Tariq Ali


Tariq Ali is a writer & filmmaker, & editor . He has written many books on history & politics, & 7 novels. The Dilemmas of Lenin is out now.

Đã tham gia tháng 7 năm 2010


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  1. Tweet đã ghim
    25 thg 5, 2017
    Đang trả lời

    The Dilemmas of Lenin by Tariq Ali is 50% off, along with all Russian Revolution reading, until May 28

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    6 thg 5
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  3. 6 thg 5
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    Why the Media Are Giving a Free Pass to Venezuela’s Neo-Fascist Creeps via

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  7. 3 thg 5

    Patterson put-down of Ian McEwen's latest novel Ian Patterson in the : via

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    Another coup attempt fails in Venezuela. The monkeys (local coup plotters) are in Chilean and Brazilian embassies. Organ grinders Pompeo and Bolton still at large. Will they try again? Of course, they will. NATO folk in Europe also supported the 'uprising'.

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  11. đã Tweet lại
    29 thg 4

    Join our protest: Thursday (May 2 at noon) in Berlin against Julian 's extradition to Trump's US supermax prison. Organised by & . will speak among others. An exclusive statement by to be read out by me.

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  12. đã Tweet lại
    30 thg 4

    Excellent from on the output gap: "...Without acknowledging and accurately accounting for the miscarriage of economic policy in Europe since 2008, we cannot move forward in political or policy terms."

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  13. đã Tweet lại
    30 thg 4

    Spanish election results without counting Catalonia or the Basque Country: PSOE+UP = 9,15 million (44,3 %) PP+Cs+Vox = 10,16 million (49.2%) (H/t Jonathan López-Vera)

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  14. 30 thg 4

    Spanish election results without counting Catalonia or the Basque Country: PSOE+UP = 9,15 million (44,3 %) PP+Cs+Vox = 10,16 million (49.2%) (H/t Jonathan López-Vera)

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  15. 29 thg 4
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  16. đã Tweet lại
    29 thg 4

    It is just over a week (May 11) until we march through to show that the Palestinian people are not alone, and to demand that the UK government takes action to hold to account for its crimes. Join us:

    , ,7 người khác
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  17. đã Tweet lại
    29 thg 4

    The Knowledge Economy by Roberto Mangabeira Unger via

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  18. 29 thg 4

    The Knowledge Economy by Roberto Mangabeira Unger via

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  19. đã Tweet lại

    Integrate, migrants are told. But can they ever be good enough for the likes of Blair? My column about the political elite and my migrant family

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    My heart is breaking after today’s deadly shooting at Chabad Congregation in San Diego—on the last day of Passover and 6 months to the day after the Tree of Life shooting. We as a nation must confront the terrifying rise of religious hate and violence. Love trumps hate.

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  21. đã Tweet lại
    27 thg 4

    Low birth weight & birth defects increased significantly since 2011 in Gaza due to 2 military attacks in 2012 & 2014 that introduced novel risk factors, contamination by heavy metals weapon-remnants, ongoing impoverishment, and impaired waste management.

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