The stars that hold the most sway with young people are no longer on the silver screen they're now more likely to be famous on social media.

Influencer with 2.6 million followers rants after nobody buys her clothing brand



An Instagram influencer with 2.6 million followers penned a long rant after nobody bought items from her new clothing brand.

In a post she later deleted, 18-year-old Arii apologised to her followers who did place an order, after initial numbers didn’t meet the amount the manufacturers needed in order to begin production.

“In order for them to order & make my products (even to keep working with them) I have to sell at least 36 pieces,” she wrote.

“I was getting such good feedback that people loved it & were gonna buy it. No one has kept their word.”

After detailing the lengths she went to in setting up promotional photo shoots and mailing out free samples, Arii went on to criticise friends who had not supporter her.

“The people who I thought would support me really didn’t nor did they share any of my posts.

“Sounds bitchy but like no shade to anyone, I’ve supported everyone’s music or whatever they’ve asked for my support on & I couldn’t even get it in return.”

The situation drew strong feedback from her followers and social media in general, with many suggesting she didn’t promote herself enough.

One Twitter user gained traction after suggesting it was a sign on the ‘influencer bubble’ bursting.

“This young lady has well over 2 million followers and couldn’t sell 36 shirts. Focus on genuine engagement and not followers cuz they ain’t gonna buy a thing,” user @kissmyelite wrote.

Arii later took to Instagram to clarify that the manufacturers actually needed 36 orders for each product - 252 in total - and denied every buying followers.

“I just wanna say thank you to those who have been nice enough to give me words of encouragement & advice instead of trolling me,” she said.