STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Three men with ties to the Swedish neo-Nazi movement were sentenced on Friday to up to eight and a half years in prison for bomb attacks in western Sweden over the past year.

Viktor Melin, 23, received the longest sentence for carrying out bomb attacks on a left-wing bookstore and an asylum center and an attempted bombing of a second asylum center.

The attacks took place in November and January. Nobody was killed but one man was seriously wounded in the asylum center attack.

A 50-year old man, Jimmy Jonasson, was sentenced to five years in prison for assisting in two of the attacks and a 20-year old man, Anton Thulin, got one year and six months for assisting in the attempted bombing.

"All three men have a common background in the Nordic Resistance Movement and got to know each other through that organization," Gothenburg District Court said in its verdict.

The neo-Nazi Nordic Resistance Movement is known as one of the most violent far-right groups in Sweden. In a 2009 report, Swedish security police said the organization's goal was to establish a totalitarian government through revolution.

However, the prosecutor has said there were no signs of a direct link between the group and the recent attacks.

The two younger men who have been sentenced received paramilitary training in Russia prior to the attacks, the verdict stated.

(Reporting by Daniel Dickson, Johan Sennero; Editing by Gareth Jones)