Barnaby Joyce and Vikki Campion welcome second son

The controversial politician and his former staffer have welcomed their second child together, following the birth of first son Sebastian. 2, 201912:42pm

"They're gonna come after you" Joyce and Campion tell all1:08

It was one of the biggest political scandals in Australia, now in a tell-all interview with Barnaby Joyce and Vikki Campion the couple had a chance to tell their side of the story.

The former deputy PM is now a father of six. Picture: Channel 7Source:Channel 7

Former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce’s new partner Vikki Campion has given birth to the couple’s second son.

The boy was born yesterday and is a younger brother to their first child, Sebastian, born 14 months ago.

Ms Campion delivered her second child on Saturday night and the couple named him Tom, The Sunday Telegraph reported.

The baby is named after Mr Joyce’s grandfather, Thomas.

The former deputy PM is now a father of six. Picture: Channel 7

The former deputy PM is now a father of six. Picture: Channel 7Source:Channel 7

Mr Joyce stood down from his high-profile role as deputy PM and leader of his party in early 2018 after news of his affair with ex-staffer Ms Campion surfaced, making headlines across the country.

Mr Joyce split from his first wife, Natalie, in the wake of the scandal.

The former couple share four children, daughters Bridgette, Julia, Caroline and Odette.

More to come

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