ARE THE LADS SOCIETY KLUB NATION 2.0?   – unitednationalistsaustralia

archived 6 Mar 2018 06:26:48 UTC
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unitednationalistsaustralia in Alt-Right, Nationalism, Patriots, Right-wing 2,392 Words
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ED: The following account has been by a Victorian Nationalist, himself a young chap, who does NOT accord with the direction of this article’s subjects – despite having approached them initially with an open mind. His work has naturally been edited, and here and there an addition made by the editor to improve its cogency. The editor has added some details unknown to the author, but the thrust of it is otherwise his own words, although it has been necessary to effect a few tricks of the trade to disguise his identity.


During last December’s meeting at the anniversary of the Eureka Uprising in Victoria, a Nationalist gave a speech urging everyone to set aside their differences and work together for our common interest. It was a nice pep-talk and well-received. However, its flaw lay in this notion of ‘everyone’ and, frankly, in the concept of a ‘common interest’. This is not a swipe at the speaker, whose intentions were honourable, but the time has come to address current events in the context of his message.
His speech might be understood as directed at United Nationalists Australia blogsite and probably others we weren’t aware of. Our unwavering commitment to the precepts of Australian Nationalism seems to bother many of those he implied in his use of the pronoun.
Those it troubles do not fall into the category of ‘Nationalist’ and they have now come together as an organisation. Yet we have the incredible situation where one of the most influential of Nationalist thinkers has thrown his all in with this non-Nationalist group. Moreover, he is paying it tributes that not only it hasn’t earned, but which are not in any way deserved by this non-political, non-activist, non-Nationalist association.
We will not name the individual or any organisation to which this Nationalist may belong, but by ‘this group’ – we mean the ‘Lads Society’.


A broad column of individuals exists in the wilds between a definitive Nationalist organisation with a confirmed mission-statement, philosophy, core-policies, written history and political intent — and a notional collective of an imprecise creed that seems to have as its intentions to vacuum up all those who would dedicate their energies other than to its own. And they wish to marshal all that energy for what purpose? Just because ‘one day’ there’ll be a reckoning… What sort of reckoning? They are unable to say.
Over the years there have been other such clusters of suggested Nationalists and Patriots usually springing up with duplicitous intentions and huckster aims. Klub Nation was one such mob. It was all about the shekels and was an outright scam. Now we have The Lads Society, which is the brainchild of Tom Sewell, called by some ‘the permanent shadow’ of Blair Cottrell. But is it Klub Nation 2.0? Tom and Blair, as everyone knows, were the Batman & Robin of the United Patriots Front after its founding members and Christopher Shortis split.
In a way, it’s a pity about Tom, because in those days of 2015 he could be relied upon to support Nationalist views. He even supported the Australia First Party in a video that Blair had removed because it might upset half-stepping civic patriots who, having no education on politics, passionately back ‘diversity minus Islam’. It seems Tom finally went in that direction too in practise if not always in words. In the beginning, the word is, Tom was much more amenable to what proper Nationalists had to say.
Some of those involved in this civic patriot milieu are touchy on the question of White Australia, often because they’re busy copulating with Asian women.
It is an open secret that Tom Sewell was in a relationship with a part Filipino (some Sydney civics now say ‘Vietnamese’ and say it is current) girl as recently as 2015. All believe he would no longer engage in such relationships and congratulate him on that.  Maybe some of those attacking Tom on this have an agenda, which we will discuss in a moment?

Some of those involved in this civic patriot milieu are touchy on the question of White Australia, often because they’re busy copulating with Asian women.

