable plastic waste to countries such as Australia, the US, the UK and Canada to avoid becoming a dumping ground for rich nations.

    Environment Minister Yeo Bee Yin said Malaysia and many developing countries had become new targets after China banned the import of plastic waste last year, disrupting the flow of more than 7 million tonnes of plastic scrap a year.

  1. Sumatran rhino dies

    Malaysia's last male Sumatran rhinoceros has died, dashing efforts to save the critically endangered species in the country.

  2. Trump visits Japan

    Mr Trump has backed Mr Abe's interest in using his country's good relations with Iran to help broker a dialogue.

  3. AI censorship

    China's automated censors are working overtime as the 30th anniversary of Tiananmen Square nears.

  4. PNG's PM resigns

    After seven years in the top job, Peter O'Neill says recent movements in parliament show a "need for change".