The Fix

More than 50 House Democrats want to open an impeachment inquiry into Trump

Calls for the impeachment of President Trump are growing louder. A month after the release of the Mueller report, 55 House Democrats say they support at least opening an impeachment inquiry into whether the president committed “high crimes and misdemeanors.” That includes 13 of the 24 Democratic members of the House Judiciary Committee, which is where impeachment proceedings would start.

But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has so far resisted, worried that her party could face political jeopardy if Democratic House members attempt to impeach Trump as the 2020 elections near. She may not be able to hold that line forever.

All impeachment efforts begin in the House of Representatives, which the Democrats control. There’s not really a magic number that pro-impeachers have to get to, but the more who back an impeachment investigation, the more likely it is to happen.

Rep. Justin Amash (Mich.) is the lone GOP House member to also call for impeachment. Did we miss someone? Let us know.

Where Democrats stand

JUD.Judiciary committee member
CHAIRChair of a committee
Color represents political lean of district:
Heavily Democratic
Leans Republican

For an impeachment inquiry 55

Continue existing investigations 135

Haven’t said/unclear 45

These lawmakers say now is the time to begin impeachment proceedings against Trump.

These lawmakers don't want to open an impeachment inquiry right now.

These lawmakers haven't commented on impeachment or their comments are unclear.

Alma Adams D-NCD+18

“... I support an impeachment inquiry. Congress has a sacred responsibility to obtain the information necessary to determine the next steps,” Adams said in a May 31 statement. Read more »

Don Beyer D-VAD+21

The time has come for the House of Representatives to open an impeachment inquiry into the conduct of President Trump Read more »

Earl Blumenauer D-ORD+24

“The House should use all the tools at its disposal to find the truth, because the facts are not going to change,” he said in a statement May 3. Read more »

Suzanne Bonamici D-ORD+9

“The House of Representatives must begin an impeachment inquiry,” she tweeted May 22. Read more »

Brendan Boyle D-PAD+25

“It’s time to officially starting Impeachment Hearings,” he tweeted May 29. Read more »

G.K. Butterfield D-NCD+17

"The evidence that has been produced so far is sufficient in my opinion to support an impeachment inquiry and impeachment and removal,” he told McClatchy. Read more »

Joaquin Castro D-TXD+10

“This is a fight for our democracy,” he tweeted May 21. Read more »

David N. Cicilline D-RID+14JUD.

“If Donald McGahn does not testify [Tuesday], it will be time to begin an impeachment inquiry,” the Judiciary committee member tweeted May 20. (McGahn declined to testify.) Read more »

Yvette D. Clarke D-NYD+34

"We have to remove @realDonaldTrump from the White House as soon as possible," she tweeted on May 17, 2017. Read more »

Steve Cohen D-TND+28JUD.

The Judiciary committee member introduced impeachment articles against Trump in November 2017. “I believe there is evidence that he attempted to obstruct an investigation into Russia’s interference with the U.S. presidential election,” he said. Read more »

Danny K. Davis D-ILD+38

“I believe it is time and imperative that the United States House of Representatives begin an impeachment inquiry whether the House of Representatives should impeach Donald John Trump, President of the United States of America,” he said in a statement on May 28. Read more »

Diana DeGette D-COD+21

“The president’s actions are clearly beneath the high personal, ethical and legal standards our founders envisioned in the executive branch, and, as such, constitute a prima facie case to trigger an impeachment investigation,” she said in a statement on April 23. Read more »

Mark DeSaulnier D-CAD+21

"Congress must do its job, which includes overriding the DOJ policy that protects the president under any circumstance, and beginning an impeachment inquiry," he said in a March 29 statement. Read more »

Madeleine Dean D-PAD+7JUD.

“We must open an impeachment inquiry,” the Judiciary committee chair said on MSNBC’s “Hardball” on May 21.

Val Demings D-FLD+11JUD.

“While I understand we need to see the full report and all supporting documents, I believe we have enough evidence now,” Demings told The Post in April. Read more »

Veronica Escobar D-TXD+17JUD.

“I personally feel like we cannot tolerate this level of obstruction, that if we do, then we have lowered the bar to the point where any criminal can be president of the United States and that should be unacceptable to all of us,” the Judiciary committee member tweeted May 21. Read more »

Adriano Espaillat D-NYD+43

He signed on to articles of impeachment against Trump in November 2017. Read more »

Dwight Evans D-PAD+41

“The heavily redacted #MuellerReport reveals and details repeated disturbing conduct by the president, & it shouldn’t go unnoticed — an impeachment vote would begin the process & allow House Judiciary to have broader investigative availability, which is certainly warranted!” he tweeted in April. Read more »

Marcia L. Fudge D-OHD+32

She signed on to articles of impeachment against Trump in November 2017. Read more »

Jesús "Chuy" Garcia D-ILD+33

"After careful consideration and deliberation, I’ve come to the conclusion that the House of Representatives must execute its constitutionally mandated responsibility and begin a formal inquiry,” Garcia told WBEZ on May 28. Read more »

Al Green D-TXD+29

Green is one of the first members of Congress to support impeaching Trump, well before the Mueller report was released. Read more »

Raúl M. Grijalva D-AZD+13CHAIR

"President Trump is not exonerated, and his administration is deliberately misleading the American people about the findings of the Special Counsel," he tweeted May 29. Read more »

Jared Huffman D-CAD+22

“I think it’s important to call out the impeachable offenses that are taking place and to convey to President Trump and the American people that no one is above the law,” he said in February, signing on to articles of impeachment against Trump. Read more »

Sheila Jackson Lee D-TXD+27JUD.

On May 21, the Judiciary committee member said she plans to introduce a resolution of investigation to determine whether the House should move forward with an impeachment inquiry. Read more »

Pramila Jayapal D-WAD+33JUD.

“We are now at the point where we must begin an impeachment inquiry,” the Judiciary committee member tweeted May 21. Read more »

Barbara Lee D-CAD+40

She co-sponsored Rep. Rashida Tblaib’s (D-Mich.) impeachment resolution on May 23. Read more »

Ted Lieu D-CAD+16JUD.

“This inquiry could lead to impeachment, or it could lead to nothing,” the Judiciary committee member told The Washington Post on May 20 of opening an impeachment inquiry. Read more »

Alan Lowenthal D-CAD+13

"I believe the time has come to consider an impeachment inquiry," he tweeted May 30. Read more »

Tom Malinowski D-NJR+3

“I’ve come to think that it is warranted at this point,” Malinowski told NBC News in an article published May 21. Read more »

Betty McCollum D-MND+14

“It is very clear that President Trump is engaging in a cover-up, obstructing of justice, and betraying his oath of office,” she said in a statement May 29. Read more »

Jim McGovern D-MAD+9CHAIR

“We’re beyond talking about this in terms of political implications. We have to do what’s right,” he told WGBH radio in Boston on May 29. Read more »

Gwen Moore D-WID+25

She first called for Trump’s impeachment in August 2017. Read more »

Seth Moulton D-MAD+6

“We should be having this debate,” he said in April. Read more »

Joe Neguse D-COD+9JUD.

“The findings detailed in the Special Counsel’s report, and the Administration’s pattern of wholesale obstruction of Congress since the report’s release, make clear that it is time to open an impeachment inquiry,” the Judiciary committee member tweeted May 21. Read more »

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez D-NYD+29

“I cannot see a reason for us to abdicate from our constitutionally mandated responsibility to investigate,” she tweeted April 18. Read more »

Ilhan Omar D-MND+26

“We must begin impeachment proceedings and investigate if the president committed impeachable offenses,” she tweeted in April. Read more »

Chellie Pingree D-MED+8

“... I believe it is in the public interest that Congress continue its own investigations in the face of unprecedented obstruction and move toward an impeachment inquiry," she said in a statement May 29. Read more »

Mark Pocan D-WID+18

“Stonewalling Congress on witnesses and the unredacted Mueller report only enhances the President’s appearance of guilt, and as a result, he has pushed Congress to a point where we must start an impeachment inquiry,” he tweeted May 21. Read more »

Ayanna Pressley D-MAD+34

“There’s a lack of moral fortitude and fitness to even be in this office,” she told Boston Public Radio in April. Read more »

Mike Quigley D-ILD+20

"We must open an impeachment inquiry," he tweeted May 30. Read more »

Jamie B. Raskin D-MDD+14JUD.

“I do think the logic of an impeachment inquiry is pretty overwhelming at this point,” the Judiciary Committee member told The Post on May 21. Read more »

Kathleen Rice D-NYD+4

“Congress has a moral obligation to put our politics aside and take action. We need to start impeachment proceedings,” she tweeted May 21. Read more »

Cedric L. Richmond D-LAD+25JUD.

"The Constitution requires us to get the information. And if it takes impeachment for us to get the information, then so be it," he told CQ Roll Call on May 14. Read more »

Bobby L. Rush D-ILD+27

"Congressman Rush believes that President Trump should be impeached,” Rush spokesman Ryan Johnson told WBEZ. Read more »

Mary Gay Scanlon D-PAD+13JUD.

“Congress has patiently tried to work within traditional means to get to the bottom of this extraordinary situation. But, we have reached an inflection point,” the vice chair of the Judiciary committee said in a May 21 statement. Read more »

Brad Sherman D-CAD+18

“I am introducing Articles of Impeachment to begin a long process to protect our country from abuse of power, obstruction of justice, and impulsive, ignorant incompetence,” he said in a statement July 12, 2017. Read more »

Jackie Speier D-CAD+27

She first called for Trump’s impeachment in August 2017. Read more »

Greg Stanton D-AZD+4JUD.

"It is time for the House of Representatives to move to the next stages of holding the President accountable, including the extraordinary step of opening an impeachment inquiry," he said in a statement May 30. Read more »

Bennie Thompson D-MSD+14CHAIR

“I support impeachment,” he said on May 29. “The President has egregiously obstructed justice. The Special Counsel did not give nay indication that the President is innocent.” Read more »

Rashida Tlaib D-MID+32

She introduced legislation in March to start an impeachment inquiry. Read more »

Norma J. Torres D-CAD+19

“Everyone should be concerned about preventing and obstructing the rule of law,” Torres told The Post in April. Read more »

Juan Vargas D-CAD+22

He called for Trump’s impeachment after the release of the redacted Mueller report in April. Read more »

Filemon Vela D-TXD+10

After the Mueller report was released, he signed on to Tlaib’s impeachment resolution as a co-sponsor. Read more »

Maxine Waters D-CAD+29CHAIR

She was one of the first members of Congress to call for impeaching Trump. “Mueller kicked the impeachment ball to the Congress. The Constitution gives the responsibility to Congress to impeach an unfit president — ‘high crimes and misdemeanors.’ What more do we need?" she tweeted in April. Read more »

John Yarmuth D-KYD+6CHAIR

He was among the six House Democrats who introduced articles of impeachment against Trump in November 2017. Read more »

Nanette Barragán D-CAD+35

"It is up to Congress to hold the President accountable. That’s why we need full transparency and hearings on the Mueller report," she tweeted on May 29. Read more »

Karen Bass D-CAD+37JUD.

"I do not think it’s appropriate to rush," she told CQ Roll Call on May 15. Read more »

Ami Bera D-CAD+3

"I don't think that's where we should go," Bera told KTXL on April 25. Read more »

Anthony Brindisi D-NYR+6

"Impeachment is a mistake," he told the Wall Street Journal. Read more »

Anthony G. Brown D-MDD+28

Brown hasn't taken a position on whether there should be an impeachment inquiry, though he did tell Roll Cal: “If an article came to the floor, then I would vote in favor of it." Read more »

Cheri Bustos D-ILD+3

The chairwoman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has privately argued that Mueller's report ranks toward the bottom of what voters in focus groups care about. Read more »

Salud Carbajal D-CAD+7

“I’m reserving my judgment until we have turned over every stone,” he told the Santa Barbara Independent in April. Read more »

André Carson D-IND+11

"I don't think we should rule out an impeachment," he told CNN on May 29. Read more »

Matthew Cartwright D-PAR+1

"Congress must continue performing its constitutional duty of oversight over this administration, and the proper committees have an obligation to follow up on issues raised by the Mueller report,” he told The Morning Call in May. Read more »

Ed Case D-HID+17

He told the Honolulu Star-Advertiser on May 29 that it would be "premature" to impeach President Trump. Read more »

Sean Casten D-ILR+2

"It is imperative we take steps to protect our democracy by passing legislation to strengthen election security and I will continue to work with my colleagues to uphold the Constitution," he tweeted May 29. Read more »

Kathy Castor D-FLD+7CHAIR

"I listened closely to Special Counsel Robert Mueller. I was struck by his emphasis on the fact that obstruction of justice occurred numerous times over... and the President cannot be exonerated," she tweeted May 29. Read more »

Katherine M. Clark D-MAD+18

"Impeachment is not off the table, but I think we want to hear from Attorney General Barr, we want to hear from Robert Mueller," she told WGBH in April. Read more »

William Lacy Clay D-MOD+29

"We need to do everything we can to maintain our majority and not just pursue impeachment for the sake of pursuing it because people don’t like this man,” he told the Kansas City Star in May. Read more »

Emanuel Cleaver II D-MOD+7

Cleaver has said he'll make a decision after special counsel Robert S. Mueller III testifies to Congress. Read more »

James E. Clyburn D-SCD+19

"We have not gotten there yet. That is the difference between the majority of the caucus right now and the very strong minority who would like to see us move forward with impeachment right away," he told CNN on May 22.

Gerald E. Connolly D-VAD+15

"I think that has a precedent that troubles me, because I don't think we need to go to a court and say, well, we're going to launch an impeachment investigation that justifies this inquiry," he told PBS NewHour on May 22. Read more »

Jim Cooper D-TND+7

“The 2020 elections are the best way to bring the President to justice. If the American people vote him out of office, then he will no longer be immune from prosecution," Cooper said in a statement on May 29. Read more »

J. Luis Correa D-CAD+15JUD.

"It is not the time to ask the question of impeachment yet," the co-chair of the moderate group the Blue Dog Coalition said May 9. Read more »

TJ Cox D-CAD+5

The potentially vulnerable Democrat has not mentioned impeachment in any of his statements. "[I]t is important for Congress to continue the work of investigating, asking the tough questions, and holding the administration accountable," he told McClatchy on May 29. Read more »

Angie Craig D-MNR+2

"If I’m just focused on issues, and not on politics, this is what we need to take on,” she said on May 29. Read more »

Jason Crow D-COD+2

"We must consider all options to ensure Congress is responding to this assault on our rule of law and restoring power to the American people," he said in a statement to the Colorado Sun. Read more »

Henry Cuellar D-TXD+9

"The short answer is: Would I vote right now to impeach the president? No,” he said on May 29. Read more »

Elijah E. Cummings D-MDD+26CHAIR

The House Oversight chairman has not publicly supported impeachment yet as his committee conducts its own investigations into Trump.

Joe Cunningham D-SCR+10

"It’s important that we take a deep breath and make decisions based on facts, not emotion," he said in April. Read more »

Tony Cárdenas D-CAD+29

"There is a reason that we are called 'the People’s House'. We have a responsibility to all Americans to perform our duty, and no amount of stonewalling or lies will deter us from that duty," he tweeted on May 29. Read more »

Sharice Davids D-KSR+4

"While we still need to access the underlying documents and evidence, I continue to have full faith in my colleagues on the relevant House committees to conduct necessary oversight and uphold the rule of law," the potentially vulnerable Democrat told McClatchy on May 29. Read more »

Susan A. Davis D-CAD+14

She said in April that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III's report provided a "roadmap for impeachment." Read more »


DeFazio has said he supports congressional investigations of the Trump administration. Read more »

Rosa L. DeLauro D-CTD+9

In a closed-door meeting with House Democrats on May 20, The Washington Post reported that DeLauro "grew angry and scolded the lawmakers that an impeachment inquiry would further distract from legislating." Read more »

Suzan DelBene D-WAD+6

"If the administration continues its obstructive actions by defying court orders, then that leaves Congress with few options and may make impeachment unavoidable," she told the Seattle Times in May. Read more »

Antonio Delgado D-NYR+2

"I did not run ... to impeach the president," he said at a town hall meeting in May. Read more »

Theodore E. Deutch D-FLD+6JUD.CHAIR

"Congress’s role is not do-over of the Special Counsel’s criminal investigation, but an inquiry into whether the President of the United States violated his oath of office, broke the public trust, and committed high crimes and misdemeanors," the senior member of the Judiciary Committee and Chairman of the Ethics Committee said May 29. He hasn't directly said he supports an impeachment inquiry. Read more »

Debbie Dingell D-MID+14

"I think that a divided impeachment would tear this country apart," she told Fox News in May. Read more »

Lloyd Doggett D-TXD+15

"I’m eager to see Democrats show the same kind of courage that Justin Amash has shown," he said on May 20, but stopped short of calling for impeachment proceedings to begin. Read more »

Mike Doyle D-PAD+13

"If the Administration continues to ignore legitimate subpoenas and files endless appeals, we may have little choice but to initiate impeachment proceedings," he tweeted on May 23. Read more »

Eliot L. Engel D-NYD+24CHAIR

Engel told the Hill in April that Democrats "should be cautious" with impeachment. Read more »

Anna G. Eshoo D-CAD+23

"I’ve been through impeachment — it tears the country apart," she told the Hill in May. Read more »

Abby Finkenauer D-IAD+1

"We need to be taking our role very seriously as a coequal branch of government,” she told the Gazette in May. Read more »

Lizzie Fletcher D-TXR+7

"We need to see the underlying documents, and frankly we need to see the full un-redacted report to be able to reach certain judgments," she told Houston Public Media in April. Read more »

Lois Frankel D-FLD+9

"We are going to do our constitutional duty. I think most of us Democrats have the patience to let that play out," she told CNN in April. Read more »

Tulsi Gabbard D-HID+19

I don't think that we should defeat Donald Trump through impeachment," she told Fox News in April. Read more »

Ruben Gallego D-AZD+23

"I don't believe we should be afraid of the option of impeachment," he said on CNN in April. Read more »

John Garamendi D-CAD+5

Garamendi told Fox News in May that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III should testify before an impeachment proceeding begins. Read more »

Sylvia Garcia D-TXD+19JUD.

"So we should try all avenues and exhaust them to try to reach an accommodation. In the end, the court will judge us by that," she told CQ Roll Call on May 15. Read more »

Jared Golden D-MER+2

"Believe me, I’m going to be ready to do what’s right for this country if we reach that very serious discussion of impeachment," he said in March. Read more »

Jimmy Gomez D-CAD+35

"It's always an option, it's always on the table," he told MSNBC in April. Read more »

Josh Gottheimer D-NJR+3

A Gottheimer spokesperson told in May that he opposes impeachment proceedings against President Trump. Read more »

Debra Haaland D-NMD+7

"The obstruction and disrespect for Congress’ role as an equal branch of government is simply unacceptable,” she said in an email to the Las Cruces Sun News in May. Read more »

Josh Harder D-CAEVEN

"We have to get to the bottom of what happened and we need more transparency and accountability from Washington, especially from the White House," he told McClatchy on May 29. Read more »

Alcee L. Hastings D-FLD+31

"It’s Congress’ duty to address President Trump’s alarming actions to obstruct justice, stonewall congressional investigations, and mislead the American people," he tweeted on May 31. Read more »

Denny Heck D-WAD+5

"The president does himself no favors by doubling down on his obstruction and continuing to stonewall investigations that Congress has a constitutional duty to conduct," he told the Seattle Times in May. Read more »

Brian Higgins D-NYD+11

"The impulse may be to just move on impeachment right away, but I think we have to explore those 10 areas that that the Mueller report left open-ended relative to whether or not the president committed obstruction of justice," he told the Buffalo News in April. Read more »

Katie Hill D-CAEVEN

"I actually think part of the hesitation around doing an impeachment inquiry is that we're already doing this work. We're already doing the job of exposing this to the American people," she told reporters the week of May 27. Read more »

Jim Himes D-CTD+7

“With every slash the president makes of congressional oversight, he probably convinces a few people that impeachment will make sense,” he told the Atlantic. Read more »

Kendra Horn D-OKR+10

"There’s a lot we don’t know, and I think we need all of the information to make the decisions, and then we’ll see what happens next,” she said at a town hall meeting in April. Read more »

Steven Horsford D-NVD+3

"It is now Congress’ duty to take the necessary actions because no one is above the law,” he told the Nevada Current in May. Read more »

Chrissy Houlahan D-PAD+2

"We need to continue our investigation in the House so we can make a sound judgement on how we proceed," she told The Morning Call in May. Read more »

Steny H. Hoyer D-MDD+16

“Based on what we have seen to date, going forward on impeachment is not worthwhile at this point. Very frankly, there is an election in 18 months and the American people will make a judgment," the No. 2 House Democrat told CNN in April. Read more »

Hakeem Jeffries D-NYD+36JUD.

"It's clear to anybody who's paying attention, we are in the majority because of two great members like Jason and Elissa and so many others who did not run in on impeachment," the Democratic Caucus chairman said in May at a news conference, of two new members of Congress. Read more »

Eddie Bernice Johnson D-TXD+29CHAIR

"It is clear from even this redacted version of the Mueller Report that the President of the United States and his campaign engaged in wrongdoing – involving both his campaign’s connections to Russian interference in the 2016 election and the obstruction of justice," she said in a statement in April. Read more »

Hank Johnson D-GAD+24JUD.

"But, no, we’re not where we need to be yet in order to commence impeachment proceedings in the House as far as I’m concerned," he told CQ Roll Call on May 9. Read more »

William R. Keating D-MAD+4

He told the Boston Herald in May that Congress must "widen the scope of [Mueller's] investigation." Read more »

Joe Kennedy D-MAD+9

"It feels an awful lot like he’s baiting us, he’s baiting Congress into doing this,” he told Boston Herald Radio in May. Read more »

Ro Khanna D-CAD+25

"I'm not there yet. I believe that we need to be methodical, we need to make a case," he told on May 21. Read more »

Daniel Kildee D-MID+5

"I think it’s something we ought to be very careful about,” he told Roll Call in May. Read more »

Derek Kilmer D-WAD+6CHAIR

"Congress will continue to fulfill its responsibility and duty to safeguard the Constitution, protect democratic institutions from corruption and perform oversight,” he told the Seattle Times in May. Read more »

Andy Kim D-NJR+2

"I don’t support opening impeachment proceedings right now," he told in May. Read more »


"I'm comfortable with the hearings and the investigations that are occuring right now," he told Wisconsin Public Radio on May 29. Read more »

Ann Kirkpatrick D-AZR+1

"I'm a former prosecutor. I think we have to be very careful and make sure we have our evidence and, as I said, it must be a bipartisan effort," she said at a town hall meeting on May 29. Read more »

Raja Krishnamoorthi D-ILD+8

He told WBEZ he is "not there yet" on impeachment proceedings. Read more »

Ann Kuster D-NHD+2

"President Trump and his administration have repeatedly stonewalled the legitimate oversight role of Congress, from preventing individuals from testifying to refusing to answer questions about the sabotage of our health care system,” she said in a statement to the Concord Monitor in May. Read more »

Conor Lamb D-PAR+3

"I think some people are trying to rush this through before then. But my point is, let's get to the right answer no matter how long it takes, and that involves following the system that our founders laid out for us," he told WESA in May. Read more »

Jim Langevin D-RID+6

Langevin told the New York Times he does not support an impeachment inquiry at this time. Read more »

Rick Larsen D-WAD+10

"The committees are making progress using the powers of Congress to do appropriate oversight of the president and his administration," he told the Seattle Times in May. Read more »

John B. Larson D-CTD+12

"It could very possibly be that his continued contempt and resistance does step over the line," he told Politico in May. Read more »

Susie Lee D-NVR+2

Lee told the New York Times she doesn't support an impeachment inquiry. Read more »

Andy Levin D-MID+4

"It’s a political thing, and we need to do our job under the Constitution to hold him accountable and we’ll see where it goes. But it’s just kind of superficial to say impeachment. We need to do the oversight," he told the Michigan Advance in May. Read more »

Mike Levin D-CAR+1

"Congress has a responsibility to uphold and defend the constitution, and that's exactly what we will do," he tweeted May 29. Read more »

John Lewis D-GAD+34

"I think what we need to do as a party and as a people is pace ourselves. I mean, take our time and not be so quick to move down that road to impeachment," he told Rolling Stone. Read more »

Zoe Lofgren D-CAD+24JUD.CHAIR

"We need the full report, the underlying evidence, and will need to hear from a number of witnesses. Then we’ll see what, if anything, we are obliged to do next," she told CQ Roll Call in a statement on May 13. Read more »

Ben Ray Luján D-NMD+8

"As the House continues its constitutional oversight responsibilities, Congressman Luján believes that nothing should be taken off the table," he said in a statement on May 29. Read more »

Elaine Luria D-VAR+3

"I think that if people have complaints about how we’re being governed, they should get out and they should vote," she said at a town hall meting on May 28. Read more »

Stephen F. Lynch D-MAD+10

"If we proceed to impeachment right now, with the evidence we have, we will lose in the Senate, which would inadvertently help the president’s re-election efforts," he told the Boston Herald in May. Read more »

Sean Maloney D-NYR+1

"I want the President held accountable and I want that done in the best way. I'm not sold that impeachment is the best way," he said on CNN on April 19. Read more »

Ben McAdams D-UTR+13

"Any impeachment proceedings would be initiated by a committee that I’m not a member of, and for me, would require meeting a high bar and would have to be sufficiently bipartisan," he told the Salt Lake Tribune in May. Read more »

Lucy McBath D-GAR+8JUD.

The vulnerable member of Congress has not mentioned impeachment in any of her statements about the Mueller report. Read more »

Gregory W. Meeks D-NYD+37

"To impeach the president at this moment does not make any sense, because you can't convict him of anything, and he would still be here tomorrow," he said on May 29. Read more »

Debbie Mucarsel-Powell D-FLD+6JUD.

"Congress must defend the foundation of our democracy when it is under attack from the Executive Branch," she said in a May 29 statement without mentioning impeachment. Read more »

Stephanie Murphy D-FLEVEN

"Should President Trump or anyone in his Administration ignore a final federal court order to turn over information that Congress has requested, I would consider it a threat to our careful system of checks and balances and would therefore support an impeachment inquiry on that individual—the first step in the impeachment process and one that better empowers congressional investigators to attain documents and testimony," she said in a statement on May 22. Read more »

Jerrold Nadler D-NYD+26CHAIR OF JUD.

"It depends what comes out. It depends where the American people are, whether they want to go that way or not. I don’t want to make it sound as if we’re heading for impeachment. Probably we’re not," he told CNBC in an interview posted May 15. Read more »

Richard E. Neal D-MAD+12CHAIR

The Ways and Means committe chairman has not publicly supported impeachment yet as his committee conducts its own investigations into Trump.

Donald W. Norcross D-NJD+13

"What’s abundantly clear is the president is now trying to block our access to the information we need. The more he blocks it, it will be more likely that we will have to take the ultimate step, and that is impeachment," he told in May. Read more »

Frank Pallone Jr. D-NJD+9CHAIR

"I don’t think we can convict him. We’re going to spend all this time impeaching him and we’ll have nothing to show for it," he told in May. Read more »

Jimmy Panetta D-CAD+23

"To conduct &ensure compliance with such a serious &significant investigation all Congressional investigatory tools, authority of the judicial &laws of our nation must be observed, enforced &available to Congress to fulfill its obligations under the Constitution & to our democracy," he tweeted May 30. Read more »

Chris Pappas D-NHR+2

"We also must hear directly from Special Counsel Robert Mueller so we can identify the appropriate path forward,” he said in a statement to the Concord Monitor in May. Read more »

Bill Pascrell Jr. D-NJD+16

"Congress must proceed with an Article I inquiry of whether Donald Trump committed obstruction of justice. If, from our own inquiry, we find he did obstruct justice or committed other high crimes, then we will have no other avenue but impeachment of this President," he said in a statement on May 29. Read more »

Donald Payne Jr. D-NJD+36

"Impeachment is one tool in Congress’s constitutional oversight toolbox, but it is not the only tool," Payne told in May. Read more »

Nancy Pelosi D-CAD+37

"Nothing is off the table," she said May 29.

Ed Perlmutter D-COD+6

"Democrats will continue to weigh the many options on the table when it comes to taking action against those who refuse to cooperate with congressional orders," he said in a statement to the Colorado Sun. Read more »

Scott Peters D-CAD+6

"It just wouldn’t surprise me if that’s where it ends up,” he said in May. Read more »

Dean Phillips D-MND+1

"I'm simply not there yet," the newly elected lawmaker said, sharing polls that most Americans don't support impeachment, in an interview on MSNBC on May 23. "I want to be cautious and methodical." Read more »

Katie Porter D-CAR+3

"I will not shirk my duty if the time comes [for impeachment proceedings," she said on May 30. Read more »

David E. Price D-NCD+17

“If this cover up continues, President Trump may leave us no choice,” he told the News & Observer. Read more »

Max Rose D-NYR+3

"Right now we’re in this incredibly childish game of impeachment chicken, and everyone has to start acting like adults," he told Politico in May. Read more »

Harley Rouda D-CAR+4

Rouda told CNN on May 21 that the House should start impeachment proceedings if the Trump administration does not comply with congressional subpoenas. Read more »

Raul Ruiz D-CAD+2

"Congress has an obligation to review the un-redacted report and underlying evidence, continue conducting oversight, and hear directly from the Special Counsel in order to determine the appropriate course of action," he told the Press-Enterprise in April. Read more »

C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger D-MDD+11

A Ruppersberger spokesperson told the Baltimore Sun in May that President Trump's "constant stonewalling" could lead the House "down the road to impeachment." Read more »

Tim Ryan D-OHD+7

"I’m a lot closer today than I was yesterday,” he told NPR in May. Read more »

John Sarbanes D-MDD+13

"Congress must move quickly to secure our democracy and protect the integrity of the vote ahead of the 2020 election. And House Democrats stand ready to act," he said in a statement on May 29. Read more »

Jan Schakowsky D-ILD+18

"Impeachment is not off the table,” she told WBEZ. Read more »

Adam B. Schiff D-CAD+23CHAIR

The Intelligence committee chairman has not publicly supported impeachment yet as his committee conducts its own investigations into Trump.

Bradley Schneider D-ILD+10

"He’s not calling to open impeachment proceedings now, and is supporting the ongoing investigations," a spokesperson for Schneider told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency in May. Read more »

Kurt Schrader D-OREVEN

Schrader has said he supports congressional investigations of the Trump administration. Read more »

Kim Schrier D-WAEVEN

"Once we get a clear sense of what happened, nothing is off the table,” she told the Seattle Times in May. Read more »

Donna Shalala D-FLD+5

Shalala told the Sun-Sentinel in May that an impeachment inquiry is "getting closer and closer." Read more »

Mikie Sherrill D-NJR+3

"As long as the committees of jurisdiction are able to continue to do their work, I’m comfortable right now with Congress being able to fulfill its duties," she told in May. Read more »

Albio Sires D-NJD+27

A spokesperson for Sires told in May that he is waiting for the outcome of the ongoing House investigations. Read more »

Elissa Slotkin D-MIR+4

"I think the perception is that Washington is more focused on the checks and balances than they are on actually helping people’s pocketbooks and their kids. And that’s a real problem," she told the Washington Post in May. Read more »

Adam Smith D-WAD+21CHAIR

"We need to prepare to begin impeachment proceedings, but we are still conducting our full investigation,” he told the Seattle Times in May. Read more »

Darren Soto D-FLD+5

Soto told Roll Call in May he is keeping an open mind on impeachment proceedings. Read more »

Abigail Spanberger D-VAR+6

"There's a real need and real desire among many members of Congress to get stuff done," she told CBS News on May 21. Read more »

Haley Stevens D-MIR+4

Stevens said she supported ongoing congressional investigations during an interview with WDET in May. Read more »

Thomas Suozzi D-NYD+1

"I don't think [impeachment] would be appropriate at this time," he said on News 12 Long Island on May 30. Read more »

Eric Swalwell D-CAD+20JUD.

"We're on the road to impeachment. Not a road we want to be on...but no one is above the law," the 2020 presidential candidate tweeted May 16. Read more »

Linda T. Sánchez D-CAD+17

"I think impeachment is always on the table. I always think that that's a tool in the toolbox, but one of the ones that you use when you've run out of other options," she told NPR in May. Read more »

Mike Thompson D-CAD+21

"Congress will continue with our investigations to ensure our constituents get the truth. Nothing is off the table," he said in a statement to the San Francisco Chronicle in May. Read more »

Dina Titus D-NVD+15

"It is now up to Congress to ensure that no person is above the law," she told the Nevada Current in May. Read more »

David Trone D-MDD+6

"I trust the Speaker on if and when we should go beyond the five ongoing congressional investigations," he said in a statement to the Baltimore Sun in May. Read more »

Lauren Underwood D-ILR+5

"Right now, Congress is doing the oversight compelled by Article One of the Constitution. This crucial step can feel frustratingly slow, but it is important that we do it methodically, thoroughly, and within the bounds of the Constitution,” Underwood told WBEZ. Read more »

Jeff Van Drew D-NJR+1

"I think impeachment is probably the last decision that we would ever want to make,” he told in May. Read more »

Debbie Wasserman Schultz D-FLD+11

In a statement May 29, she didn't mention impeachment: "Vigorous oversight of this president is vital. Congress must provide it and take action to hold those responsible for it accountable." Read more »

Bonnie Watson Coleman D-NJD+16

"We have to continue to pursue getting documents, bringing in witnesses to things that he’s done, things that they’ve observed,” she told in May. Read more »

Peter Welch D-VTD+15

"I’m supportive of the approach Pelosi has taken: investigate, follow the facts, do our work," he told VTDigger in May. Read more »

Susan Wild D-PAD+1

"I believe that Special Counsel Robert Mueller should testify before Congress to fully explain his thoughts, methods, and conclusions. It is now up to Congress to perform its oversight responsibilities to determine the best path forward," she told The Morning Call in May. Read more »

Pete Aguilar D-CAD+8
Colin Allred D-TXR+5
Cindy Axne D-IAR+1
Joyce Beatty D-OHD+19
Sanford D. Bishop Jr. D-GAD+6
Lisa Blunt Rochester D-DED+6
Julia Brownley D-CAD+7
Judy Chu D-CAD+16
Gil Cisneros D-CAEVEN
Jim Costa D-CAD+9
Joe Courtney D-CTD+3
Charlie Crist D-FLD+2
Bill Foster D-ILD+9
Vicente Gonzalez D-TXD+7
Jahana Hayes D-CTD+2
Marcy Kaptur D-OHD+14
Robin L. Kelly D-ILD+29
Brenda Lawrence D-MID+30
Al Lawson D-FLD+12
Daniel Lipinski D-ILD+6
David Loebsack D-IAD+1
Nita M. Lowey D-NYD+7CHAIR
Carolyn B. Maloney D-NYD+31
Doris Matsui D-CAD+21
A. Donald McEachin D-VAD+10
Jerry McNerney D-CAD+8
Grace Meng D-NYD+16
Joseph Morelle D-NYD+8
Grace F. Napolitano D-CAD+17
Tom O'Halleran D-AZR+2
Collin C. Peterson D-MNR+12CHAIR
Lucille Roybal-Allard D-CAD+33
David Scott D-GAD+20
Robert C. “Bobby” Scott D-VAD+16CHAIR
José E. Serrano D-NYD+44
Terri A. Sewell D-ALD+20
Mark Takano D-CAD+12CHAIR
Paul Tonko D-NYD+7
Xochitl Torres Small D-NMR+6
Lori Trahan D-MAD+9
Marc Veasey D-TXD+23
Nydia M. Velázquez D-NYD+38CHAIR
Peter J. Visclosky D-IND+8
Jennifer Wexton D-VAD+1
Frederica S. Wilson D-FLD+34

For an impeachment inquiry 55

Continue existing investigations 135

Haven’t said/unclear 45

Scroll to see a full list of names

For an impeachment inquiry 55

These lawmakers say now is the time to begin impeachment proceedings against Trump.