From the very outset, the political kids of the UPF, particularly Blair and Tom, pronounced themselves to be ‘the’ answer. They had not figured out the question yet, but they were unflappable in their chauvinism. This has been observed by some young people who are not so naïve to believe that before them being on the scene – there was never any sort of nationalist or patriot movement.
At the time, they dismissed the bedrock Nationalist leaders of the Australia First Party as “too old” and charged that it had “done nothing”. This last criticism betrayed the kind of arrogance one expects but which is not helpful for any side. Having just landed on the ground they had no concept of the terrain but with the cocksureness of inexperience divined themselves as superior to surviving Nationalists because they were loudly out and facing off with Antifa in city areas of Melbourne long ago lost to the fifth-columnists of globalism.
So, from their arrival, they were derisive of veteran Nationalists, going so far as to encourage others to avoid the established organisations. Remarkably, they now accuse veteran-Nationalists of undermining them while encouraging every young bloke from the Alt-Right or wherever to join them and avoid the “baby boomers” and “Gen-Xers” of AFP and similar. Apparently, they, and those at UNA “shoot too far to the right”, whatever that’s supposed to mean, since Nationalism shoots neither left or right, it is simply a Third Position.
Nationalists from all groups have never advised political prospects not to deal with the Lads Society. UNA has never, until now, even mentioned them. More to the point, Nationalists such as the AFP and others wants to work with any bona fide Nationalist, on any agreeable terms. They would be pleased for them to join their cause but are under no pressure. AFP has long worked with non-members. The absolutism of The Lads Society is therefore hypocritical on this score since according to hypnotic messages delivered to its younger members by Tom during bonding sessions, the Lads Society is “the only” group who can “save Australia.”
Any individual who did not burst out laughing, get up and walk out at this point is open to accusations of gullibility. His act bears more in common with the sale of snake oil and rain dances than with anything founded on credible Nationalist ground. It is a wonder he and Blair aren’t issuing absolution on the way out the door.

From the very outset, the political kids of the UPF, particularly Blair and Tom, pronounced themselves to be ‘the’ answer. They had not figured out the question yet, but they were unflappable in their chauvinism.

What an outrageous assertion for a club to make given they have no political direction and exist as only a fraternal structure!
And that is the thing about the Lads! They are CLUB LIFE pure and simple. There is a gym, and a bar and they encourage attendance in a cultish kind. Membership is exclusively open to males. Given how any swing towards Nationalism would require a substantial female input, their prospects of ‘saving Australia’ are presently limited.
There is no quarrel at all with some of the aims of the Lads: the push to fitness and the improvement of the self-esteem of young Aussie blokes is a commendable thing. But if they wish to emulate ‘the Hitler youth’ then they have overlooked that it was, in fact, an organisation attached to a political party. It was not of itself a movement.
“Listen up, Lads…”
Most alarming of all is that the Lads are not even choosing to identify as Nationalists anywhere but on the quiet. This is classic UPF; it is exactly what Tom and Blair did all along with the UPF; they made overtures to Nationalists with a nod and wink that ‘one day’ when the political climate was right they would emerge as fully-fledged Nationalists. Nationalists were sceptical about them then, and now we outright call bullshit!
Blair Cottrell admitted in a recent video posted to his new Facebook page in which he identifies as “right wing” and “conservative.” Does that mean he is pitching away from Nationalism? Furthermore, the Lads’ association with the non-political, non-Nationalist, street association known as The True Blue Crew continues. This is a bunch of blokes with utterly no political comprehension whatsoever who make no secret about being an openly civic patriot unit. It has been said the two groups are merging at the Lads’ Melbourne clubhouse to share rent and better coordinate activities. This is as direct a disavowal of Nationalist principles as can be understood.

What an outrageous assertion for a club to make given they have no political direction and exist as only a fra!ternal structure

Thus we come back to the original speech about ‘everyone’ and ‘common interest’. Through the perversity of the thing, this ‘everyone’ excludes true Nationalists, and ‘interests’ could not be less common.
Nationalists understand that patriotic cause can only be served politically and with absolute preservation of its ideals. It cannot be talked away from its implicit understanding of Australianness as being determined solely by White heritage.
The Lads Society is a monetised operation dependent on fee-paying members to sustain the club and maintain its equipment. Klub Nation was likewise monetised although it was done so along the lines of a Ponzi scheme.  It does not possess a real hope of survival. This is subculture at best and as such it has a finite lifespan. Under the conditions described there is no hope of ‘saving Australia’, particularly when its leaders are reticent about committing to a definition of what constitutes an Australian.
Unless they are prepared to come out and say ‘Australians are White, and Whites are under threat, and we support the cause of Australian Nationalism, and agree with the idea of a White Australia Policy’, then they are grifting us all just like in the UPF days.


