Think video shops are dead? This one in far north Queensland has made a stunning comeback

Posted June 02, 2019 08:59:10

TV blockbusters like Game of Thrones may steal the international limelight, but in far north Queensland the humble video shop may be the sleeper hit of 2019.

Key points:

  • Cairns' last remaining video shop was downsizing when business picked up again in the last 18 months
  • The store's manager says people have been "jolted" into supporting the business when they realised the video store era could be coming to an end
  • The shop has seen more than 1,000 people through its doors during '$1 Tuesdays'

Australia was estimated to have had about 2,600 video stores in 2001 with the number dwindling to less than 750 by 2016.

But one video rental store in Cairns said it had experienced a 25 per cent increase in business over the last year, with about 30 new members signing up each week.

After years of seeing major video rental chains going bust, E-Time Video manager Neville Fitzsimmons said taking on feedback helped turned the business around.

"We were going downhill there for a while ... but we've met the market, I think," Mr Fitzsimmons said.

E-Time Video is Cairns' last remaining video store and had been downsizing when business picked up again in the last 18 months.

It increased its stock from 11,000 DVDs last year to 18,000 this year and had to add another row to its new releases shelves to make everything fit.

Its busiest day of the week is '$1 Tuesdays' when the store has had more than 1,000 customers through its doors in a day's trade.

Mr Fitzsimmons said the store had devised "platinum memberships" with its most loyal customers and set up a kids' corner complete with toys and a ride to keep children entertained.

"A lot of the ideas don't come from me, it comes from the customers," he said.

"If they're struggling to get movies returned, then we've got to put them out for a longer period of time.

"If they want a better children's range, we've got to get it in. If we don't get it in, we'll simply disappear and they'll find another source to get it from."

While digital services sought to gain subscriptions by enticing viewers with big-budget television series like Game of Thrones and The Crown, Mr Fitzsimmons said long-running series were helping keep him in business.

"Our Game of Thrones back catalogue has gone through the roof," Mr Fitzsimmons said.

"We were going to sell off sets of them and thankfully we kept them because people want to see the earlier seasons.

"Plus they're bringing in their boyfriends and girlfriends because they haven't seen the show at all.

"Some people don't necessarily want to buy them, so they just hire them."

Movie buff David Stone from Cairns' northern beaches said being able to rent a flick for the price of a gold coin was why he returned to the video store aisles after years of watching content online.

"It's a bargain. There's a big range and going to the movies doesn't really do it for me," Mr Stone said.

"You miss something and you can't rewind it at the movies. I'm a shift-worker to some degree but it's easy enough to stop by and that's why I'm here."

Mr Fitzsimmons said customers may have been "jolted" into ramping up support for the business when they realised the video store era could be coming to an end.

"Word gets around — if you don't use it, you lose it," he said.

Mr Fitzsimmons said he was confident demand for DVDs was growing in Cairns once more.

"It's nice to see people come in and say, 'You know, it's just so relaxing to have a browse'," he said.

"I think people are tired of getting everything delivered to the house. They're getting out as a family ... they can pick up a pizza on the way home and parents aren't worrying about the kids being online.

"People are coming back to the stores because they like to touch and feel and browse the selection.

"I think we're going to be here forever and a day. I don't think we're going anywhere."

Topics: small-business, television, film-movies, popular-culture, cairns-4870