Alma Adams D-NCD+18

“... I support an impeachment inquiry. Congress has a sacred responsibility to obtain the information necessary to determine the next steps,” Adams said in a May 31 statement. Read more »

Don Beyer D-VAD+21

The time has come for the House of Representatives to open an impeachment inquiry into the conduct of President Trump Read more »

Earl Blumenauer D-ORD+24

“The House should use all the tools at its disposal to find the truth, because the facts are not going to change,” he said in a statement May 3. Read more »

Suzanne Bonamici D-ORD+9

“The House of Representatives must begin an impeachment inquiry,” she tweeted May 22. Read more »

Brendan Boyle D-PAD+25

“It’s time to officially starting Impeachment Hearings,” he tweeted May 29. Read more »

G.K. Butterfield D-NCD+17

"The evidence that has been produced so far is sufficient in my opinion to support an impeachment inquiry and impeachment and removal,” he told McClatchy. Read more »

Joaquin Castro D-TXD+10

“This is a fight for our democracy,” he tweeted May 21. Read more »

David N. Cicilline D-RID+14JUD.

“If Donald McGahn does not testify [Tuesday], it will be time to begin an impeachment inquiry,” the Judiciary committee member tweeted May 20. (McGahn declined to testify.) Read more »

Yvette D. Clarke D-NYD+34

"We have to remove @realDonaldTrump from the White House as soon as possible," she tweeted on May 17, 2017. Read more »

Steve Cohen D-TND+28JUD.

The Judiciary committee member introduced impeachment articles against Trump in November 2017. “I believe there is evidence that he attempted to obstruct an investigation into Russia’s interference with the U.S. presidential election,” he said. Read more »

Danny K. Davis D-ILD+38

“I believe it is time and imperative that the United States House of Representatives begin an impeachment inquiry whether the House of Representatives should impeach Donald John Trump, President of the United States of America,” he said in a statement on May 28. Read more »

Diana DeGette D-COD+21

“The president’s actions are clearly beneath the high personal, ethical and legal standards our founders envisioned in the executive branch, and, as such, constitute a prima facie case to trigger an impeachment investigation,” she said in a statement on April 23. Read more »

Mark DeSaulnier D-CAD+21

"Congress must do its job, which includes overriding the DOJ policy that protects the president under any circumstance, and beginning an impeachment inquiry," he said in a March 29 statement. Read more »

Madeleine Dean D-PAD+7JUD.

“We must open an impeachment inquiry,” the Judiciary committee chair said on MSNBC’s “Hardball” on May 21.

Val Demings D-FLD+11JUD.

“While I understand we need to see the full report and all supporting documents, I believe we have enough evidence now,” Demings told The Post in April. Read more »

Veronica Escobar D-TXD+17JUD.

“I personally feel like we cannot tolerate this level of obstruction, that if we do, then we have lowered the bar to the point where any criminal can be president of the United States and that should be unacceptable to all of us,” the Judiciary committee member tweeted May 21. Read more »

Adriano Espaillat D-NYD+43

He signed on to articles of impeachment against Trump in November 2017. Read more »

Dwight Evans D-PAD+41

“The heavily redacted #MuellerReport reveals and details repeated disturbing conduct by the president, & it shouldn’t go unnoticed — an impeachment vote would begin the process & allow House Judiciary to have broader investigative availability, which is certainly warranted!” he tweeted in April. Read more »

Marcia L. Fudge D-OHD+32

She signed on to articles of impeachment against Trump in November 2017. Read more »

Jesús "Chuy" Garcia D-ILD+33

"After careful consideration and deliberation, I’ve come to the conclusion that the House of Representatives must execute its constitutionally mandated responsibility and begin a formal inquiry,” Garcia told WBEZ on May 28. Read more »

Al Green D-TXD+29

Green is one of the first members of Congress to support impeaching Trump, well before the Mueller report was released. Read more »

Raúl M. Grijalva D-AZD+13CHAIR

"President Trump is not exonerated, and his administration is deliberately misleading the American people about the findings of the Special Counsel," he tweeted May 29. Read more »

Jared Huffman D-CAD+22

“I think it’s important to call out the impeachable offenses that are taking place and to convey to President Trump and the American people that no one is above the law,” he said in February, signing on to articles of impeachment against Trump. Read more »

Sheila Jackson Lee D-TXD+27JUD.

On May 21, the Judiciary committee member said she plans to introduce a resolution of investigation to determine whether the House should move forward with an impeachment inquiry. Read more »

Pramila Jayapal D-WAD+33JUD.

“We are now at the point where we must begin an impeachment inquiry,” the Judiciary committee member tweeted May 21. Read more »

Barbara Lee D-CAD+40

She co-sponsored Rep. Rashida Tblaib’s (D-Mich.) impeachment resolution on May 23. Read more »

Ted Lieu D-CAD+16JUD.

“This inquiry could lead to impeachment, or it could lead to nothing,” the Judiciary committee member told The Washington Post on May 20 of opening an impeachment inquiry. Read more »

Alan Lowenthal D-CAD+13

"I believe the time has come to consider an impeachment inquiry," he tweeted May 30. Read more »

Tom Malinowski D-NJR+3

“I’ve come to think that it is warranted at this point,” Malinowski told NBC News in an article published May 21. Read more »

Betty McCollum D-MND+14

“It is very clear that President Trump is engaging in a cover-up, obstructing of justice, and betraying his oath of office,” she said in a statement May 29. Read more »

Jim McGovern D-MAD+9CHAIR

“We’re beyond talking about this in terms of political implications. We have to do what’s right,” he told WGBH radio in Boston on May 29. Read more »

Gwen Moore D-WID+25

She first called for Trump’s impeachment in August 2017. Read more »

Seth Moulton D-MAD+6

“We should be having this debate,” he said in April. Read more »

Joe Neguse D-COD+9JUD.

“The findings detailed in the Special Counsel’s report, and the Administration’s pattern of wholesale obstruction of Congress since the report’s release, make clear that it is time to open an impeachment inquiry,” the Judiciary committee member tweeted May 21. Read more »

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez D-NYD+29

“I cannot see a reason for us to abdicate from our constitutionally mandated responsibility to investigate,” she tweeted April 18. Read more »

Ilhan Omar D-MND+26

“We must begin impeachment proceedings and investigate if the president committed impeachable offenses,” she tweeted in April. Read more »

Chellie Pingree D-MED+8

“... I believe it is in the public interest that Congress continue its own investigations in the face of unprecedented obstruction and move toward an impeachment inquiry," she said in a statement May 29. Read more »

Mark Pocan D-WID+18

“Stonewalling Congress on witnesses and the unredacted Mueller report only enhances the President’s appearance of guilt, and as a result, he has pushed Congress to a point where we must start an impeachment inquiry,” he tweeted May 21. Read more »

Ayanna Pressley D-MAD+34

“There’s a lack of moral fortitude and fitness to even be in this office,” she told Boston Public Radio in April. Read more »

Mike Quigley D-ILD+20

"We must open an impeachment inquiry," he tweeted May 30. Read more »

Jamie B. Raskin D-MDD+14JUD.

“I do think the logic of an impeachment inquiry is pretty overwhelming at this point,” the Judiciary Committee member told The Post on May 21. Read more »

Kathleen Rice D-NYD+4

“Congress has a moral obligation to put our politics aside and take action. We need to start impeachment proceedings,” she tweeted May 21. Read more »

Cedric L. Richmond D-LAD+25JUD.

"The Constitution requires us to get the information. And if it takes impeachment for us to get the information, then so be it," he told CQ Roll Call on May 14. Read more »

Bobby L. Rush D-ILD+27

"Congressman Rush believes that President Trump should be impeached,” Rush spokesman Ryan Johnson told WBEZ. Read more »

Mary Gay Scanlon D-PAD+13JUD.

“Congress has patiently tried to work within traditional means to get to the bottom of this extraordinary situation. But, we have reached an inflection point,” the vice chair of the Judiciary committee said in a May 21 statement. Read more »

Brad Sherman D-CAD+18

“I am introducing Articles of Impeachment to begin a long process to protect our country from abuse of power, obstruction of justice, and impulsive, ignorant incompetence,” he said in a statement July 12, 2017. Read more »

Jackie Speier D-CAD+27

She first called for Trump’s impeachment in August 2017. Read more »

Greg Stanton D-AZD+4JUD.

"It is time for the House of Representatives to move to the next stages of holding the President accountable, including the extraordinary step of opening an impeachment inquiry," he said in a statement May 30. Read more »

Bennie Thompson D-MSD+14CHAIR

“I support impeachment,” he said on May 29. “The President has egregiously obstructed justice. The Special Counsel did not give nay indication that the President is innocent.” Read more »

Rashida Tlaib D-MID+32

She introduced legislation in March to start an impeachment inquiry. Read more »

Norma J. Torres D-CAD+19

“Everyone should be concerned about preventing and obstructing the rule of law,” Torres told The Post in April. Read more »

Juan Vargas D-CAD+22

He called for Trump’s impeachment after the release of the redacted Mueller report in April. Read more »

Filemon Vela D-TXD+10

After the Mueller report was released, he signed on to Tlaib’s impeachment resolution as a co-sponsor. Read more »

Maxine Waters D-CAD+29CHAIR

She was one of the first members of Congress to call for impeaching Trump. “Mueller kicked the impeachment ball to the Congress. The Constitution gives the responsibility to Congress to impeach an unfit president — ‘high crimes and misdemeanors.’ What more do we need?" she tweeted in April. Read more »

John Yarmuth D-KYD+6CHAIR

He was among the six House Democrats who introduced articles of impeachment against Trump in November 2017. Read more »

Continue existing investigations 135

These lawmakers don't want to open an impeachment inquiry right now.

Nanette Barragán D-CAD+35

"It is up to Congress to hold the President accountable. That’s why we need full transparency and hearings on the Mueller report," she tweeted on May 29. Read more »

Karen Bass D-CAD+37JUD.

"I do not think it’s appropriate to rush," she told CQ Roll Call on May 15. Read more »

Ami Bera D-CAD+3

"I don't think that's where we should go," Bera told KTXL on April 25. Read more »

Anthony Brindisi D-NYR+6

"Impeachment is a mistake," he told the Wall Street Journal. Read more »

Anthony G. Brown D-MDD+28

Brown hasn't taken a position on whether there should be an impeachment inquiry, though he did tell Roll Cal: “If an article came to the floor, then I would vote in favor of it." Read more »

Cheri Bustos D-ILD+3

The chairwoman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has privately argued that Mueller's report ranks toward the bottom of what voters in focus groups care about. Read more »

Salud Carbajal D-CAD+7

“I’m reserving my judgment until we have turned over every stone,” he told the Santa Barbara Independent in April. Read more »

André Carson D-IND+11

"I don't think we should rule out an impeachment," he told CNN on May 29. Read more »

Matthew Cartwright D-PAR+1

"Congress must continue performing its constitutional duty of oversight over this administration, and the proper committees have an obligation to follow up on issues raised by the Mueller report,” he told The Morning Call in May. Read more »

Ed Case D-HID+17

He told the Honolulu Star-Advertiser on May 29 that it would be "premature" to impeach President Trump. Read more »

Sean Casten D-ILR+2

"It is imperative we take steps to protect our democracy by passing legislation to strengthen election security and I will continue to work with my colleagues to uphold the Constitution," he tweeted May 29. Read more »

Kathy Castor D-FLD+7CHAIR

"I listened closely to Special Counsel Robert Mueller. I was struck by his emphasis on the fact that obstruction of justice occurred numerous times over... and the President cannot be exonerated," she tweeted May 29. Read more »

Katherine M. Clark D-MAD+18

"Impeachment is not off the table, but I think we want to hear from Attorney General Barr, we want to hear from Robert Mueller," she told WGBH in April. Read more »

William Lacy Clay D-MOD+29

"We need to do everything we can to maintain our majority and not just pursue impeachment for the sake of pursuing it because people don’t like this man,” he told the Kansas City Star in May. Read more »

Emanuel Cleaver II D-MOD+7

Cleaver has said he'll make a decision after special counsel Robert S. Mueller III testifies to Congress. Read more »

James E. Clyburn D-SCD+19

"We have not gotten there yet. That is the difference between the majority of the caucus right now and the very strong minority who would like to see us move forward with impeachment right away," he told CNN on May 22.

Gerald E. Connolly D-VAD+15

"I think that has a precedent that troubles me, because I don't think we need to go to a court and say, well, we're going to launch an impeachment investigation that justifies this inquiry," he told PBS NewHour on May 22. Read more »

Jim Cooper D-TND+7

“The 2020 elections are the best way to bring the President to justice. If the American people vote him out of office, then he will no longer be immune from prosecution," Cooper said in a statement on May 29. Read more »

J. Luis Correa D-CAD+15JUD.

"It is not the time to ask the question of impeachment yet," the co-chair of the moderate group the Blue Dog Coalition said May 9. Read more »

TJ Cox D-CAD+5

The potentially vulnerable Democrat has not mentioned impeachment in any of his statements. "[I]t is important for Congress to continue the work of investigating, asking the tough questions, and holding the administration accountable," he told McClatchy on May 29. Read more »

Angie Craig D-MNR+2

"If I’m just focused on issues, and not on politics, this is what we need to take on,” she said on May 29. Read more »

Jason Crow D-COD+2

"We must consider all options to ensure Congress is responding to this assault on our rule of law and restoring power to the American people," he said in a statement to the Colorado Sun. Read more »

Henry Cuellar D-TXD+9

"The short answer is: Would I vote right now to impeach the president? No,” he said on May 29. Read more »

Elijah E. Cummings D-MDD+26CHAIR

The House Oversight chairman has not publicly supported impeachment yet as his committee conducts its own investigations into Trump.

Joe Cunningham D-SCR+10

"It’s important that we take a deep breath and make decisions based on facts, not emotion," he said in April. Read more »

Tony Cárdenas D-CAD+29

"There is a reason that we are called 'the People’s House'. We have a responsibility to all Americans to perform our duty, and no amount of stonewalling or lies will deter us from that duty," he tweeted on May 29. Read more »

Sharice Davids D-KSR+4

"While we still need to access the underlying documents and evidence, I continue to have full faith in my colleagues on the relevant House committees to conduct necessary oversight and uphold the rule of law," the potentially vulnerable Democrat told McClatchy on May 29. Read more »

Susan A. Davis D-CAD+14

She said in April that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III's report provided a "roadmap for impeachment." Read more »


DeFazio has said he supports congressional investigations of the Trump administration. Read more »

Rosa L. DeLauro D-CTD+9

In a closed-door meeting with House Democrats on May 20, The Washington Post reported that DeLauro "grew angry and scolded the lawmakers that an impeachment inquiry would further distract from legislating." Read more »

Suzan DelBene D-WAD+6

"If the administration continues its obstructive actions by defying court orders, then that leaves Congress with few options and may make impeachment unavoidable," she told the Seattle Times in May. Read more »

Antonio Delgado D-NYR+2

"I did not run ... to impeach the president," he said at a town hall meeting in May. Read more »

Theodore E. Deutch D-FLD+6JUD.CHAIR

"Congress’s role is not do-over of the Special Counsel’s criminal investigation, but an inquiry into whether the President of the United States violated his oath of office, broke the public trust, and committed high crimes and misdemeanors," the senior member of the Judiciary Committee and Chairman of the Ethics Committee said May 29. He hasn't directly said he supports an impeachment inquiry. Read more »

Debbie Dingell D-MID+14

"I think that a divided impeachment would tear this country apart," she told Fox News in May. Read more »

Lloyd Doggett D-TXD+15

"I’m eager to see Democrats show the same kind of courage that Justin Amash has shown," he said on May 20, but stopped short of calling for impeachment proceedings to begin. Read more »

Mike Doyle D-PAD+13

"If the Administration continues to ignore legitimate subpoenas and files endless appeals, we may have little choice but to initiate impeachment proceedings," he tweeted on May 23. Read more »

Eliot L. Engel D-NYD+24CHAIR

Engel told the Hill in April that Democrats "should be cautious" with impeachment. Read more »

Anna G. Eshoo D-CAD+23

"I’ve been through impeachment — it tears the country apart," she told the Hill in May. Read more »

Abby Finkenauer D-IAD+1

"We need to be taking our role very seriously as a coequal branch of government,” she told the Gazette in May. Read more »

Lizzie Fletcher D-TXR+7

"We need to see the underlying documents, and frankly we need to see the full un-redacted report to be able to reach certain judgments," she told Houston Public Media in April. Read more »

Lois Frankel D-FLD+9

"We are going to do our constitutional duty. I think most of us Democrats have the patience to let that play out," she told CNN in April. Read more »

Tulsi Gabbard D-HID+19

I don't think that we should defeat Donald Trump through impeachment," she told Fox News in April. Read more »

Ruben Gallego D-AZD+23

"I don't believe we should be afraid of the option of impeachment," he said on CNN in April. Read more »

John Garamendi D-CAD+5

Garamendi told Fox News in May that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III should testify before an impeachment proceeding begins. Read more »

Sylvia Garcia D-TXD+19JUD.

"So we should try all avenues and exhaust them to try to reach an accommodation. In the end, the court will judge us by that," she told CQ Roll Call on May 15. Read more »

Jared Golden D-MER+2

"Believe me, I’m going to be ready to do what’s right for this country if we reach that very serious discussion of impeachment," he said in March. Read more »

Jimmy Gomez D-CAD+35

"It's always an option, it's always on the table," he told MSNBC in April. Read more »

Josh Gottheimer D-NJR+3

A Gottheimer spokesperson told in May that he opposes impeachment proceedings against President Trump. Read more »

Debra Haaland D-NMD+7

"The obstruction and disrespect for Congress’ role as an equal branch of government is simply unacceptable,” she said in an email to the Las Cruces Sun News in May. Read more »

Josh Harder D-CAEVEN

"We have to get to the bottom of what happened and we need more transparency and accountability from Washington, especially from the White House," he told McClatchy on May 29. Read more »

Alcee L. Hastings D-FLD+31

"It’s Congress’ duty to address President Trump’s alarming actions to obstruct justice, stonewall congressional investigations, and mislead the American people," he tweeted on May 31. Read more »

Denny Heck D-WAD+5

"The president does himself no favors by doubling down on his obstruction and continuing to stonewall investigations that Congress has a constitutional duty to conduct," he told the Seattle Times in May. Read more »

Brian Higgins D-NYD+11

"The impulse may be to just move on impeachment right away, but I think we have to explore those 10 areas that that the Mueller report left open-ended relative to whether or not the president committed obstruction of justice," he told the Buffalo News in April. Read more »

Katie Hill D-CAEVEN

"I actually think part of the hesitation around doing an impeachment inquiry is that we're already doing this work. We're already doing the job of exposing this to the American people," she told reporters the week of May 27. Read more »

Jim Himes D-CTD+7

“With every slash the president makes of congressional oversight, he probably convinces a few people that impeachment will make sense,” he told the Atlantic. Read more »

Kendra Horn D-OKR+10

"There’s a lot we don’t know, and I think we need all of the information to make the decisions, and then we’ll see what happens next,” she said at a town hall meeting in April. Read more »

Steven Horsford D-NVD+3

"It is now Congress’ duty to take the necessary actions because no one is above the law,” he told the Nevada Current in May. Read more »

Chrissy Houlahan D-PAD+2

"We need to continue our investigation in the House so we can make a sound judgement on how we proceed," she told The Morning Call in May. Read more »

Steny H. Hoyer D-MDD+16

“Based on what we have seen to date, going forward on impeachment is not worthwhile at this point. Very frankly, there is an election in 18 months and the American people will make a judgment," the No. 2 House Democrat told CNN in April. Read more »

Hakeem Jeffries D-NYD+36JUD.

"It's clear to anybody who's paying attention, we are in the majority because of two great members like Jason and Elissa and so many others who did not run in on impeachment," the Democratic Caucus chairman said in May at a news conference, of two new members of Congress. Read more »

Eddie Bernice Johnson D-TXD+29CHAIR

"It is clear from even this redacted version of the Mueller Report that the President of the United States and his campaign engaged in wrongdoing – involving both his campaign’s connections to Russian interference in the 2016 election and the obstruction of justice," she said in a statement in April. Read more »

Hank Johnson D-GAD+24JUD.

"But, no, we’re not where we need to be yet in order to commence impeachment proceedings in the House as far as I’m concerned," he told CQ Roll Call on May 9. Read more »

William R. Keating D-MAD+4

He told the Boston Herald in May that Congress must "widen the scope of [Mueller's] investigation." Read more »

Joe Kennedy D-MAD+9

"It feels an awful lot like he’s baiting us, he’s baiting Congress into doing this,” he told Boston Herald Radio in May. Read more »

Ro Khanna D-CAD+25

"I'm not there yet. I believe that we need to be methodical, we need to make a case," he told on May 21. Read more »

Daniel Kildee D-MID+5

"I think it’s something we ought to be very careful about,” he told Roll Call in May. Read more »

Derek Kilmer D-WAD+6CHAIR

"Congress will continue to fulfill its responsibility and duty to safeguard the Constitution, protect democratic institutions from corruption and perform oversight,” he told the Seattle Times in May. Read more »

Andy Kim D-NJR+2

"I don’t support opening impeachment proceedings right now," he told in May. Read more »


"I'm comfortable with the hearings and the investigations that are occuring right now," he told Wisconsin Public Radio on May 29. Read more »

Ann Kirkpatrick D-AZR+1

"I'm a former prosecutor. I think we have to be very careful and make sure we have our evidence and, as I said, it must be a bipartisan effort," she said at a town hall meeting on May 29. Read more »

Raja Krishnamoorthi D-ILD+8

He told WBEZ he is "not there yet" on impeachment proceedings. Read more »

Ann Kuster D-NHD+2

"President Trump and his administration have repeatedly stonewalled the legitimate oversight role of Congress, from preventing individuals from testifying to refusing to answer questions about the sabotage of our health care system,” she said in a statement to the Concord Monitor in May. Read more »

Conor Lamb D-PAR+3

"I think some people are trying to rush this through before then. But my point is, let's get to the right answer no matter how long it takes, and that involves following the system that our founders laid out for us," he told WESA in May. Read more »

Jim Langevin D-RID+6

Langevin told the New York Times he does not support an impeachment inquiry at this time. Read more »

Rick Larsen D-WAD+10

"The committees are making progress using the powers of Congress to do appropriate oversight of the president and his administration," he told the Seattle Times in May. Read more »

John B. Larson D-CTD+12

"It could very possibly be that his continued contempt and resistance does step over the line," he told Politico in May. Read more »

Susie Lee D-NVR+2

Lee told the New York Times she doesn't support an impeachment inquiry. Read more »

Andy Levin D-MID+4

"It’s a political thing, and we need to do our job under the Constitution to hold him accountable and we’ll see where it goes. But it’s just kind of superficial to say impeachment. We need to do the oversight," he told the Michigan Advance in May. Read more »

Mike Levin D-CAR+1

"Congress has a responsibility to uphold and defend the constitution, and that's exactly what we will do," he tweeted May 29. Read more »

John Lewis D-GAD+34

"I think what we need to do as a party and as a people is pace ourselves. I mean, take our time and not be so quick to move down that road to impeachment," he told Rolling Stone. Read more »

Zoe Lofgren D-CAD+24JUD.CHAIR

"We need the full report, the underlying evidence, and will need to hear from a number of witnesses. Then we’ll see what, if anything, we are obliged to do next," she told CQ Roll Call in a statement on May 13. Read more »

Ben Ray Luján D-NMD+8

"As the House continues its constitutional oversight responsibilities, Congressman Luján believes that nothing should be taken off the table," he said in a statement on May 29. Read more »

Elaine Luria D-VAR+3

"I think that if people have complaints about how we’re being governed, they should get out and they should vote," she said at a town hall meting on May 28. Read more »

Stephen F. Lynch D-MAD+10

"If we proceed to impeachment right now, with the evidence we have, we will lose in the Senate, which would inadvertently help the president’s re-election efforts," he told the Boston Herald in May. Read more »

Sean Maloney D-NYR+1

"I want the President held accountable and I want that done in the best way. I'm not sold that impeachment is the best way," he said on CNN on April 19. Read more »

Ben McAdams D-UTR+13

"Any impeachment proceedings would be initiated by a committee that I’m not a member of, and for me, would require meeting a high bar and would have to be sufficiently bipartisan," he told the Salt Lake Tribune in May. Read more »

Lucy McBath D-GAR+8JUD.

The vulnerable member of Congress has not mentioned impeachment in any of her statements about the Mueller report. Read more »

Gregory W. Meeks D-NYD+37

"To impeach the president at this moment does not make any sense, because you can't convict him of anything, and he would still be here tomorrow," he said on May 29. Read more »

Debbie Mucarsel-Powell D-FLD+6JUD.

"Congress must defend the foundation of our democracy when it is under attack from the Executive Branch," she said in a May 29 statement without mentioning impeachment. Read more »

Stephanie Murphy D-FLEVEN

"Should President Trump or anyone in his Administration ignore a final federal court order to turn over information that Congress has requested, I would consider it a threat to our careful system of checks and balances and would therefore support an impeachment inquiry on that individual—the first step in the impeachment process and one that better empowers congressional investigators to attain documents and testimony," she said in a statement on May 22. Read more »

Jerrold Nadler D-NYD+26CHAIR OF JUD.

"It depends what comes out. It depends where the American people are, whether they want to go that way or not. I don’t want to make it sound as if we’re heading for impeachment. Probably we’re not," he told CNBC in an interview posted May 15. Read more »

Richard E. Neal D-MAD+12CHAIR

The Ways and Means committe chairman has not publicly supported impeachment yet as his committee conducts its own investigations into Trump.

Donald W. Norcross D-NJD+13

"What’s abundantly clear is the president is now trying to block our access to the information we need. The more he blocks it, it will be more likely that we will have to take the ultimate step, and that is impeachment," he told in May. Read more »

Frank Pallone Jr. D-NJD+9CHAIR

"I don’t think we can convict him. We’re going to spend all this time impeaching him and we’ll have nothing to show for it," he told in May. Read more »

Jimmy Panetta D-CAD+23

"To conduct &ensure compliance with such a serious &significant investigation all Congressional investigatory tools, authority of the judicial &laws of our nation must be observed, enforced &available to Congress to fulfill its obligations under the Constitution & to our democracy," he tweeted May 30. Read more »

Chris Pappas D-NHR+2

"We also must hear directly from Special Counsel Robert Mueller so we can identify the appropriate path forward,” he said in a statement to the Concord Monitor in May. Read more »

Bill Pascrell Jr. D-NJD+16

"Congress must proceed with an Article I inquiry of whether Donald Trump committed obstruction of justice. If, from our own inquiry, we find he did obstruct justice or committed other high crimes, then we will have no other avenue but impeachment of this President," he said in a statement on May 29. Read more »

Donald Payne Jr. D-NJD+36

"Impeachment is one tool in Congress’s constitutional oversight toolbox, but it is not the only tool," Payne told in May. Read more »

Nancy Pelosi D-CAD+37

"Nothing is off the table," she said May 29.

Ed Perlmutter D-COD+6

"Democrats will continue to weigh the many options on the table when it comes to taking action against those who refuse to cooperate with congressional orders," he said in a statement to the Colorado Sun. Read more »

Scott Peters D-CAD+6

"It just wouldn’t surprise me if that’s where it ends up,” he said in May. Read more »

Dean Phillips D-MND+1

"I'm simply not there yet," the newly elected lawmaker said, sharing polls that most Americans don't support impeachment, in an interview on MSNBC on May 23. "I want to be cautious and methodical." Read more »

Katie Porter D-CAR+3

"I will not shirk my duty if the time comes [for impeachment proceedings," she said on May 30. Read more »

David E. Price D-NCD+17

“If this cover up continues, President Trump may leave us no choice,” he told the News & Observer. Read more »

Max Rose D-NYR+3

"Right now we’re in this incredibly childish game of impeachment chicken, and everyone has to start acting like adults," he told Politico in May. Read more »

Harley Rouda D-CAR+4

Rouda told CNN on May 21 that the House should start impeachment proceedings if the Trump administration does not comply with congressional subpoenas. Read more »

Raul Ruiz D-CAD+2

"Congress has an obligation to review the un-redacted report and underlying evidence, continue conducting oversight, and hear directly from the Special Counsel in order to determine the appropriate course of action," he told the Press-Enterprise in April. Read more »

C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger D-MDD+11

A Ruppersberger spokesperson told the Baltimore Sun in May that President Trump's "constant stonewalling" could lead the House "down the road to impeachment." Read more »

Tim Ryan D-OHD+7

"I’m a lot closer today than I was yesterday,” he told NPR in May. Read more »

John Sarbanes D-MDD+13

"Congress must move quickly to secure our democracy and protect the integrity of the vote ahead of the 2020 election. And House Democrats stand ready to act," he said in a statement on May 29. Read more »

Jan Schakowsky D-ILD+18

"Impeachment is not off the table,” she told WBEZ. Read more »

Adam B. Schiff D-CAD+23CHAIR

The Intelligence committee chairman has not publicly supported impeachment yet as his committee conducts its own investigations into Trump.

Bradley Schneider D-ILD+10

"He’s not calling to open impeachment proceedings now, and is supporting the ongoing investigations," a spokesperson for Schneider told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency in May. Read more »

Kurt Schrader D-OREVEN

Schrader has said he supports congressional investigations of the Trump administration. Read more »

Kim Schrier D-WAEVEN

"Once we get a clear sense of what happened, nothing is off the table,” she told the Seattle Times in May. Read more »

Donna Shalala D-FLD+5

Shalala told the Sun-Sentinel in May that an impeachment inquiry is "getting closer and closer." Read more »

Mikie Sherrill D-NJR+3

"As long as the committees of jurisdiction are able to continue to do their work, I’m comfortable right now with Congress being able to fulfill its duties," she told in May. Read more »

Albio Sires D-NJD+27

A spokesperson for Sires told in May that he is waiting for the outcome of the ongoing House investigations. Read more »

Elissa Slotkin D-MIR+4

"I think the perception is that Washington is more focused on the checks and balances than they are on actually helping people’s pocketbooks and their kids. And that’s a real problem," she told the Washington Post in May. Read more »

Adam Smith D-WAD+21CHAIR

"We need to prepare to begin impeachment proceedings, but we are still conducting our full investigation,” he told the Seattle Times in May. Read more »

Darren Soto D-FLD+5

Soto told Roll Call in May he is keeping an open mind on impeachment proceedings. Read more »

Abigail Spanberger D-VAR+6

"There's a real need and real desire among many members of Congress to get stuff done," she told CBS News on May 21. Read more »

Haley Stevens D-MIR+4

Stevens said she supported ongoing congressional investigations during an interview with WDET in May. Read more »

Thomas Suozzi D-NYD+1

"I don't think [impeachment] would be appropriate at this time," he said on News 12 Long Island on May 30. Read more »

Eric Swalwell D-CAD+20JUD.

"We're on the road to impeachment. Not a road we want to be on...but no one is above the law," the 2020 presidential candidate tweeted May 16. Read more »

Linda T. Sánchez D-CAD+17

"I think impeachment is always on the table. I always think that that's a tool in the toolbox, but one of the ones that you use when you've run out of other options," she told NPR in May. Read more »

Mike Thompson D-CAD+21

"Congress will continue with our investigations to ensure our constituents get the truth. Nothing is off the table," he said in a statement to the San Francisco Chronicle in May. Read more »

Dina Titus D-NVD+15

"It is now up to Congress to ensure that no person is above the law," she told the Nevada Current in May. Read more »

David Trone D-MDD+6

"I trust the Speaker on if and when we should go beyond the five ongoing congressional investigations," he said in a statement to the Baltimore Sun in May. Read more »

Lauren Underwood D-ILR+5

"Right now, Congress is doing the oversight compelled by Article One of the Constitution. This crucial step can feel frustratingly slow, but it is important that we do it methodically, thoroughly, and within the bounds of the Constitution,” Underwood told WBEZ. Read more »

Jeff Van Drew D-NJR+1

"I think impeachment is probably the last decision that we would ever want to make,” he told in May. Read more »

Debbie Wasserman Schultz D-FLD+11

In a statement May 29, she didn't mention impeachment: "Vigorous oversight of this president is vital. Congress must provide it and take action to hold those responsible for it accountable." Read more »

Bonnie Watson Coleman D-NJD+16

"We have to continue to pursue getting documents, bringing in witnesses to things that he’s done, things that they’ve observed,” she told in May. Read more »

Peter Welch D-VTD+15

"I’m supportive of the approach Pelosi has taken: investigate, follow the facts, do our work," he told VTDigger in May. Read more »

Susan Wild D-PAD+1

"I believe that Special Counsel Robert Mueller should testify before Congress to fully explain his thoughts, methods, and conclusions. It is now up to Congress to perform its oversight responsibilities to determine the best path forward," she told The Morning Call in May. Read more »

Haven’t said/unclear 45

These lawmakers haven't commented on impeachment or their comments are unclear.

Pete Aguilar D-CAD+8
Colin Allred D-TXR+5
Cindy Axne D-IAR+1
Joyce Beatty D-OHD+19
Sanford D. Bishop Jr. D-GAD+6
Lisa Blunt Rochester D-DED+6
Julia Brownley D-CAD+7
Judy Chu D-CAD+16
Gil Cisneros D-CAEVEN
Jim Costa D-CAD+9
Joe Courtney D-CTD+3
Charlie Crist D-FLD+2
Bill Foster D-ILD+9
Vicente Gonzalez D-TXD+7
Jahana Hayes D-CTD+2
Marcy Kaptur D-OHD+14
Robin L. Kelly D-ILD+29
Brenda Lawrence D-MID+30
Al Lawson D-FLD+12
Daniel Lipinski D-ILD+6
David Loebsack D-IAD+1
Nita M. Lowey D-NYD+7CHAIR
Carolyn B. Maloney D-NYD+31
Doris Matsui D-CAD+21
A. Donald McEachin D-VAD+10
Jerry McNerney D-CAD+8
Grace Meng D-NYD+16
Joseph Morelle D-NYD+8
Grace F. Napolitano D-CAD+17
Tom O'Halleran D-AZR+2
Collin C. Peterson D-MNR+12CHAIR
Lucille Roybal-Allard D-CAD+33
David Scott D-GAD+20
Robert C. “Bobby” Scott D-VAD+16CHAIR
José E. Serrano D-NYD+44
Terri A. Sewell D-ALD+20
Mark Takano D-CAD+12CHAIR
Paul Tonko D-NYD+7
Xochitl Torres Small D-NMR+6
Lori Trahan D-MAD+9
Marc Veasey D-TXD+23
Nydia M. Velázquez D-NYD+38CHAIR
Peter J. Visclosky D-IND+8
Jennifer Wexton D-VAD+1
Frederica S. Wilson D-FLD+34

Kevin Schaul

Kevin Schaul is a senior graphics editor for The Washington Post. He covers national politics and public policy using data and visuals.

Amber Phillips

Amber Phillips writes about politics for The Fix. She was previously the one-woman D.C. bureau for the Las Vegas Sun and has reported from Boston and Taiwan.

JM Rieger

JM Rieger is the video editor for The Fix, covering national politics. He joined The Washington Post in 2018. Previously, Rieger worked as a video producer covering national politics for HuffPost. He began his career as a video editor covering Congress for Roll Call.

About this story

Stances are sourced from lawmaker statements and news reports. District political lean is Cook Political Report’s 2018 Partisan Voting Index (PVI) score.

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Legislator images via Government Printing Office.

Originally published May 31, 2019.
