Musings on the Most Ridiculous Band I Can't Stop Listening To

Thoughts On Deadwood: The Movie (In Real-Time)

  • Right up front: this is a high-context post.
  • If you haven’t watched all three seasons of Deadwood, then none of this will make any sense.
  • For example, one of the bullet points will, for a moral certainty, be composed in its entirety of: Hey, it’s Con Stapleton!
  • And I will not explain:
    • Who the fuck Con Stapleton is.
    • Why the fuck he merits an exclamation point.
  • In the plainest words I can muster: this is inside baseball, and unless you know which character was always bitching about the newspaper not carrying the baseball scores, you will not enjoy the following writing.
  • Also: spoilers.
  • Okay, show’s starting.
  • A train!
  • A Jane!
  • A drunken monologue!
  • And the winner for “Fakest CG Train of 2019” goes to…D: TM!
  • Holy shit, Al looks terrible.
  • Not Ian McShane.
  • He looks as though he’s been getting facial treatments for fifteen years.
  • Charlie’s here, and so is Jewell the Gimp, and Doc Cochran.
  • The last of whom, you’ll recall, was puking up blood regularly by the end of Season Three.
  • I guess his tuberculosis got better.
  • I will try not to keep repeating this, but: All these fuckers look old as fuck.
  • Charlie Utter, for example, has aged a billion years in 13 years.
  • (It’s been 13 years in the real world, but in the Deadwood Cinematic Universe, a decade has passed.)
  • Bullock!
  • And Mrs. Bullock!
  • They are all hot to trot: the man can’t keep his hands off her crinoline.
  • E.B. is still at the hotel; he is identical in appearance, but the building is not: brick has replaced wood.
  • Hearst!
  • You murdering, conniving cocksucker.
  • You know he’s up to no good.
  • I mean, he’s a U.S. Senator now, so obviously he’s up to no good.
  • Trixie is enormously pregnant and HOLY SHIT, STARR GOT OLD.
  • Did John Hawkes contract progeria recently?
  • Fucker looks like he’s defending the Holy Grail.
  • We’re on page 17, roughly, of the screenplay; we’re gonna need an Inciting Incident here, fellows.
  • Oh, there it is.
  • Trixie calling Hearst a cunt and a murderer during a parade.
  • That’ll do it.
  • Hearst doesn’t enjoy being called a cunt in private, but he simply won’t abide it in public.
  • There is also a new hooker in town, and she is deeply symbolic.
  • The production designers deserve an award for so cleverly disguising the ridiculously giant teeth that Timothy Olyphant installed in his mouth several years ago.
  • Hey, it’s Alma Garrett-Ellsworth.
  • Missed you, you junkie slut.
  • A complication!
  • Hearst has made an offer on Charlie Utter’s land so as to string his telephone poles through it.
  • You cant fuck the future.
  • Future fucks you.
  • Charlies a goner, man.
  • On second viewing, Hearst’s plots seem a bit off.
  • She’s midwifing Trixie.
  • Aunt Lou, apparently, does know about birthin’ babies.
  • Ah, everyone’s favorite show biz bullshit: the three-month old newborn.
  • Calamity Jane is now asking Charlie Utter for romantic advice.
  • Remember how Calamity Jane got all Sapphic with Joanie Stubbs?
  • The lesbianism took, I guess.
  • And now she’s back in town and she wants her Joanie back
  • But Joanie is–and this will shock fans of Deadwood–mopey.
  • Hearst is wearing the same sort of magenta gloves (proudly) that Ellsworth (whom he had murdered) begrudgingly donned for his wedding.
  • Oh, God, N—-r General.
  • Why the fuck are you still in Deadwood?
  • Go somewhere else.
  • Go anywhere else.
  • I mean, nowhere in America is safe for you, N—-r General, but there must be locations that are safer.
  • WU!
  • Never really learned English, did you?
  • Good for you, Wu.
  • I’d watch a show that retold the stories from the series from Wu’s POV.
  • Hey, that new whore is back.
  • Being symbolic and saying meaningful shit and all that.
  • Oh, God, N—-r General.
  • Why did you stay at the scene of Charlie’s murder?
  • Oh, for fuck’s sake, now Bullock has called Hearst a cunt in public.
  • It’s like they want him to burn the camp down.
  • I cannot, for the life of me, feature on the meaning of New Whore.
  • (She’s got a name now. It’s New Whore.)
  • Did HBO demand that someone on the screen not look grizzled?
  • I’m not explaining what those last two points refer to.
  • If you watched D: TM, then you’ll know.
  • If you didn’t, then you stopped reading 600 words ago.
  • Either way is okay by me.
  • “That is a goddamned gold commemorative worth twelve-to-fifteen dollars.”
  • You know about David Milch, right?
  • Can’t tell you the day of the week, but can write lines like that.
  • Which makes it worse.
  • That’s the worst way to go.
  • Knowing that it’s happening.
