Musings on the Most Ridiculous Band I Can't Stop Listening To

A Notice, Apology, Warning, Whatever, Take It How You Will

Posts will be light or non-existent for the next several days. I rise with the sun tomorrow to begin the move (assuming the sun gets up at around 8-ish). The recap of Deadwood: The Movie will not appear immediately, but I will make it up to you by finally finishing up the recap of the third season along with TotD:TM.

Anyone wishing to welcome me into my new home with a housewarming gift is directed to the Donate Button. Anyone wishing me to go fuck myself can do so, also via the Donate Button. Those who are indifferent to me may also give me money.


  1. dawn

    i am so sorry that you have to deal with a move. but will you really be able to resist telling us interesting things!

  2. dawn

    that was supposed to be a question mark. obviously.

  3. Dave Froth

    Fish don’t fry in the kitchen…
    Beans don’t burn on the grill.

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