Avi Yemini ~versus~ APEX : “Make Victoria Great Again” LOL (September 17, 2017)

This Sunday, September 17, Avi Yemini has organised a rally to castigate the Victorian Premier, Daniel Andrews, for failing to stop African yoof from slaughtering Victorians.

Or something.

According to Avi:

The government has failed us.

Violent crime in Victoria is out of control and we refuse to wait until the next elections [sic] to demand safety and security for the good people of our great state.

We will be demanding:

1. Minimum sentencing for violent offenders, including teenage ‘minors’.

2. NO bail for violent offenders.

3. NO early release for violent offenders.

4. Adult jails for offenders over the age of 18. No matter their sob story.

5. Deportation of violent immigrant offenders.

6. Empowering the community through the legalisation of defensive tools, such as pepper spray.

Avi has previously stated that ‘[t]here’s no question that Melbourne is currently under siege’, and that those besieging it are APEX (‘APEX: How to end their reign of terror’, July 16, 2016). On APEX, see : In defense of the “Apex gang”, Kieran’s Review, November 7, 2016; on crime in Victoria, see : FactCheck Q&A: is violent crime getting worse in Victoria and do people feel less safe than ever?, The Conversation, February 18, 2017.

Joining him on the day will be All The Usual Suspects, drawn from A26A, Asolate Security Group, Patriots Defence League of Australia, Reclaim Australia, Soldiers of Odin, True Blue Crew, United Patriots Front and various other right-wing satellites.

Well, actually, lvl boss of the TBC, Kane Miller, announced on Tuesday that the boys from Bendigo and Melton will not be joining Avi on Sunday. According to Kane, this is because of the unfortunate fact that, while they too regard African yoof as being suitable only for deportation, Avi simply failed to respond to their messages to him about the event.

This is very sad news.

But wait! There’s more! On Friday, Kane informed the world that he and his Crew will indeed be attending on Sunday, because while they don’t support Avi or his #BFF Neil Erikson (who has previously denounced the TBC as the ‘True Meth Crew’), they rlly do hate African yoof as much as any other flag-waver.


In any case, the Soldiers of Odin — y’know, the mob founded by a Finnish neo-Nazi, Mika Ranta (Finnish Resistance Movement) — will mos def be present, including its President Jason (‘Jay B’) Moore, and Swiss member Jan Herweijer. Jan was recently in the news (August 22, 2017) because he ‘was issued with a letter from the immigration department last month informing him he had failed a character test. The letter, seen by nine.com.au, informs Mr Herweijer the department is considering cancelling his current bridging visa and refusing his partner visa application because of his online activity and affiliation with Soldiers of Odin (SOO).’ Note that in July:

Three men with ties to the [Nordic Resistance Movement] were sentenced on Friday to up to eight and a half years in prison for bomb attacks in western Sweden over the past year. Viktor Melin, 23, received the longest sentence for carrying out bomb attacks on a left-wing bookstore and an asylum center and an attempted bombing of a second asylum center. The attacks took place in November and January. Nobody was killed but one man was seriously wounded in the asylum center attack.

The Soldiers’ cousins in Sweden are also organising a march on a synagogue on Yom Kippur (Neo-Nazis Get Green Light To March Outside Swedish Synagogue On Yom Kippur, Aiden Pink, Forward, September 11, 2017).

Joining the Soldiers Of Odin will be whatever remains of the PDLA, which in this case seems to be Damian/Damien Kourevellis (Court told violent man not detained, Steve Butcher, The Age, March 26, 2009):

A man arrested and then released from hospital hours after threatening “suicide by police” was shot and wounded months later by an officer in a second violent confrontation. A court heard that father of three Damien Kourevellis left Sunshine Hospital on March 24 last year after police sought his involuntary detention under the Mental Health Act. Kourevellis that day had assaulted his partner, threatened to blow up her house with petrol bombs and then armed himself with a knife. But he was not charged for seven months.

Kourevellis later ‘pleaded guilty to nine charges from both incidents that included reckless conduct endangering serious injury to police and manufacturing an explosive device’, crimes which bring to mind both Blair Cottrell’s criminal record and of course my good friend Phill Galea, who if he wasn’t awaiting trial on terrorism charges would also be joining Avi outside Parliament.

One grouping that will not be present on Sunday will be Chris Shortis and the Australia First Party. Despite being a confirmed anti-Semite and White supremacist, Avi found time last week to congratulate Chris on his brave defence of the crime of inciting hatred for Muslims. This is a heartwarming tale and one which demonstrates that Avi and Chris can at least bond over their mutual fear and suspicion of Muslims and Africans.

Certainly, the extreme-right and neo-Nazis have nothing to fear from Avi, whose main concern is to combat those opposed to the extreme-right. Thus: The media love to highlight the stereotypical mad-dog, right-wing, “neo Nazi”-looking crew, but they’re not the real problem. The real problem is the so-called “anti-fascists” who claim to be standing against hate (ironically in a very hateful way). (‘Burning the flag: A hate crime every time, The Times of Israel, June 28, 2016).

ABOVE (L to R) : George Jameson (Party for Freedom, Sydney), Chris Shortis (Australia First Party, ex-United Patriots Front), Neil Erikson (ex-UPF, ex-Nationalist Alternative), Blair Cottrell (UPF, ex-NAlt), Ricky/Rikki Turner, Garry Hume, Luke Phipps.

Finally, the state government passed the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Public Order) Act 2017 this week, which:

essentially bans face coverings during protest events where OC (capsicum) spray is commonly deployed by police (often in inappropriate, excessive and potentially unlawful circumstances). This means journalists, photographers, street medics and legal observers, as well as protestors will not be able to protect themselves from the effects of direct spraying or by-spray. This is despite numerous recent incidents where journalists, medics and legal observers (along with dozens of protesters posing no threat to police whatsoever), have been directly sprayed by ill-disciplined, under trained or over-zealous police.

The CBD has also been declared a ‘designated zone’ between 8am and 8pm on Sunday.

See also : AJDS Statement on Avi Yemini and the rise of far-right racism, September 14, 2017 | Counter Fascism Action: Join the Jew Bloc (Hosted by Jews against fascism) | From Charlottesville to Melbourne: Unite to fight the far right (Hosted by Campaign Against Racism and Fascism): 11.30am, Sunday, September 17, 2017 @ State Library of Victoria.

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  1. Left, right risk clash in same-sex marriage row
    Chip Le Grand
    The Australian
    September 13, 2017

    Australia’s march towards same-sex marriage risks turning violent as anti-fascist activists urge supporters of ­marriage equality to take to Melbourne’s streets in a show of force against the homophobic far right.

    Emerging right-wing figure Avi Yemini, an anti-Islamic former Israeli army officer, is organising a rally on the steps of state parliament on Sunday to push for tougher bail and sentencing laws and the deportation of immigrants convicted of violent crimes.

    His Trumpesque, “Make Victoria Safe Again’’ rally, backed by Reclaim Australia, the True Blue Crew and other nationalist groups, is on a collision course with an “antifa” counter-protest in which masked anarchists, Socialist Alternative activists and militant unionists are set to march through the city to confront it.

    While the hard-left antifa move­ment and the far right have clashed previously, the confrontation will be the first with same-sex marriage on the front line.

    Since the survey was announced, Australia’s alt-right has mobilised to oppose same-sex marriage in strident and sometimes highly offensive terms. Neo-Nazi group Antipo­dean ­Resistance has claimed responsibility for plastering public buildings with posters linking homosexuality to child abuse.

    Chris di Pasquale, a member of the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism group and queer officer for the National Union of Students, said Sunday’s counter-rally would be timely support for same-sex marriage in the face of a “deeply homophobic’’ far right.

    “I think it is imperative we respond,’’ he said. “The worst thing you can do is ignore that or let it slide. You have got to take on the far right whenever they rear their heads.’’

    If the groups clash in the Melbourne CBD amid an expected heavy police presence, those scenes will be broadcast just as many people are considering which way to vote in the survey.

    Rainbow flags will fly at the head of the antifa column, alongside anarchist and militant left symbols. CARF organiser Debbie Brennan, a former teacher and community worker, said some marchers would wear masks.

    While police have urged demonstrators to show their faces, there is no law requiring this. “Anybody has the right to wear a mask,’’ Ms Brennan said. “They are there not only as a protection against identification by the Neo-Nazis, they are a protection against pepper spray.’’

    Ms Brennan did not think ­associating same-sex marriage with Sunday’s counter-rally would damage support for the plebiscite. “There is absolutely no danger of undermining the marriage equality campaign,’’ she said. “The far right and the neo-Nazis are the ones who have come out openly and in some cases, very threateningly and violently, against marriage equality.

    “We are dealing with very dangerous people and we are dealing with police who are now openly protecting fascist groups. We have to counter this.’’

    Melbourne’s antifa movement, considered Australia’s most militant, is a loose coalition of left-wing interests. Sunday’s march, organised by the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism, is ­titled “From Charlottesville to Melbourne: Unite to Fight the Far Right.’’ By last night, almost 400 people had indicated they planned to march.

    Other groups involved are the Socialist Alternative, Freedom Socialist Party, Melbourne Anarchist Club and the Black Feminist Ranter — and Jews Against Fascism, which has taken a particular interest in Mr Yemini’s emergence as a political figure.

    Mr Yemini said antifa’s targeting of his rally was personal. After activists assaulted conservative columnist Andrew Bolt, Mr Yemeni started an online petition to have the group proscribed as a terrorist organisation.

    “They are looking for trouble,’’ he said. “They are trying to draw a crowd, they conflate all the issues to get people on board. They are meant to be anti-fascism and anti-racism; this rally is not either of those. They don’t have a reason to be there other than to incite and provoke some sort of response because they don’t like me.’’

  2. Melbourne rallies to test police powers against masked antifa
    Chip Le Grand
    The Australian
    September 14, 2017

    A confrontation between far-right and hard-left activists in Melbourne on Sunday will test the strength of new police powers ­intended to unmask the antifa, a militant protest movement that employs face coverings to anonymously target neo-Nazi groups.

    Laws that enable Victoria Police to disperse protesters who conceal their faces came into force this week, 72 hours before antifa activists are expected to march through central Melbourne to counter a tough-on-crime rally led by right-wing figure Avi Yemini.

    Antifa activists say they need to wear masks to conceal their identity from far-right groups and protect themselves against pepper-spray attacks. Masks make it difficult for police to identify protesters who damage property and assault rival protesters and police.

    For the first time since the antifa movement emerged in response to Reclaim Australia and other anti-Islamic groups, Victoria Police will tomorrow have the power to direct anyone wearing a face covering to leave the area.

    Masked protesters who refuse to leave can be charged. The maximum penalty is a $792.85 fine. Also under the new laws, an ­offence of violent disorder attracts a greater penalty if the offender is wearing a mask. The maximum penalty jumps from 10 years in jail to 15 if an offender conceals their face.

    Police in other jurisdictions will assess the impact of the Victoria Police powers. In the ACT, traffic police can force ­motorists to take off a mask and in NSW and WA police can demand people take off masks to confirm identification.

    Victorian Attorney-General Martin Pakula said the intent of the laws was clear: “There is no place for violent cowards who wear face masks to hide from the law.’’

    Mr Yemeni, who has organised his Make Victoria Safe Again rally to promote a hardline law-and-order platform, urged those at his rally to show their faces. Debbie Brennan, an organiser of a counter-rally, said anti-fascist activists had a right to wear masks. “There is nothing sinister,’’ she said.

  3. Pingback: Avi Yemini flops in Melbourne | slackbastard