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Rudy Giuliani threatens $17 million legal action against Robert Mueller during Fox News interview



Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s television defense attorney, said he was considering bringing a $17 million legal action against former special counsel Robert Mueller.

Giuliani was incensed that Mueller did not come to a prosecutorial conclusion on Trump’s obstruction of justice. Mueller laid out over ten instances of such obstruction but said he was prevented from bringing charges due to a Department of Justice regulation.

“It was a dereliction of duty,” Giuliani claimed.

“Why do you appoint an independent counsel, a special counsel? Theoretically there’s some kind of conflict, they are supposed to make a decision,” the former New York City mayor said.

Giuliani said he was considering a $17 million legal action against the special counsel.

“I think I might bring a qui tam action to get that money back for the government,” he said.

A qui tam action is a legal mechanism that allows a whistleblower exposing fraud to bring a lawsuit on behalf of the federal government.

“What a joke. I think Mueller has made a complete fool out of himself,” Giuliani said, unironically.


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Wolff tell-all reveals how Trump trash talks all the people who work for him



In a dissection of author Michael Wolff's upcoming tell-all, "Siege," about the Donald Trump White House, the Washington Posts' Ryan Lizza reveals that the president has a low opinion of the people who work for him -- as well as his two older sons.

According to Lizza, the White House is filled with "true believers" who the president - with surprising clear-eyed candor -- admits would likely have trouble finding a job elsewhere.

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Trump busted for lying about calling Megan Markle ‘nasty’ — with audio provided by his own campaign



Early Sunday morning President Donald Trump denied he called Meghan Markle "nasty," and called on the major news outlets to retract the story and apologize.

However, according to audio posted to Twitter by the Official Trump War Room -- taken from his interview with the Sun where he was asked about the Duchess of Sussex -- he did.

On Twitter, Trump wrote, "I never called Meghan Markle 'nasty.' Made up by the Fake News Media, and they got caught cold! Will @CNN, @nytimes and others apologize? Doubt it!"

You can see for yourself below via Trump's tweet and the video posted by his own campaign.

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Do Republicans really want Mueller to testify — or is it all part of the GOP’s disinformation campaign?



Whether they are in favor of impeaching President Donald Trump or adamantly opposed to it, one thing most Democrats in the House of Representatives have in common is a strong desire to see former special counsel Robert Mueller testify before Congress. And according to a report by Sam Stein and Asawin Suebsaeng for the Daily Beast, there are some Republican Trump allies who hope to see that happen as well — albeit for very different reasons. While Democrats would use testimony from Mueller to try to discredit Trump, Republicans would, according to the Beast, try to discredit Mueller himself.

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Donald Trump has obstructed justice, lied repeatedly to the American people and has been forced to shut down his charity after engaging in illegal activity. Democrats are debating impeachment. If Democrats fault Republicans for standing by as Trump disgraces the office, Democrats must stand up. Sign your name to tell Nancy Pelosi enough is enough.



House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) speaks during a press conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., November 30, 2017. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts