I had an abortion. I’m not going to tell you why — that shouldn’t matter.

The details should have absolutely no impact on the validity of my choice

In the Philippines, ‘comfort women’ who suffered in WWII fight to keep from being erased from history

The plight of survivors is a testament to how deeply sexual violence is embedded in wartime history

‘It’s never too late to do something you love’: At 78, this ballerina is still dancing

Six days a week, Suzelle Poole laces up her pointe shoes and teaches classical ballet

Samantha Bee covers antiabortion laws because laughter makes a statement — not because she’s a woman

Laughing at an issue underscores its ridiculousness and creates a valve to let off steam

Nancy Pelosi is tired of talking about Trump. She told Jimmy Kimmel, ‘I’m done with him.’

Kimmel kicked off a 14-minute segment on Thursday pressing Pelosi on impeachment

Harriet Tubman is America’s foremost female patriot. She belongs on the $20 bill now.

No other woman served the nation for as many years as Tubman, at such risk, with accomplishments equally transformative

My second and third daughters would not exist if abortion were illegal

I would not have risked another child with severe fetal defects, as my beloved first daughter had

After a divorce, this writer dedicated a year to seeking out new, commitment-free lovers

‘The Naked Truth’ is all about the giddy fun of getting back in the sack

At 10, I wrote a suicide note. Here’s what I would urgently tell my younger self — and others like her — now that I’m 40.

Trust me, one day you will have a happy life no matter how dismal things look today

Maybe it’s time to stop asking what Lincoln saw in Mary Todd and start asking what she saw in him

Ambitious, complicated women have always inspired vitriol

Emma Semler shared heroin with a friend who died from an overdose. Now, she’ll spend 21 years in prison.

Prosecutors charged her with distribution of heroin resulting in death

It’s ‘like a prison for your mind’: This is how I experience anxiety

‘Sadness takes over, and I cannot shake it’

Born weighing about as much as ‘a large apple,’ Saybie is the world’s smallest surviving baby

She was born at a hospital in San Diego weighing only 8.6 ounces

The ‘#MeToo hurricane’ hits Russia: Rape case stirs rare debate on feminism and justice

A 23-year-old police investigator accused three colleagues of gang-raping her during a party after hours at work

Louisiana becomes the latest state to pass an abortion ban. Its Democratic governor plans to defy his party and sign it.

The legislation is a so-called ‘heartbeat’ ban, resembling other bills passed this year in deep-red states

The Trump administration has attacked the trans community constantly. But this proposal is the cruelest move yet.

Eliminating protection against discrimination in health care will hurt all of us

Avoiding a difficult conversation? Nora McInerny knows what to say.

Watch the podcast host and author lend advice to Lily readers