  • Watching it as an onlooker.
  • Seriously, how the fuck is Doc still alive?
  • That’s the haircut N—-r General has.
  • Been bothering me all night.
  • I preferred the old style:
  • You remember this scene, right?
  • I think was Season Two.
  • How many times has Franklin Ajaye played “Guy Who Shouldn’t Have Gone In That Bar?”
  • And Farnham gets a mini-monologue.
  • Here’s how good D:TM is: the fan service doesn’t feel like fan service.
  • Why is George Hearst–who is, I remind you, a sitting U.S. Senator–directly dealing with the assassins?
  • In his fucking hotel room?
  • Doesn’t he have a guy?
  • A majordomo?
  • Literally every single time a character on Deadwood refers to the town of Lead, I say to myself “It’s pronounced Leed, but it’s spelled Lead.
  • Every.
  • Single.
  • Time.
  • I am a simple man with small and common thoughts.
  • That’s the fan service I was talking about.
  • Generally, fan service is distracting and, at worst, embarrassing.
  • One recalls the “Ladies Kickin’ Ass” shot from the climax of Avengers: Edamame.
  • But here, it is like a sweet gift from the creators of the show.
  • Jeffrey Jones.
  • Jeffrey fucking Jones.
  • He’s back.
  • That’s a choice by the producers, I suppose.
  • Dunno if I would have made that choice.
  • Auctions are a great place to be rich.
  • There’s no place it’s bad to be rich, honestly, but auctions are a fun place to be rich.
  • Harry Manning, you asshole.
  • I’m glad you got so fat.
  • YES!
  • Straddling a cocksucker in the Thoroughfare, and punching that cocksucker repeatedly in the face!
  • That’s his signature move.
  • It’s like when Jimmy Snuka would do the Superfly off the top rope.
  • You’d leave upset if you didn’t see it.
  • Okay, I had to pause it just so could get the lines right.
  • “I expect you believe that a badge insulates you from certain untoward consequences?”
  • “Much as you being a U.S. Senator will insulate you from jail.”
  • Trixie had the baby around 18 hours ago; she is now up and about and flat-bellied and running back to Al.
  •  You know you’re watching a dark teevee show when “Loopy Cunt” is an in-universe term of endearment.
  • I’m in love with the cinematography.
  • I wanna make sweet love to the cinematography of this movie.
  • And then flip it over and make horrible love to it.
  • Holy shit, why is Al Swearengen allowed to hold a baby?
  • That’s just unholy.
  • Even dying of cirrhosis, Al looks cool.
  • His hair is…well, you know.
  • Calamity Jane and Joanie are way more public with their lesbianics than I would have imagined would have been acceptable in 1890.
  • Also funny to imagine: Al is, of course, missing the middle finger of his left hand.
  • Well, it’s not missing.
  • He left it on Hearst’s table when Captain Turner chopped it off.
  • So I would assume that they digitally erased it, but to do that, Ian McShane had to wear a green finger condom during shooting.
  • That, to me, is funny.
  • Hey, it’s Con Stapleton!
  • Wedding, wedding, pig and froggy wedding.
  • Seriously, Jane and Joanie are dancing and making out right on the dance floor at the wedding.
  • Now, obviously, I have no problem with it.
  • But–again–it’s 1890.
  • A black guy was just lynched that afternoon.
  • The offices of the Deadwood Pioneer have been relocated across the Thoroughfare, from their previous abutment against the Gem.
  • Here it comes.
  • Here’s the money shot.
  • Give the people what they want, Milch.
  • Hearst, finally as defenseless as was the camp to his murdering machinations.
  • But we are not satisfied.
  • No.
  • Give it to us, Milch.
  • BAM! Bullock takes Hearst by the ear
  • And Calamity Jane was the Secret Hero all along.
  • Knew it was in her.
  • And now the second (major character) death of the film: the N—-r General.
  • I can’t understand a word he says, and Bullock gets to cry and act.
  • Black man gets fucked again.
  • And now it’s Al’s turn.
  • You know he had to die.
  • The slaving cocksucker gets a better end than most on this planet.
  • He is at home, the home that he built.
  • With his own two hands.
  • And he is surrounded by his community, even the ghosts who won’t fuck off.
  • Ghosts never know when to fuck off.
  • Bullock gets his happy ending, which he did not deserve; Al gets the last word, which he did.
  • And then the dragons burned everyone in the camp to death.
  • So good night, all you hoopleheads, and all you cocksuckers; good night to the livery and to Wu’s pigs; good night to the faro dealers, bartenders, and junkies; good night to the stage arriving presently on the Spearfish Road; good night to the Pioneer, the Bella Union, the Number 10, the Grand Central Hotel, and the Gem Saloon.
  • Pussy’s half-price for the next twenty minutes.


  1. dawn


    • Orion

      this….wasn’t a movie…it was a two hour long episode season finale like Star Trek: Voyager did. Everyone just arrived home. The End.

  2. Tor Haxson


    Can you use your influence in the Dead community, not the scholarly community which you dominate, i refer to your connections to the boys themselves?

    How connected are you?
    Well, I know for example that Big Steve sent a crew out to help you move, because well prankster energy more or less, and that you now have prankster name.

    Well… I digress..

    My point is we need a Jeff set.

    Without a doubt it is Jeff who brought
    Milestones, Favorite things, Love Supreme into the post space Jam.

    Post Space needs a Jeff C mini set.

    Pass that on



  3. Luther Von Baconson

    Me to my Mom: “you ever watch This Deadwood on the TeeVee?”

  4. RadioIsDead

    “..digitally erased it…” there was a nice pun there. Or irony, or something. Well played.

  5. DJ5000000

    I waited until I rewatched the entire series to watch the movie. I’d been slowly reabsorbing the series over the last few months when I had time. Now I had time to finish it. A wonderful piece of fan service and here are some of my observations of fan service and disservice.

    – The fire can galloping away to put out the fire Bullock started. Fat Harry Manning always wanted the town to have a fire department and now, there it is.

    – It would have been too much to believe that Steve the Racist Drunk would still be around in his wheelbarrow. (Aside – did not realize that the same actor was the guy in Orange is The New Black. – good job on him.)

    – But what about Blazanov? I guess the actor was busy but I don’t see much on his resume at that time.

    – I’m glad Jack Langrishe was not still there. I know that historically the man was there but I never understood why that theatrical troupe got so much screen time in Season 3. I love me some Brian Cox but the rest of his troupe were just time fillers. (Aside – I’ve always wanted to see a remake of The Thing With Two Heads starring Brian Cox & Bryan Cox.)

    – I wished they gave a nod to Richardson. Maybe a close up of the wishbone he used to pray with to the longhorn skull on the wall.

    – that is all. Thanks for all you do. Be well. Be sane. We will get by.

    • Thoughts On The Dead

      I need to watch the whole thing again. I wonder when I’ll have some free time…

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