It’s not enough that Tom and Blair are silly enough to view themselves as ‘saviours’, but they have chosen not to confine the infection of their Lads Society to Melbourne. Tom is quoted as having addressed ‘the Sydney problem’.
Those Sydney Nationalists see the only ‘problem’ as being people like Tom and his Lads Society. Their status as a corrosive ‘problem’ was confirmed when Tom had the stunning absence of mind to fly to Sydney a few weeks ago and appoint none other than former Squadron 88 leader Mark McDonald (real name unknown) to arrange its Sydney operations, which we understand are destined for setting up with a ‘clubhouse’ in Cronulla. This has caused a real upset in the Alt-Right ranks in Sydney. None of them wants anything to do with McDonald.
The choice of area is predictable given McDonald’s connection to the leftovers of the civic patriot Party for Freedom, which is eyeing off the Lads Society, and at its very least, hopes to become its political arm. Is it the PfF civics who are now telling that ‘Vietnamese’ story about Tom as part of a final takeover bid? If this group of Sydney civics is a Klub Nation 2,0, spreading deceits undermines the target so they can get control.
In 2015, Nick and his Peanuts for Freedom attempted to hijack the Cronulla Uprising commemoration in a cheap grab for publicity. The fallout led to his mate Shermon Burgess being slugged with a $100k fine from the local council. These crooks are now all over Sydney Lads and if they use the same talent for disaster that they had then, Melbourne Lads is in for a rough ride.
Much has been written about McDonald and this truth is just too well known. His track record of spreading discord is infamous and his every furtive move involves acquisition and recruitment. He has been connected to Party for Freedom since he arrived on the scene but he has attempted to involve himself in every known Nationalist group, or White Nationalist organisation.

It’s not enough that Tom and Blair are silly enough to view themselves as ‘saviours’, but they have chosen not to confine the infection of their Lads Society to Melbourne. Tom is quoted as having addressed ‘the Sydney problem’.

He is, in fact, a New Zealander. In the case of ‘Matey Mate’ McDonald, with his history of attempting to rope others into criminal activities; his refusal to reveal the truth about his past and his identity; and an avowed determination to create havoc for true Australian Nationalists before one asks anything else, the primary question is, “What are you really?” He can’t be doing it for Australia because he’s not an Australian. He is not even a New Zealand patriot because nobody over there has ever heard of him.
The Party for Freedom has shed its leader of many years, Nick Folkes. He has been sidelined, some say, for the establishment of a “harder” more “Nationalist” PfF, which is classic Peanuts gameplay. We have a lot of groups and individuals who therefore can never stay one course, but have to reinvent themselves like fashions. The one thing they have in common is that their goals are just to ‘attract’, never to pursue an issue towards public influence.
They have also never done a thing to help true Nationalists. Blair Cottrell has long preferred (he says for ‘tactical reasons’) to shake hands with non-Whites for grip-and-grin opportunities than being caught dead hosting Nationalists. On the other hand, Nationalists tried their hardest to provide the UPF with guidance and advice. One bit of advice was to avoid Mark McDonald like the plague. Tom’s solution, and what is really a foul gob in the eye of all Nationalists, is to appoint this shifty narc its Sydney organiser, complete with access to Lads Society funds.
All in all, this talk about ‘everyone’ and ‘common interests’ is naïve indeed; it is really time to talk facts and truths and for the Lads to clean up its act.
Boys only tree house
The Lads Society clubhouse in Melbourne
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