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Trump is ‘a panicked president’ and ‘his behavior is deteriorating’: Impeachment leader Tom Steyer



Billionaire Tom Steyer painted a terrifying potrait of President Donald Trump during a Friday night interview on MSNBC’s “The Last Word.”

Guest host Ali Velschi played a recent clip on the subject from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

“He knows it’s not a good idea to be impeached. Well, the silver lining for him is, then he believes that he would be exonerated by the United States Senate,” Pelosi said. “And there is a school of thought that says if the Senate acquits you, why bring up charges against him in the private sector when he’s no longer president. So when we go there with our case, it’s got to be ironclad.”

“Do you think Donald Trump thinks that way?” Velshi asked. “Do you think that he’s fishing for impeachment because he feels safe in the Senate?”

“Absolutely the opposite, Ali,” Steyer replied.

“I think this is a panicked president who understands that he’s guilty as sin and understands that everybody in Washington, D.C. believes he’s more than met the criteria for impeachment,” he continued.

“In fact, part of the urgency about getting this process going and getting rid of him is the fact that he is panicked and you can see his behavior deteriorating and I expect it will deteriorate every single day between now and November of 2020,” he warned.

“So in fact, when you see him acting against Mexico with tariffs, you can see a president who is out of control, who is panicked and who is going to be taking irrational decisions to try and move the conversation away from the fact that everybody knows he’s guilty,” Steyer concluded.


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Leadership and mimicry: What the Greek-Roman biographer Plutarch knew about Theranos’ Elizabeth Holmes



Founder of the biotech company, Theranos, Elizabeth Holmes is currently awaiting trial for cheating investors and deceiving her clients. She claimed that her company was building a device that would revolutionize healthcare by running dozens of lab tests on a single drop of blood. This device, called the Edison, was to become widely available in a nation-wide chain of drug stores, providing nearly every American with quick, affordable access to important information about their health. Holmes appeared to be doing the impossible, and nearly everyone believed in her, from seasoned Silicon Valley entrepreneurs to wealthy investors to former Secretaries of State. By the time she was thirty she had accomplished another childhood dream: she had become a billionaire. But quick and easy blood testing, it turns out, really is impossible. While a legal decision about her behavior as CEO lies in the future, the verdict on her character appears to be in. Elizabeth Holmes is a fraud.

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‘Beyond barbaric’: Report shows reality inside overcrowded US detention center



A federal immigrant detention facility in El Paso, Texas is so unsanitary and overcrowded that migrants held by the Trump administration were forced to wear "soiled clothing for days or weeks" at a time and stand on toilets to find breathing space in their cells.

That's according to a not-yet-released report by the Department of Homeland Security's inspector general, which was obtained exclusively by CNN on Friday.

"The administration's continued treatment of immigrants is beyond barbaric—and shows exactly how racist and xenophobic Trump is."—Rep. Barbara Lee

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Japan’s Shinzo Abe to meet Iran’s Khamenei to mediate with US: report



Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will meet Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei later this month with Tokyo hoping to mediate between Washington and Tehran, a report said Sunday.

As tensions intensify between Iran and Japan's key ally the United States, Abe has reportedly proposed serving as a go-between and is said to be weighing up a state visit to Iran.

According to the Mainichi Shimbun report, Abe's planned meeting with influential Khamenei will be the first such talks between a Japanese premier and Tehran's supreme leader.

US President Donald Trump said last week he remained open to talks with Tehran during his state visit to Tokyo, appearing to have given the green light to Abe's plan.

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Donald Trump has obstructed justice, lied repeatedly to the American people and has been forced to shut down his charity after engaging in illegal activity. Democrats are debating impeachment. If Democrats fault Republicans for standing by as Trump disgraces the office, Democrats must stand up. Sign your name to tell Nancy Pelosi enough is enough.



House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) speaks during a press conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., November 30, 2017. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts