40 Kiwi anarchists headed for Calais!

Fresh from their victory in London in April, 40 Kiwi anarchists are headed for Calais, France. There — beneath the mask of ‘consensus’, where one person (possibly a Londoner named ‘John’), is accepted by some unwritten rules as The Secret Master — they will be sneakily and tricksily ordering about thousands in an attempt to destroy Western Civilization by way of conveying workers Third World scum across the borders of France into the UK.

According to one local Marxist theoretician, what is expected to give them a certain critical mass at the Noborder Camp is the presence of considerable numbers of anarchists from overseas, including a considerable number of black bloc anarchists from Europe — people from Sweden, Germany and England. These people are like football hooligans who travel the world looking for violence.

On top of that there is also expected to be a considerable number of anarchists from other galaxies.

“Because of the behaviour of these provocateurs the media and the law and order brigade are having a field day.

The left should offer no comfort to these crazies. We should do whatever we can to isolate them. They are wreckers. If they grow in numbers it will simply make it harder to build future protests and movements.”

Riot police descend on Calais as anarchists incite migrants to ‘tear down border controls and make for Britain’
Peter Allen
Daily Mail
June 16, 2009

Hundreds of armed riot police began arriving in Calais today as anarchists pledged to mobilise migrants to ‘tear down border controls and make for Britain’.

More than 2,000 protesters are expected in the northern French port for a week of action.

They want the illegal migrants sleeping rough in the area to be able to get over to the UK as quickly as possible, even if it means fighting the forces of law and order.

Local authorities are taking the situation so seriously that they have already drafted detachments of elite CRS riot control officers into the town…

Or: From 23th to 29th of June in Calais will be held a camp for freedom of movement for all and an end to borders and to all migration controls… In February groups from France and the UK including people involved in the UK NoBorders Network agreed in a meeting in Lille to organise [a] transnational Noborder Camp in Calais, France, which will be held from 23–29th of June 2009… [VIDEO].

See also : s0metim3s on Borders | A Perfect Day for the BNP : IWCA (June 13, 2009) | European Jobs For British Fascists (May 17, 2009) | Switzerland for the Swiss… (February 13, 2009) | British Workers Go Back to British Work (w/- BONUS! British Babes) (February 6, 2009) | Davos 2009 : Capitalism in Crisis (February 1, 2009) | “Australia for the Australians, China for the Chows” (January 27, 2008).

“The thing that attracts ordinary men to Socialism and makes them willing to risk their skins for it, the ‘mystique’ of Socialism, is the idea of equality; to the vast majority of people Socialism means a classless society, or it means nothing at all.” (George Orwell, Homage to Catalonia).

See also : A to Z in an Orwellian world, Dominic Cavendish, The Sydney Morning Herald, June 16, 2009 | Homage to Catalonia: You’ve read the book. Now see the film! (May 24, 2009).

Keep bangin’ on the wall
Keep bangin’ on the wall of Fortress Europe!

2022 — A new European order
Robot guards patrolling the border
Cybernetic dogs are getting closer and closer
Armoured cars and immigration officers
A burning village in Kosovo
You bombed it out now you’re telling us go home
Machine guns strut on the cliffs of Dover
Heads down people look out! we’re going over
Burnin’ up! Can we survive re-entry?
Past the mines and the cybernetic sentries
Safe European homes built on wars
You don’t like the effect, don’t produce the cause!
The chip is in your head not on my shoulder
Total control just around the corner
Open up the floodgates time’s nearly up
Keep banging on the wall of Fortress Europe!

Keep banging
Keep banging on the wall of Fortress Europe!

We got a right, to know the situation
We’re the children of globalisation
No borders only true connection
Light the fuse of the insurrection
This generation has no nation
Grass roots pressure the only solution
We’re sitting tight
‘Cos asylum is a right
Put an end to this confusion

Dis is a 21st century Exodus
Dis is a 21st century Exodus

Burnin’ up! Can we survive re-entry?
Past the landmines and cybernetic sentries
Plane, train, car, ferry boat or bus
The future is bleeding coming back at us
The chip is in your head not on my shoulder
Total control around the corner
Open up the floodgates time’s nearly up
Keep banging on the wall of Fortress Europe!

Keep banging
Keep banging on the wall of Fortress Europe!

They got a right – listen not to de scaremonger
Who doesn’t run when they feel the hunger?
From where to what to when to here to there
People caught up in red tape nightmare
Break out of the detention centre
Cut the wires and tear up the voucher
People get ready it’s time to wake up
Tear down the walls of Fortress Europe!

Dis is a 21st century exodus
Dis is a 21st century exodus


About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2018 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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1 Response to 40 Kiwi anarchists headed for Calais!

  1. antifaa says:

    some crazy holidaying, if not that is bloody devotion to the cause, a couple thousand kms, wow.

    good luck boys.

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