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Welcome to the official
Eric Bogle

Friends - welcome to my new official web-site! I hope you find enough inside to entertain, inform, inspire and perhaps even titillate. The web-site was designed mostly by my mate Pete Titchener, with a miniscule input from me, so if you don't like the layout, colours etc., it's all his fault.

I'd like to thank Karen Rogers, of the San Diego group WINDBOURNE, for setting up and maintaining my old web-site, while I laboriously fumbled my way around my PC to try and pick up enough basic skills to enable me to maintain my own web-site. Time to hand over the web master's baton (mouse?) Karen, but thank you for keeping my fans up to date and informed for the last 3 years or so. So, now to go boldly where no pathetically inadequate computer geek has gone before……….






Home : Bogle Blurb : Concerts : Bogleband : CD's : Lyrics : Pix Gallery : Bogleography
Media Info : Technical Stuff : Contact